"Students, now is a good time for the creation of the whole world, but you must remember not to decouple from the main world for a long time."

"With your experience, if you are trapped in the created world for a long time, it is easy to lose your feelings, and in serious cases, you will even degenerate yourself and become an indescribable creature."

"The levels of the creation god are divided into one to nine, nine levels, the first to third level creation god is collectively called the low-level creation god, the fourth to sixth level is called the star, moonlight, and dawning sun creation god, the seventh level is called the supreme, and the eighth level is called eternity."

"And the ninth level, there may have been other titles in the past, but since the human ancestor, the ninth level has only one title - human ancestor."

"During the period of the low-level Creator God, you did not have enough believers to anchor your existence, remember not to get caught up in the evolution of the world, and do not decouple from the main world for a long time."


After the class teacher said the precautions, each person was issued a special card [Terran Consciousness Link].

Yes, the Terran Consciousness Hall is a wonderful space produced by the fusion of the spiritual power of all Genesis Gods, the nature of its existence seems to be true and false, between real space and fantasy space, and it is the largest trading center in all the surrounding world clusters, and all Terrans can enter for free with the [Terran Consciousness Link] card after becoming a Creation God. Resources can be traded in the Hall of Consciousness, currency is generally faith value, and more rare resources are also traded by barter.

Other races, on the other hand, want to enter the Hall of Consciousness and trade, requiring their races to pay enough resources every hundred years.

After issuing the cards, the students began to leave the classroom one after another.

"Xu Ze, which college are you going to take in the college admission exam in three months," Ma Bao smiled and put his face together.

"That's of course the War College, rich in resources, many strong, and short," Xu Ze packed up his things and prepared to go home.

"It is worthy of being a top student to increase the potential, and directly put the target on the strongest college", Ma Bao envious: "My words are probably to find an upper-middle-level college." Along

the way, Xu Ze and Ma Bao chatted a lot.

Back home, Xu Ze directly loaded the [Terran Consciousness Link] into the Hall of Consciousness.

In an instant, Xu Ze felt that his consciousness had crossed the boundary of time and space, time seemed to become distorted, his senses were squeezed and stretched, and his body and mind seemed to be thrown into an unknown dimension. The scene flashed quickly, like electric stone fire, mysterious and dazzling, beyond the shackles of the world.

With a flash of white light in front of him, Xu Ze realized that the hall had arrived.


A creature resembling an elf in front of him.

"Hello newcomer, I am the newcomer tour guide elf Ye Chief, I am happy to serve you, let's set a code name for myself."

"Hello Chief Ye, please call me - Pangu, I need to trade cards, where to go."

"Hello Pangu, card trading is recommended to go to the Ten Thousand Families Trading Hall, where various colleges and consortiums have trading offices, which can better compare prices. The route to the Wanzu Trading Hall is as follows.

Immediately, Xu Ze saw an arrow appear under his feet to guide the direction of progress.

It's a vast space with no boundaries in sight, surrounded by a variety of races, and one can marvel at how the multiverse is full of whimsy in creating creatures.


"Boy, you're blocking Uncle Ben's way."

Xu Ze turned his head when he heard this, but he didn't see anything, and he was wondering where the voice came from.

"Hey, you're blind, below."

Xu Ze lowered his head to see that this was a race similar to a standing bull terrier. He said to himself, "The multiverse is amazing.

"Boy, what are you talking about."

"That is to say, you are a bull terrier, standing still can hit my laughing hole."

"Boy, what is a bull terrier."

"It's a master, you can attack people while standing still, and it's even more amazing when you move."

The bull terrier praised himself when he heard it, and although he felt a little wrong, he didn't care about it and turned away.

Xu Ze came to the Ten Thousand Races Trading Hall through the arrow, this is the largest building he has seen in his life, in his previous life, looking to the left is boundless, looking to the right is also boundless.

And the front entrance reads - No. 1980, the eastern entrance and exit of the Wanzu Trading Hall.

A few steps in and there was a huge virtual map, Xu Ze stepped forward to check the map, his head was faint for him, there were too many card trading shops of all kinds. For a while, he didn't know which trading shop to go to, but then Xu Ze saw the War College card store and wanted to go to see it first.

When he arrived at the War College Card Store, as soon as Xu Ze entered, a middle-aged Daoist wearing a Taoist robe immediately greeted him.

"Welcome to our store, please ask what you need."

Xu Ze looked at the middle-aged Daoist with a different face: "Sir is the owner of this shop."

"No, no, this shop was opened by the Poor Dao Father God, and the Father God ordered the Poor Dao and other senior brothers and sisters to look at the shop here," the Taoist saw Xu Ze's doubts and explained.

"That long, one day here, one year in home, vicissitudes of the sea, I don't know if Changke will miss home."

"Xie Xiaoyou cares, our world changes the personnel stationed here every hundred years, and it can be accepted for a hundred years."

"Oh, then dare to ask what realm the Dao Chief is now."

"Haha, poor road is not talented, empty years, more than 2,000 years of hard cultivation to the stage of convergence."

"Why the Taoist Elder is humble and has a life expectancy of 5,000 years, and if the Dao Elder advances to Mahayana in the future, he can enjoy a 10,000-year life, and the Immortal Dao may not be able to go further."

"Haha, borrow Xiaoyou's auspicious words, I wish the world created by Xiaoyou immortal."

"Dao Chief, I came this time to buy some resource cards for world development."

"No problem, little friend", a book appeared out of thin air with a wave of the middle-aged Daoist hand: "Little friend, all the cards in our store are recorded on this, Xiaoyou can choose slowly, just call me if you choose."

Xu Ze opened the book and found that it was high-tech, and the appearance of the book was an "ancient book version of the mobile phone case".

I thought he was a big white steamed bun, but I didn't expect it to be stuffed buns.

The first card to open is the star race of the Abyss Civilization Cluster next door.

[Race Card (Succubus): Increase Racial Succubus in the After Use] - 20,000 faith points

, looking at this seductive picture, Xu Ze was unmoved, ah, prevented.

Through the search, Xu Ze's goal is clear, the flood desolation realm has a hundredfold time acceleration, and the 510 square kilometers of land will soon be unable to bear the rapid increase in population. Xu Ze only wants terrain cards and long-term income cards.

With this goal in mind, Xu Ze soon found several cards that matched.

[Resource Card (Reiki): Increase the special resource Reiki in the world after use, and the concentration of Reiki is low (up to support the cultivation of cultivators in the foundation building period)] - 10,000 faith

points [Resource card (mine): increase the base ore in the world after use] - 300 faith points [Terrain card (Fertile Plain): 100 square kilometers of fertile plains in the world after use] - 2,000 faith points


Terrain card (basic): After using the world, add random base terrain] - a little faith value per square kilometer

seems to increase the potential of the race, such as the price of resources such as Reiki is relatively high, in the case of terrain, depending on whether the terrain is fertile, resource cards and other basic ones are cheaper. Like the basic terrain, there is not much market demand, after all, as long as you join an academy now, how much land is needed in the plane war, mainly depends on how many resources are on the land.

After shallow calculation, I finally bought

[Resource Card (Reiki)]*1 [Resource Card (Mine)]*1 [

Terrain Card (Basic)] The final remaining faith value of 5,000 square kilometers

was 102,500 faith points after deducting two days of hundredfold time acceleration.

After purchasing, Xu Ze exited the hall of consciousness and returned home.

"System, start 10 consecutive entries"

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