And he, Monkey and Xiaohuo are very agile and can keep a safe distance!

  The demon beast is furious...  

  The two control skills of ice and vine make it a little uncomfortable.Otherwise, if it is close to the enemy, one hammer will smash them all into meat sauce!

  at this time.

  A number of black steel cattle attacked and surrounded their homes.

  There are many younger brothers, this is the advantage of the Demon Bull beast!

  Some black steel cows came to help the demonic beast, and some black steel cows directly attacked Lin Feng's home to smash it into ruins.


  A black steel bull slammed into the solid fence, knocking out a pit.

  Lin Feng's wall is difficult to resist such a powerful beast, not to mention the black steel bull's collision is indeed powerful!


  Lin Feng also had two guards.

  The three-headed stone face statue and the evil moon stone statue are evolutionary pets with strong strength.

  Especially the Evil Moon Stone Statue, which is very powerful after evolution, [Gaze Petrification] and [Gaze Hypnosis] have become a group attack, and all of a dozen nearby black steel cows will be affected all at once!

  The three stone-faced statues kept spitting out sharp stone cones, attacking the black steel bull!

  "Miaomiao, go over there and sing and beg for mercy, maybe these silly big guys think it sounds good and will let you go."

  Lin Feng stimulated the music meow and made her feel bad, so that the [singing] skill could have a negative impact.

  Meow meow meow!

  Music Meow grimaced, grabbed his tail and began to sing.

  Some of the black steel bulls that had just rushed up suddenly felt a pain in their head and fell directly.

  There are also some black steel cows who are furious and angry, and directly attack their companions on the side.

  Music Meow's [singing] skill is also a magic skill to control the field at critical times, which can affect many enemies!

  There are also monkeys, who threw a [Gold Stone Flash] in the other direction, blinding the eyes of many black steel bulls, causing them to fall off the turtle's back.

  this moment!

  Lin Feng and the pets worked together.

  The earth army led by the demonic beast was also resisted!

  This is Lin Feng's current pet team, which is really powerful!

  However, the current situation is only temporary. Music Meow's skills cannot last for too long, and it will end in a few minutes!

  The three-headed stone face statue and the evil moon stone statue are very afraid of aggressive close combat, and they are also dangerous when they are found by the black steel bull.

  There is also the monkey's [Gold Stone Flash], which consumes a lot of energy and cannot be used multiple times, which will affect the strength of the monkey.

  Lin Feng needs to kill the Demon Bull Beast as soon as possible!

  Killing such a prestige leader as the Warcraft Beast can greatly affect the Black Steel cattle herd, morale plummets or even collapses, and the crisis will be resolved naturally.

  After solving the Earth Demon King, Lin Feng will be able to go to the Dark Mountain, search for treasures and treasure chests in its territory. .

Chapter 248


  Xiaohuo's six tails burned with purple flames, constantly slapping the demon beast, and confronting the opponent's fist and metal giant hammer!

  At the same time, it spewed fireballs from its mouth, smashing at the Demonic Bull Beast.

  The evolved Xiaohuo has a very ferocious continuous output ability.

  The Demon Cow Beast was stuck close to the Shattered Earth Armor Beast and the Ice Crystal Monster, and it was a little too weak to deal with Xiao Huo's attack.

  After all, there are only two hands, at most a pair of horns.

  Xiaohuo has six tails and can breathe fireballs from his mouth.

  The Demon Cow Beast expected its subordinates to play a role, but it was also restricted by Lin Feng's other pets one by one.

  This makes the Demon Bull beast very annoyed!

  He is the Demon King of the Dark Mountains and the Earth, and he has a powerful Earth Army under his command.

  All along, the attack is invincible and the battle is invincible.

  Now, there is no way a human being can be beaten all the time!

  How can it swallow this breath!

  The Demon Cow Beast activates the powerful skill [Evilization]!

  This skill will make it lose its mind and fall into madness!

  But it will also greatly increase its strength, defense, speed, and vitality. Afterwards, it will lose its origin and fall into weakness for a long time. It is a skill that can greatly increase combat power but also cost a lot!

  I saw the eyes of the Demon Bull beast completely plunged into darkness, lost its reason, and only left madness and killing!

  It's whole body has soared, and its muscles have expanded a little bit, and it looks like it has grown a lot bigger!


  It shattered the ice on its legs, easily tore off the vines on its body, slapped the ice crystal monster with a slap, and smashed the shattered earth armor with a hammer!

  Then dashed towards Lin Feng.

  Although it lost its mind, it still remembered its goal.

  Xiaohuo's expression changed, standing in front of Lin Feng, and activated the skill [Demon Cremation].

  This is also a skill that can greatly improve combat power and has certain side effects!

  After the [Demon Cremation], Xiao Huo's whole body was burning with raging purple flames, and her body was disappearing and she couldn't see clearly.

  If you look at it from a distance, the small fire seems to have turned into a purple-red demon fire!

  【Flame Rush】!

  【Fire Fairy Tail】!

  Xiaohuo activated three skills at the same time, turned into a group of gorgeous purple-red demon fire, leaped out, and bloomed violently in mid-air.

  In the demon fire, six flame tails burst out, and suddenly slammed into the demon beast!

  This is Xiaohuo's strongest blow so far!


  The Demon Cow Beast was blasted five or six meters away and fell to the ground.

  Its body was charred black, and the purple flame spread rapidly, burning up and down the whole body of the Demon Cow Beast!

  But the Demon Cow Beast got up and charged again!

  After all, it is a level 25 beast, and Xiaohuo is 5 levels worse than it, and the Warcraft Beast also uses the boosting skills!

  This time, the Demon Cow Beast did not continue to kill Lin Feng, but to the small fire that severely injured it, and it wanted to destroy this group of demon fire!

  After Xiaohuo's evolution, his strength has indeed increased greatly.

  But fighting alone, it is not the opponent of the Demon Cow Beast. Once it is approached by the Demon Cow Beast, it is even more dangerous.

  You can only use your own advantages, keep your distance, and output remotely.

  At this time.

  Lin Feng also launched an attack, he summoned the [Epic Earth Epee] and killed the Demon Cow Beast.

  The Demon Cow Beast gave Lin Feng a disdainful look.

  With the fragile physique of human beings, he can crush and kill with a single blow!

  "Little fire, spirit pattern state!"

  Lin Feng shouted.

  He also wanted to see the effect of the spirit pattern state under the condition of 100 loyalty!


  The purple-red demonic fire immediately flew towards Lin Feng and merged into Lin Feng's body.

  A seductive six-tailed fox pattern appeared on Lin Feng's chest.

  At the same time, Lin Feng obtained all the attributes of the six-tailed demon fox, and gained an additional 50% increase. In addition, he could perfectly use all the skills of the six-tailed demon fox!

  Not only that, but a purple-red light pattern was released from the veins of the six-tailed fox, covering all parts of Lin Feng's body.

  Lin Feng's hands were covered with a layer of fuchsia fox fire claw special effects!

  Around his body, there were purple fire patterns floating around.

  His pupils also turned into vertical pupils of the demon fox.

  On his head, two flaming ears grew, and behind him, there were six purple-red flames, like six flaming tails.

  Lin Feng's appearance changed greatly.

  "Is this the exclusive display effect for 100 loyalty?"

  Lin Feng immediately got the monkey's vision, observed himself, and felt that he was so handsome at the moment!

  It's like a character who looks like a character in the game suddenly got a skin that pulls the wind!

  If Lin Feng is considered skin.

  That should be a fox costume!

  Lin Feng didn't have time to be narcissistic, the Demon Bull beast was coming.


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