Don't get too hung up on this.

  Lin Feng opened the properties panel of the ice crystal monster to check the evolution route.


  In contrast, it can be clearly found that evolutionary blueprints require less evolutionary resources.


  The second evolutionary route requires an extremely cold land, which is relatively easier to find than a land of ice and snow.

  But after the evolution, it is the [Ice Giant Spirit Monster]!

  Lin Feng thought about it for a while, let's evolve into [Ice Crystal Snow Girl].

  The big deal is to travel long distances and find a place of ice and snow for the ice crystal monster to evolve into [Ice Crystal Snow Maiden]!


  Lin Feng opened the golden treasure chest again.

  [System Reminder: Gold Nugget +10]

  [System reminder: Jade +7]

  [System reminder: Zijin +5]

  [System reminder: Jade essence +5]

  [System Reminder: Fire Spirit Crystal +5]

  [System reminder: Earth Spirit Crystal +5]

  [System Reminder: Water Spirit Crystal +5]

  [System Reminder: Dark Spirit Crystal +3]

  [System Reminder: Black Earth Elephant Evolution Drawing +1]

  [System reminder: low-level contract scroll +2]

  [System Reminder: Level 4 Homeland Upgrade Drawing +1]

  [System Reminder: Epic Spirit Grass Pasture Manufacturing Drawing +1]

  Golden treasure chest, a lot of various materials, then an evolution blueprint, and two low-level contract scrolls.

  Lin Feng still has 1 low-level contract scroll left, and now there are 3 in total.

  The contract scrolls of other beastmasters are completely insufficient, and once they appear in the trading market, they will be madly robbed.

  Lin Feng still has as many as 3 cards left.

  "Another level 4 homestead blueprint..."

  Lin Feng had already issued one before.

  He also owed Lushan a level 4 homestead blueprint.

  At that time, it was mainly after getting the jade essence, and I couldn't wait to make Xiaohuo go for the second evolution, so I forgot.

  But it's fine. Next, Lin Feng has to let Lu Shan go out to acquire the evolutionary resources of the ice crystal monster.

  Lin Feng looked at the last epic-quality blueprint!

  Under normal circumstances, the probability of opening epic-quality blueprints from the golden treasure chest is not high. It may be that Lin Feng's luck value is high.

  [System reminder: Do you want to learn the Epic Spirit Grass Pasture manufacturing blueprint? 】


  Shi 997's poem drawings turned into a ray of light and entered Lin Feng's body.

  Lin Feng opened the manufacturing page and found the manufacturing drawing to view the details.

  【史诗的灵草牧场:木材2133/200、年木86/60、草0/1万、玉精5/30、水灵晶 /50、木灵晶82/50、土灵晶6/50、光灵晶13/15】

  The production materials are very simple, wood, old wood, grass, and then add jade essence and other spiritual crystals.

  [Epic Spirit Grass Ranch: You can create a super-large pasture. The spirit grass in it grows fast and tastes delicious. It can speed up growth and level up. It can also make herbivorous pets become dependent and increase loyalty. Provides a daily diet for 200 herbivorous pets. 】

  "I'll wipe, this epic manufacturing blueprint is good!"

  Lin Feng's eyes suddenly lit up and he said in surprise.

  When he went up the mountain, he was thinking, how to deal with the food with so many black steel cattle.

  Although black steel cattle can eat meat, they can also eat plants.

  Lin Feng wanted to feed all the meat he couldn't finish to the fossil turtle to promote its growth and level up, so there was no extra meat.

  Although plants are common, due to the large number of black steel cattle, it is estimated that all the plants around the home will be eaten up soon, and Lin Feng is not worried about letting these guys go too far, and they may not return once they are gone.

  Now, this epic spirit grass pasture manufacturing blueprint perfectly solves Lin Feng's problem. .

Chapter 254

  The epic spirit grass pasture, Lin Feng must be created, it can well support the black steel cattle herd.

  After all, there are 48 powerful beasts, a very powerful force, and Lin Feng did not want to lose it easily.

  And the materials needed for the epic spirit grass pasture are also very simple.

  Wood, year wood, grass, jade essence, plus some spirit crystals.

  When the wood and old trees are satisfied with the forest wind, the grass is easier to get.

  The only problem is the jade essence and the earth spirit crystal, which are still a lot worse.

  There are only 2 light crystals missing, but it is easy to get.

  Lin Feng closed the manufacturing interface and came to the defensive spring.

  This is diluted low-level defensive spring water, or the bath water of Warcraft Beast. Lin Feng will definitely not drink it. Even if he gets it on the trading area, the price will not be too high.

  But it's more than a lot, and you can still make a lot of money.

  Open the friend interface, find Chi Yuwei, Lin Feng said: "Make me 20 more large crystal bottles and 50 small crystal bottles!"

  After a while, Chi Yuwei saw the news and was very shocked to send a message to ask: "Boss, won't you discover the mysterious spring again?"

  The last time, Lin Feng asked her to make a crystal bottle. Later, Lin Feng listed a lot of low-level power springs in the trading area, shocking many beastmasters and attracting people to rush to buy it.


  Lin Fengdao.

  Chi Yuwei, who got the answer, couldn't calm down and was very jealous.

  Lin Feng's luck is also very good, right?

  I discovered so many power springs last time, and this time I discovered other springs. Could it be that he is the son of luck?

  "The price of the crystal bottle is paid for with the special spring water you found, how about it?"

  Chi Yuwei sent a message.

  "No problem, I'll give you 10 bottles!"

  Taking into account the production of so many crystal bottles, Lin Feng said so.

  "it is good!"

  Chi Yuwei did not expect Lin Feng to be so generous, and immediately agreed, as if afraid that Lin Feng would go back on it.

  10 bottles of spring water with special power, no matter what attributes are improved, she will earn it.

  Soon, 70 crystal bottles were made, and Chi Yuwei gave them to Lin Feng directly.

  After getting the crystal bottle, Lin Feng immediately filled 50 small crystal bottles.

  10 bottles for Chi Yuwei.

  The remaining 40 bottles will be listed in the trading area.

  【Seller: Lin Feng】

  [Item: Diluted low-level defensive spring water]

  [Requirement: 2 random spirit crystals]

  【Inventory: 40】

  [Seller's message: The diluted low-level defense spring water can be used by any creature to increase its strength. Taking two bottles in a row can achieve the eighth-success effect of a complete bottle of low-level defense spring water.Also note that after purchasing and using, please return the crystal bottle. 】

  Undoubtedly, when the low-level defense spring was placed on the trading area, it caused a violent sensation again!

  "Fuck! 40 bottles of low-level defensive spring water ''!"

  "My god, what kind of luck is Lin Shen? Some time ago, the low-level strength spring water was listed continuously, and now I have taken out 40 bottles of low-level defense spring water at once!"

  "I'm so sour, why can't I come across such an opportunity?"

  "It's not fair, it's so unfair, God please give me a big chance too!"

  "Huh? It doesn't seem to be pure defensive spring water, it's diluted, and the effect is much worse!"

  "Although the effect is poor, the price is also low. As long as two or two spirit crystals are needed, Lin Shen is suddenly so conscientious, which makes me a little uncomfortable."

  "If it is a complete low-level defensive spring water, I would not buy several bottles. This diluted spring water has poor effect and low price. It is just enough for all my pets to drink a bottle to improve their defense. I also want to drink one. bottle."


  [System Reminder: The transaction of diluted low-level defense spring water is completed, Earth Spirit Crystal +2]

  [System reminder: The transaction of diluted low-level defensive spring water is completed, and the water crystal is +2]


  The cheaper the item, the better the sales.

  Because cheap means more people can afford it.

  Expensive things are destined to be affordable to only a few people.

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