National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 176 The battle of ideas among the powerful, the trial has just begun

Tianjizi, the great elder of Tianji Sect, sighed, and suddenly everyone's eyes were focused on him.

"I don't know the rules yet. Are you a little too impatient?"

"Let's do this, fellow Taoist Blood Corpse." Tianjizi said, grabbing his white beard: "How about we take you to the ancient bronze palace and look at the rules first?"

Tianjizi's character is relatively mild, and he doesn't want things to get out of hand.

The blood corpse narrowed his eyes and said with a strange smile: "It's possible, but don't think about any tricks. The time you spend exploring the ancient bronze palace is enough for us old monsters who are desperate to kill us."

As soon as these words came out, the hearts of all the powerful people sank. They were comparable to the old monsters at the level of the leader of the great religion, and were sometimes more threatening than the leader of the great religion.

The sect leaders of various religions still want to save face and promote so-called fairness, but these old monsters who are about to die and are about to expire are really unscrupulous and don't take anyone seriously.

And if they really go crazy, the consequences will be extremely terrifying.

Chenzhou lowered his raised arm without leaving a trace. There was a God Refining Tower in his sleeve robe, and among it were the sons of geniuses from various factions participating in the competition.

In fact, just now he had the idea of ​​using this to threaten the blood corpse. After all, those Taoists, Holy Sons, Sequences, Saintesses, etc., were highly regarded by even the Great Sect Master, and they seemed to be more or less intimidating.

Even if his move was a violation of the world's disdain and crossed the bottom line, his opponent was unkind, so don't blame him for being unjust.

It's a pity that this kind of threat is useful to the sect leader, but it is really useless to the old monster.

"These old immortals go crazy and disown their relatives. Even the leader of their own sect cannot stop them. After all, they have dedicated their lives to the sect and shed their blood for the sect."

Chenzhou shook his head slightly and waved his sleeves with a headache, but did not stop Tianjizi's decision.

"Oh, what a pity." Xia Jiuyou actually had the intention of monopolizing the Ancient Bronze Palace with the Wangchen Sect, but who would have thought that the blood corpse would cause such a fuss.

The powerful men and blood corpses passed through the void corridor and returned to the real world.

"Is this the Ancient Bronze Palace?" Xia Jiuyou looked at the ancient and magnificent hall in front of him with bright eyes, "I have lived for more than two thousand years, and this is the first time I have seen such an ingenious building."

"Haha, it's really ridiculous. They are all legendary characters. A hundred years old is a fraction, a thousand years old is an integer, and they still look like little kids." The bloody corpse sneered.

"I'm so many times better than you, an old ghost who only dares to hide behind his back, half of his body buried in the ground." Xia Jiuyou had sharp teeth and a sharp mouth, showing no signs of weakness.

In terms of status alone, he is the Jiuyou King of the Great Xia Dynasty. He has a title of king, a respected status, and a prominent position. Few people dare to provoke him.

In fact, regardless of the matter of the Ancient Bronze Palace, even those old monsters did not want to have anything to do with this famous troublemaker, but things are different now.

"There is nothing near the Ancient Bronze Palace. It seems that the real opportunity can only be found inside the palace." Chen Zhou nodded slightly.

Yes, they did not find the remains of the ancient race that Su Fan saw. This is very intriguing. In such a short period of time, who could clean up Su Fan's traces and move the remains of the ancient race out? ?

"I'll go and explore the rules." Tianjizi volunteered, stepped forward and pressed his palms on the palace door.


Miraculous fluctuations came from the ancient palace door, and a sound like the sound of the great avenue sounded.

"It is stipulated that those who enter the Ancient Bronze Palace this time must not exceed the realm of treading the void, their cultivation age must not exceed fifty, and they must not use magic weapons that are two levels higher than themselves. Other than that, there are no other requirements."

"What?!" The blood corpse was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the rules this time were like this, with age requirements for realms. Isn't it tailor-made for the younger generation?

Unexpectedly, his plan was all in vain.

Not only the existence behind the blood corpse, but also all the powerful people felt a headache when the rules came out.

"Everyone!" Tianjizi said with a solemn look and earnest words: "For the opportunity to go to war, start a war between the supreme sects, and make countless practitioners die meaninglessly like animals, do you really want to see it? Such a thing?"

All the great masters were slightly silent. There were also people they cared about in the sect, but if things got serious, no practitioner would be immune to the disputes between the supreme sects.

"What a joke, Tianjizi, you old man has lived like a dog for so many years." The blood corpse sneered, completely dismissive of Tianjizi's theory.

Tianjizi's eyes flashed with a cold light as sharp as a knife. Although he was a good old man, it didn't mean that he would let the bloody corpse ridicule him unscrupulously.

After all, he is also powerful, how can he not be angry?

"Practitioners are like sailing against the current. If they don't advance, they will retreat. They have to fight against the sky, the earth, and people. Killing and plundering are the true meaning." The bloody corpse stood with his hands behind his back, staring at the powerful men with stern eyes.

"Today I robbed other people's resources, so I am stronger than others, and others are naturally weaker than me. Under the ebb and flow of others, I will always be stronger and faster than others. When I can suppress everything in the world, what will happen? Will care about others.”

The bloody corpse was full of pride, "I am an army by myself, and can be compared to a supreme sect. How can others dare to conflict with my sect?"

"I teach?" Chen Zhou keenly discovered the mantra subconsciously spoken by the blood corpse, "Blood God Sect!"

Apart from the Wangchen Sect, only the followers of the Blood God Sect would say this.

Good guy, this wave, this wave is a self-destructing truck.

"Huh, you think so." The bloody corpse showed no flaws and was extremely cunning. It was worthy of an old fox who had lived for many years. It was difficult to tell whether it was a mantra that was spoken intentionally or subconsciously.

After Tianjizi heard what the blood corpse said, he thought about it and instantly suppressed the anger in his heart.

"I'm not saying we won't fight, but there's no need to get angry and monopolize resources. In fact, we can use this celebration to let young people carry out small-scale battles on our behalf." Tianjizi said slowly, stroking his gray beard.

As soon as these words came out, the great masters including the Blood Corpse were stunned. The number of disciples among the eight supreme sects in the God Refining Tower was almost the same. There were even clan geniuses representing the Great Xia Dynasty, as well as those from the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters. It can be said to be very suitable.

"Then it's a deal." The powerful men and the blood corpse looked at each other and agreed to Tianjizi's idea.

Somewhere above the clouds, the immortal Taoist was busy cleaning up the corpses of the ancient race, "Huh, Master Huang will really cause trouble for me."

He gently left the ancient bronze palace and said with a wicked smile: "This greedy brat, the trial set by Master Huang has just begun."

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