Not sleeping well can affect people's mood too much.

  Lin Feng got up and washed, then stood in the corridor on the second floor, looking out at the situation outside his home.

  At the door of the home, there are many more corpses of fierce beasts and stone statues.

  In the home, Lin Feng also found some corpses. Judging from the wounds, they were killed by the shattering ground beast.

  At this time, the Earth-shattering beast is patrolling outside the home, hunting all the existences that dare to approach the home!

  Due to its hard fighting, the level of the Shattered Earth Armor has also broken through to level 22.

  "This night, the big lizard is fortunate."

  Lin Feng whispered.

  He came to the kitchen to cook.

  After a while, the pets also woke up one after another, walked out of their homes, and fought with the big lizards.

  The beasts around the home were cleaned up once again.

  When I got back, I just had breakfast.

  After breakfast.

  Lin Feng was going to lead the pets to clean up the beasts at a certain distance around the home.

  Then kill the dark mountain and continue to clean up the beasts.

  After that (Nuo Nuo Hao), you can start the psychic mining puppet to mine.


  When Lin Feng and his pets teamed up to go out, they found that there were no beasts nearby.

  After walking a thousand meters, only two or three fierce beasts were seen running away in panic.

  "This is not right. There were many beasts last night. In the morning, there were also some beasts who wanted to destroy their homes... Why did they suddenly disappear now?"

  Could it be that those beasts knew their plans and ran away ahead of time?

  quack quack!

  The monkey seemed to notice something, suddenly looked up at the dark mountain, and screamed a few times.

  It means that on the dark mountain, a large number of enemies are killed!

  Lin Feng immediately got the monkey's vision, and saw a black beast on the dark mountain. Led by a majestic, domineering and ferocious bovine beast, he rushed down!

  Lin Feng clearly felt that the beast that took the lead was extraordinary, powerful, and possessed a high prestige!

  "Could it be that Cologne said, one of the other three demon kings?".

Chapter 245

  On the dark mountain, a large number of fierce beasts are rushing down.

  The goal is undoubtedly Lin Feng's home!

  The leading beast looks fierce and powerful, extremely extraordinary.

  This made Lin Feng wonder if it was what Cologne said, one of the other three devils!

  Whether it is or not.

  The comers were not good, so Lin Feng could only fight and suppress the enemy.

  "Is this a group of beasts?"

  Lin Feng's face was solemn.

  The horror of the beast group is self-evident, this is the first time he has faced the beast group!

  Under normal circumstances, Lin Feng would definitely not confront the beasts head-on.

  But now, he has a geographical advantage.

  The level 4 home he owns is very strong, especially with leaderboard rewards and an increase in the effect of holy relics, increasing the firmness by 55%, making his home easy to defend and difficult to attack.

  And defense is easier than offense.

  All the pets on Lin Feng's side are in the best condition, and they can all participate in the battle.

  It can be said that this is the only battle so far that Lin Feng has faced in the best and most complete state.

  This gave Lin Feng the courage to face the beasts.

  However, proceed with caution!

  Lin Feng returned home.

  Music Meow, Snowflake Boy, and Treasure Mouse are all at the door of the house, because they also sensed the movement outside and looked over worriedly and curiously.

  After seeing the master's return, they were a little relieved.

  Lin Feng stopped at the gate of his home and said to all the pets: "Everyone is ready, there will be an unprecedented battle next!"


  The shattering ground beast suddenly roared excitedly!

  He likes fighting, he likes fighting, and he likes fighting more!


  The six-tailed demon fox said that he is ready and will swear to guard the master's side and protect the master comprehensively.

  quack quack!

  The arrogant monkey is a little cowardly on weekdays, because it is the first to clearly see the enemy.

  The number of enemies is a bit high, and none of them seem to be easy to mess with.

  Especially the big guy who took the lead, giving it the feeling that it doesn't have to be a lava beast.


  on the dark mountain.

  The Earth Demon King is leading his subordinates, rushing down the mountain, and the target is the ancient castle building!

  Yesterday, the flame demon king lava beast was killed!

  Although the relationship between the two is not very good, they are also one of the four demon kings. The perpetrator must not be left safe and must be severely punished.

  Today, it discovered that there is a huge ancient castle building outside the dark mountain.

  This makes the earth devil very (bcaa) unhappy.

  Anything, dare to take root near the dark mountain and provoke the authority of the four demon kings.

  Last time.

  The Canine tribe hurriedly went up the mountain, hunting beasts and gathering spiritual materials.

  That is, it led his subordinates to suppress all, and only one dog was killed, and this was deliberately put back to inform the dog, so that the dog could no longer behave disrespectful to the Dark Mountain, and pay tribute every year!


  The Earth Demon King also suspects that the murderer who killed the lava beast has something to do with this castle!

  Just after the lava beast died, this ancient castle came, and it was a coincidence!

  no matter what.

  Today, the Earth Demon King has decided to destroy the ancient castle and crush all the creatures inside!


  The Earth Demon King and his subordinates came to the foot of the mountain and saw the ancient castle.

  They were all curious.

  Why suddenly, such a magnificent castle appeared nearby?This build is really fast.


  At the entrance of the castle, Lin Feng stood with his pets, watching the ferocious beasts descending from the Dark Mountain.

  The darkness is overwhelming, the momentum is shocking, and the dust is raised in the sky.

  All the beasts within a radius of thousands of meters have long since disappeared without a trace.

  Lin Feng carefully observed the front, and golden words appeared.

  【Black Steel Bull】

  [Attribute: Earth, Beast]

  【Level: 18】

  [Qualification: Silver]

  [Skills: Steel Armor, Crash, Trample, Top Fly]

  [Status: Fighting Intent]

  [Weaknesses: long-range agility, flight system]

  [Description: This is a powerful black steel bull, covered in steel, without hair, strong defense, and extremely powerful, extremely explosive, the black steel horns on the head are amazingly lethal, and under full charge, it can burst out Terrifying power, even a creature several times its size can knock it down.In addition, most of the black steel cattle act in groups, and almost everyone who sees them has to detour. 】


  【Magic Cow Beast】

  [Attribute: Earth, Beast]

  【Level: 25】

  [Qualification: Diamond]

  [Skills: Earthquake Step, Demon Bull Top, Iron Body, Demonization, Giant Hammer Attack, Smashing Strike]

  [Status: Anger]

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