But in other respects, Warcraft is indeed very strong and even better.

  Lin Feng imagined that if the Demon Bull Beast and the Fossil Turtle fight alone, as long as the Demon Bull Beast doesn't foolishly resist the Fossil Turtle's attack, then it will still win.

  "It's a new pet."

  Lin Feng returned a message.

  On the other hand, Chi Yuwei was surprised again. Lin Feng has conquered a new pet with high qualifications and high level?

  Why did she try to subdue those pets, almost all of them failed, and she also failed to use the contract scroll twice, which made her a little annoyed.

  "But it doesn't matter, soon I will be able to gather the spirit crystals and buy the second evolution blueprint. At that time, my pet will probably be the first to undergo the second evolution, and it will definitely surpass the fossil turtle and Warcraft!"

· · Flowers 0 0

  Chi Yuwei is very confident about this, and can't wait to see this day.

  She didn't know that Lin Feng had already had two pets that had evolved twice.

  And even if it was a pet that evolved twice, the first place in the combat power rankings was also snatched by the Demon Cow Beast.

  at the same time.

  The other god-level figures at the top of the rankings also deeply felt the horror of the first place in the single pet combat power rankings.

  They have been trying to catch up, but they never seem to get closer and see no hope of surpassing the first place!


  The battle is over, now comes the aftermath.

  Lin Feng first asked Snowflake Boy to treat the fossil turtle first.

  The monster's trump card knocked a large stone on the fossil turtle's leg, and the fossil turtle is very painful now.

  In the battle that followed, there were also many black steel cows that kept hitting the fossil turtle, causing a lot of damage to it.

  After a little treatment.

  Lin Feng let the fossil turtle return to the ground, and his home returned to the ground.


  Snowflake begins to treat other pets' injuries.

  Lin Feng started home repair work.

  During this battle, the walls of the home were severely damaged, and there were only some small damages to the old castle. Lin Feng spent some materials to repair them all.

  The Demon Cow Beast also woke up and sat outside his home with a displeased look on his face.

  It's very weak now, and it didn't want to try the torture just now, so it didn't do anything.

  Next to the Demonic Bull beast, there are more than forty black steel cows.

  Lin Feng, who had finished repairing his home, walked over to the body of a black steel cow and decomposed the body.

  [System Reminder: Black Steel Beef +60]

  [System Reminder: Black Steel Ox Blood +3]

  [System reminder: black steel cowhide +1]

  [System Reminder: Black Steel Cow Bone +2]

  [System Reminder: Black Steel Horns +1]

  Lin Feng took a look. The materials of the black steel beef have no special effects, but the black steel beef seems to be delicious.

  Then decided, eat a beef meal.

  In fact, Lin Feng and the pets had just eaten breakfast, but the battle was almost exhausted and he was hungry.


  Beef dinner is ready.

  Lin Feng and his pets ate it in big mouthfuls, and it tasted great.

  And outside the door.

  The Demon Bull Beast's face was ashen.

  This human being is so daring to actually eat beef in front of him!

  In the past, as long as it saw any creature eating beef, it would definitely smash the opponent into meat sauce, but this time, the Demon Cow Beast did not dare to move.

  In this battle, the Demon Cow Beast also tried his best, and now he is very hungry.

  It smelled the smell of meat wafting from the yard.

  Not to mention, it's really fragrant, almost drooling.

  The Demon Cow Beast frowned, and he actually felt that the beef was fragrant. Damn it, how could this be?

  It wiped off the saliva immediately, and it would be very embarrassing if it was seen by his subordinates.zero.

Chapter 252

  Lin Feng deliberately did not give the Demon Cow Beast to eat.

  Now that it has been decided to use violent means to control the subjugation, then follow through to the end, there is no need to be too good to it.

  He wants to make the Demon Bull beast indelible fear of himself, dare not betray, and obey.

  In this case, it is no different from receiving a highly loyal pet.

  after eating.

  Lin Feng and the pets came out.

  The Demon Cow Beast glanced, Lin Feng and the other pets had full stomachs and satisfied and happy smiles on their faces, which made it annoyed.

  "From now on, your name will be Bull Demon!"

  Lin Feng said to Warcraft, he felt that it was easy to say.


  The Demon Cow Beast doesn't like this name, and thinks it's better to call it Demon Cow. Why is it called Niu Demon?


  Suddenly, Lin Feng smashed a fireball, hitting the head of the Warcraft Beast, and the purple flames burned.

  Lin Feng's fireball is only [-]% of the power of Xiaohuo, and it has little lethality.

  "Now that I am your master, as a pet, I have to look like a pet and obey the master's orders!"

  Lin Feng said coldly.

  The Demon Cow Beast gritted its teeth, but did not dare to show it, for fear that Lin Feng would attack again.

  The other pets were also surprised when they saw this scene.

  The owner who is so gentle and kind, has such a cruel and domineering side when dealing with disobedient pets.

  Fortunately, they are very obedient, and they will never make their owners unhappy like Warcraft.

  [System Reminder: Your pet Crazy Vine Snake is in awe of its owner, loyalty +2]

  Crazy Vine Snake, who had just joined it, was frightened a lot, and even increased his loyalty because of it.

  It is also possible that it is particularly afraid of fire, afraid that Lin Feng will hit it with a fireball.

  "Bull Demon, take us to your lair!"

  Lin Feng ordered.

  The Bull Demon reluctantly got up and led the way.

  Those black steel bulls are getting ready to follow.

  "Let your men stand by in place, guard the castle, and clean up the nearby beasts!"

  Lin Fengdao.


  The Demon Cow Beast did as he was told and ordered to go down.

  Lin Feng found that with these black steel cattle, his home was much safer.

  Whoever dares to commit a crime will face the impact of the black steel cattle and beasts, and there are really not many fierce beasts that can withstand it.

  Moreover, the prestige of the Dark Mountain Earth Corps is still very deterrent.

  thought here.

  Lin Feng dug out 11 geotechnical blasters to prevent the group of stupid cows from stepping on and blowing up when they were running around.

  After that, Lin Feng set foot on the dark mountain again.

  This time, he brought both the treasure mouse and the psionic mining puppet.

  Along the way, there were hardly any beasts encountered.

  Rather, all the beasts encountered were scared away.

  The one who walks in the front is the earth demon king of the dark mountain, the beast on the dark mountain, except for a few other demon kings, who would dare to provoke it?

  And what makes them even more terrifying is that.

  In the morning, the army of the Demon King of the Earth who had come down the mountain in a mighty manner, was only one Demon Cow Beast who came back at the moment, and there were scars all over his body, and he looked seriously injured and weak.

  If you don't look carefully, they don't even realize that this is the Demon King of the Earth, and they almost rushed up without knowing it!

  All the beasts who witnessed this scene shuddered and were extremely frightened!

  The Fire Lord died yesterday!

  Today, the Earth Demon King has also been defeated by this human being, and it seems that he has become a slave of this human being!

  This is so scary, so scary!

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