National Creation: I created a weird world

Chapter 1 Welcome to the strange world

A woman dressed in white who looked like a teacher looked down at the boys and girls who were waiting to create their own world.

"After nine years of creation teaching, today you will create your own world."

"Of course there are hierarchical distinctions in the world."

A very beautiful girl raised her hand: "Teacher! What kind of world is the S-class world?"

The teacher smiled slightly: "There has never been an S-level plane in our world of spirits."

"I'm afraid only a world where you can cultivate immortals can be rated S-level."

"In the Canglan plane next door, there is a genius girl who has awakened to the world of S-level fighting spirit.

"Different worlds have different original powers"

"It has the origin of cultivating immortals, the origin of martial arts, and the origin of fighting spirit."

"Of course, these are extremely rare and powerful, and those that can be awakened can be rated as S-level."

"The next level ones include magic origin, high martial arts origin, etc."

"It would be great if I could create a world of fighting spirit."

"Tch, I still think the martial arts world is the most powerful."

Chu Huai, who was sitting in the corner, was trembling slightly with excitement.

He turned out to be just a dead nerd obsessed with the second dimension.

Play a creation game called Big Thousand Worlds.

After waking up, I found that I was in this place where everyone can create their own world.

This is because everyone is the Creator God, and his request is very simple.

As long as he creates a world where beauties can be born, he can realize his dream.

Just kidding, I have a dream to become an immortal.

What he hopes most is to awaken a world of immortality.

As a time traveler, this requirement is not difficult, right?

The awakening rate is about 10%, and the world with potential development among these 10% is probably less than 3%.

The rest is either a depleted world or a world with no potential for development.

For example, the world of the Stone Age, such a world has no development potential.

The beautiful girl who just asked the question patted Chu Huai who was standing aside.

"Achu, what are you doing? We are in a daze. The teacher asked us to go to the creation of the world."

Chu Huai looked at this beautiful girl named Qin Mei, who was about seventeen or eighteen years old.

Qin Mei is the child of someone else's neighbor, Chu Huai, the original owner of the body.

It can be said that the two grew up together. The relationship is very good.

It's a pity that this Chu Huai was very unlucky and died somehow.

His body was taken away from him, so in the end he could only call him brother.

You can go in peace, I will take care of your wife and you don't have to worry about it.

Chu Huai smiled slightly at Qin Mei.

"Let's go..."

Qin Mei patted her plump breasts and laughed.

"It's okay, I'm also covering you."

Chu Huai has long been accustomed to this beautiful girl's carelessness.

Soon more than fifty people in the class had arrived in the huge awakening room.

The inside is very huge and white, giving people a sci-fi and fantasy feel.

At this time, there were already many people from other classes inside who were creating the world.

Some people were wailing, while others were cheering. It was obvious that a satisfying world had awakened.

As for those who are wailing, it is probably because the creation of the world failed, or the world created is very rubbish and they are not satisfied...

After half an hour of waiting, it was soon the turn of Chu Huai and his class.

"Class 16 of the All Souls Plane enters the awakening room to prepare for awakening"

Chu Huai looked at Qin Mei who was standing aside and saw her clenching her fists.

His expression at this moment was not as relaxed as it seemed on the surface.

In the original earth world, one test determined one's life.

And this world is a created world whose level determines your social status in your future life.

If creation fails, we can only become ordinary people and live a life of three points and one line for the rest of our lives.

On the contrary, if you create a world, even an E-class world with no development potential, it will be a leap of faith.

Live a life that is countless times better than that of ordinary people in this world.

After all, you are a god in your own world!

Chu Huai stood in front of the light pillar in the awakening room, with various mysterious runes suspended above it.

A loud voice sounded: "Students, please close your eyes and meditate on creation."

"Those who cannot create their own world within half an hour are judged to have failed."

“Please students, please do your best and don’t be too wild and unrestrained.”

Time passes bit by bit.

Chu Huai saw a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. Countless ghosts were plundering and escaping from him. Countless huge transparent ghost claws seemed to tear him apart.

Chu Huai watched as red blood continued to pour out of his body. He would die if it continued flowing like this.

He tried to struggle but couldn't move.

Ghosts were crying, wolves were howling, a miserable red blood moon hung in the sky, the wind was cold, and there were no living creatures around except ghosts and shadows wailing.

"Jie Jie Jie"

"Jie Jie Jie"

"Kill you!"

Calm down! Calm down! You must stay calm, this is my world.

I am the God here!

No matter how much fear they have, they cannot fight against their incomprehensible god!

Chu Huai suddenly turned around, and a pale-faced woman wearing a bloody wedding dress appeared in front of Chu Huai.

Her eyes were deep and full of resentment, and her head was covered with torn gray gauze.

She raised her pale arm and waved the bloody wedding dress. There was a scalpel in her hand and she stabbed Chu Huai in the chest.

Chu Huai suddenly remembered something!

The bloody bride!

He was a horror novelist before he traveled through time.

The Bride in Blood is a miserable character in his works.

Born in a state of uncontrolled resentment, killing indiscriminately.

In the setting, he wants to resolve the resentment of the Blood-Clothed Bride.

There can only be one boy who has infinite love for her.

Although Chu Huai can suppress it in a thought.

But he still hugged the Blood-Clothed Bride in his arms without hesitation and kissed her bloodless lips.

The Blood-Clothed Bride stared at him with wide eyes!

With a "puff".

It exploded and turned into a ball of blood mist and disappeared. Chu Huai also fell to the ground.

When he came to his senses, he found himself in a dead, desolate, and lifeless world.

The night fog came, and the cold wind slowly came in the midsummer night, and there were no stars under the sad red hazy moonlight.

The sky was dyed the color of blood by the blood moon, and it was boundless.


Strange sounds kept coming from a distance!

A black figure slowly walked out of the hazy night fog.

Under the tattered linen was a hunched figure, with a constant "hehehe" sound coming from his mouth.


Chu Huai saw clearly that the person coming was an old man with a ghostly smile.

His face was a little distorted with a smile, and his skin was as rough as tree bark.

His shriveled hands supported a cane made of leg bones, and a pair of eyes stared at Chu Huai with a faint light.

He said slowly in a hoarse voice: "Welcome to the weird world"

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