"Brother, please support me, I can send you anything you want to see..."

  After a little thought, Lin Feng understood that the picture he sent to Chi Yuwei was probably exposed.

  He doesn't care about that.

  He didn't reply to any of these private messages.

  Delay your own meal.

  After eating and drinking.

  Lin Feng opened the production page again and scrolled down a few times.

  【优秀的力量戒指制造图纸:铜块 /10、铁块894/10、银块13/4、土灵晶2/2】

  This is the drawing obtained earlier.

  At that time, due to material limitations, Lin Feng only made one ring, which he wore on his right hand to increase the strength of his right hand.

  Now he has enough material to make another one.

  "One hand is strong, and the other is weak. It always feels weird. You still have to balance it left and right."

  [System Reminder: Copper Nugget -10, Iron Nugget -10, Silver Nugget -4, Earth Spirit Crystal -2]

  [System Reminder: Excellent Power Rings Made Successfully]

  A second power ring appears.

  Wearing it on the left hand, a strange energy surged out, flowing in the entire left arm, increasing the power.

  Lin Feng's strength increased again.

  After practicing the psionic dagger for a while, Lin Feng went to bed.

  I originally planned to make an excellent pet nest for the little squirrel, but the little squirrel also wanted to sleep on the bed, so let her sleep.

  Just as Lin Feng was lying on the big soft bed, his whole body suddenly relaxed, and he soon fell asleep.

  Twelve o'clock at night.

  The system's voice resounded in the minds of every beastmaster.

  [System reminder: The three-day protection period ends].

Chapter 45

  [System reminder: The three-day protection period ends]

  When the system's prompt sounded, the night owls who had not slept at this point were all startled and their faces instantly solemn.

  Some who were already asleep were also awakened!

  World chat channel, boiling.

  "The protection period is over, and there are still beasts lingering outside my house, what should I do?"

  "God! Who will save me, my wooden house has been cracked under the impact of the beast!"

  "Outside my house, there is not only one beast, but several. If they attack, I will just lie down and forget about it."

  "Made, labor and capital are going to fight it!"

  "Everyone, listen to me, put torches or stoves outside the wooden house. The flames can deter the beasts at night! I have made four stoves and placed them around the wooden house. No beasts are near, and the test is effective!"

  "Yes, yes, yes, torches!"

  "Thank you for the idea, boss."

  "I cried, I took all the wood to buy Lin Feng's meat today, and now there are only 4 pieces of wood left, and it's only enough to burn 2 pieces of wood in the fire."

  "Please ask for wood, and ask the boss to reward you with some wood!"


  This night was destined to be a sleepless night for the beastmasters.

  It is destined that many people's wooden houses will be trampled down and eaten by fierce beasts.

  But there are exceptions.

  Lin Feng slept soundly and dreamed sweet dreams, and was not woken up by the sound of the system prompt.

  There was not a single beast near his house.

  the next day.

  Sunlight came in through the window.

  After a while, Lin Feng slowly woke up.

  "I slept so well last night!"

  After stretching, Lin Feng was refreshed and full of energy.

  Habitually open the world chat channel to see the situation.

  "Hahaha, I survived."

  "Hey, I fought the beast for an hour and finally killed it, and my pet has been upgraded!"

  "It's very dangerous, the wood is all used up, and I need to prepare more wood today."

  "What's the point of logging, it's better to hunt down beasts and exchange their meat for wood!"

  "I wiped, and before I knew it, the wood near me seemed to have been chopped down by me."

  "Who has healing medicine? I'm injured and my arm is still bleeding."


  Lin Feng watched the World Chat Channel and suddenly remembered that the three-day protection period had passed.

  Last night, the homes of many beastmasters were attacked by fierce beasts, and fierce battles took place. It was an extraordinary day.

  As a result, he went straight to sleep.

  Take a look at the regional chat channel.

  After these three days, the original 1000 people were reduced to 668 people.

  Those who disappeared are naturally dead.

  But those who can survive these three days have also mastered some skills and have a certain strength, and the mortality rate should not be so high in the future.

  Take another look at the trading area.

  Many of the meats I put on the shelves yesterday were sold, and I also bought three of my excellent copper axes.

  "The price of wood has risen, and some people directly exchange meat for wood..."

  Lin Feng glanced at his wood.


  When others are short of wood, Lin Feng's wood has been piled up in the yard.

  This is the resources he has acquired by hunting down beasts these days.

  A piece of meat 30 wood!

  Now the price of wood, 10 units can be exchanged for a piece of meat, has tripled!

  Although the price of meat has dropped, Lin Feng doesn't care anymore. He has already made more money than anyone else, and he can't use up the most basic materials.

  Lin Feng opened the chat interface.

  My friend Chi Yuwei is still alive, not dead.

  Lin Feng sent her a message: "If you already have Feng Lingjing in your hand, you can pay me first, and I will give you a bed whenever you collect 5 pieces."

  It didn't take long for Chi Yuwei to reply: "The spirit crystal is expensive, how can I trust you?"

  This is indeed a problem.

  In this world, even close friends can stab each other.

  Not to mention someone you've never met, and probably won't even meet in the future.

  "I can rent you a psionic weapon for 10 units of silver per day!"

  Lin Feng returned the message.

  Once you have the psionic wind crossbow, the psionic dagger is of little use.

  He is also a temporary idea, can rent weapons to others, charge a fee every day, can earn more benefits.


  Chi Yuwei thought about it and agreed.

  If Lin Feng took his own spirit crystal, he would turn his face and not recognize anyone.

  Then she can also swallow Lin Feng's psionic dagger.

  One more thing is.

  She had never seen a psionic weapon before and wanted to see it.

  Last night, Chi Yuwei was also very frightened and killed a beast, but she still felt unsafe and urgently needed to improve her strength.

  [System reminder: Wind Spirit Crystal +2]

  [System Reminder: Psionic Dagger -1]

  "There are actually two Wind Spirit Crystals!"

  Lin Feng looked at the two Wind Spirit Crystals in his hand, opened the [Manufacturing Page], and found the Wind Crossbow.

  【优秀的灵能疾风弩:铜块 /4,铁块879/8,银块9/6,土灵晶1/1,风灵晶3/3】

  Originally, Lin Feng was still short of 1 Earth Spirit Crystal, but last night I didn't know who had traded and gave him a piece.

  Materials are complete.

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