National Creation: I created a weird world

Chapter 73 The Sound of Crying

"At that time we were planning to find a room to stay in and see the situation before taking action."

"But a scalp-numbing siren sounded in the sky."

"The whole Silent Hill goes dark"

"Countless ghosts of all kinds wake up in the darkness"

"A few of us have long been exhausted trying to escape for our lives."

"Wondering if it would be safer to hide in the room"

"Suddenly I met a strange man in a hotel wearing a chemical protective suit and a chemical protective mask."

"We ran all the way up and fled to this corridor."

"I was so anxious that I rushed in without seeing these monster nurses inside."

"The situation was too critical at that time. I only saw a dozen figures shaking."

"When I saw clearly, Xue Li and Yuan Yong were already lying in a pool of blood."

"I escaped by running slower."

"I met you later"

"These monster nurses should be unable to see and rely on sound to identify foreign objects."

"As long as we don't make any noise, there will be no problem."

Several people looked at each other.

They looked at the nurses in front of them with very ferocious faces.

His face was covered with various pus-producing tumors, and his eyes had long been squeezed out by the tumors.

"Perhaps Meng Fei is right, these monster nurses move by sound!"

"We take off our shoes and walk lightly"

Lu Qian held a flashlight.

Everyone followed her and moved forward slowly, not daring to make any sound.

But right now.

These monster nurses began to twist their bodies and look at them!

And he seemed to be walking toward them with a confused expression, twisting his body.

Several people didn't make any sound at all, and even held their breath.

But these nurses seemed to sense the presence of several people.

Several people showed frightened doubts and wanted to turn around and run away.

But when the four of them looked back...

The original walkway has disappeared! There is absolutely no way out.

The surrounding environment has also become a small morgue,

Various carts for hauling corpses were placed casually aside.

The monster nurse was already less than one meter away from several people.

They twisted their bodies and made a "sizzling" sound from their joints.

Meng Fei beside him couldn't bear it, so he ran away.

The frequent footsteps instantly attracted the surrounding monster nurses.

Their movements became rapid, waving the sharp knives in their hands and rushing towards Meng Fei.

In his desperation, Meng Fei accidentally stepped on the corpse and fell to the ground.

A nurse's sharp scalpel stabbed directly into his abdomen, creating a huge wound.

Blood surged wildly.

He picked up the iron tray beside him and threw all the medicines and antiseptics that came to his door on the ground.

Use pallets for defense.

"Tear, tear, tear!"

His body had been stabbed dozens of times.

The steel pipe in the hand of one of the monster nurses pierced directly into his head.

Blood splattered all over the fair skin of these nurses' sexy bodies.

It gives people a bloody and violent beauty.

The movements of these nurses also stopped after Meng Fei died.

Although Lu Qian and the others wanted to save him, there was nothing they could do.

Because there were several monster nurses staring at them.

No matter where the three of them go, these nurses will follow them slowly.

His head kept twisting, as if he was exploring their actual location.

Even though they didn't make any sound, why were these monster nurses still staring at them?

Lu Qian racked her brains, wondering if there were other factors besides the sound that attracted them.

odor? Or light! She suddenly looked at the flashlight in her hand.

Lu Qian tried to shine the flashlight on the corpse nearby!

Sure enough, these nurses seemed to sense something and slowly followed the light and approached the corpse nearby.

One of the nurses raised the steel pipe in his hand and stabbed the corpse on the head.

The three people saw that this was really effective, and they also revealed a long-lost surprise.

They placed their flashlights on the ground.

Using only the residual light of the flashlight, I walked between the nurses in the dim corridor.

Lu Qian smelled the smell of bloody antiseptic on the nurse who was close at hand.

Some couldn't help retching and could only move forward holding their noses with their hands.

"Crack!" Suddenly she found herself stepping on an iron can on the ground.

These monster nurses reacted instantly,

The sharp knife in his hand slashed directly towards her neck.

Lu Qian's neck was almost chopped against the blade.

"Pfft!" She looked back,

The nurse who attacked her cut the throat of another nurse behind her with a sharp knife.

Bright red blood spilled all over the floor.

The monster nurse whose throat was cut also reacted and attacked forward.

Stab the other nurse through the chest.

In an instant, the monster nurses around them started to panic because of the movement they made.

They began to wave the weapons in their hands and attack randomly to kill each other.

Their sharp knives with cold gleams were constantly waving in the narrow corridor.

"Huhuhu" the whistling sound of the blade cutting through the air. Gives a tingling feeling on the scalp.

Lan Yan couldn't avoid it and a blood mark was drawn on her arm before she rushed over.

Qian Hao was the first to reach the other side.

Lu Qian was the last one to rush over after dodging several dangerous attacks.

Looking at the monster nurses in the back, they are still killing each other.

These are completely mindless monsters.

It can only rely on external information to carry out instinctive attacks without distinguishing between friend and foe.

After leaving the dark corridor,

They finally found the room beginning with 1 at a corner.

The three of them searched for the end of 101, 102, 103, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, and 112.

"There is no room 111 at all!" Qian Hao said doubtfully.

Because Lan Yan's arm was cut, it was simply bandaged with a strip of cloth.

His face looked a little pale: "I've searched here too, but I haven't found room 111."

Several people saw a huge oil painting in the center of the end.

The oil painting probably shows a female pagan being crucified and burned.

Qian Hao said while flipping through the scriptures in his hand.

"The ancestors of this town were witch hunters."

"They thought they could dispel the darkness by burning those witches to death."

"Preventing the apocalypse"

Lu Qian walked up to the huge oil painting and took out a crayon drawing.

The style above is similar to the oil painting in front of you.

Maybe it was painted by the same person.

Is he/she trying to imply something? She raised her hand and touched the oil painting on the wall.

I found that the back was empty!

With one force, the oil painting was pierced, and there was a passage behind it.

Lan Yan and Qian Hao also stepped forward to help tear apart the oil painting.

Sure enough, I found room 111 at the end of the corridor.

Several people walked over cautiously and looked at each other.

They opened the door and saw a room that had been completely burned by fire.

It still smelled like burning.

The messy room was quiet and depressing, with nothing else inside.

Several people found a big hole in the wall on one side.

There is also a big hole in the room opposite.

The two rooms are separated by a one-meter wide and bottomless cliff.

If you want to cross, you must cross this meter-wide cliff.

Several people did not hesitate.

Looking at the bottomless abyss below, I jumped over it.

What comes into view is a huge abandoned factory.

Qian Hao looked at the large space around him, which contained machines that were completely destroyed by the fire.

There was also a burning smell in the air.

There is even the stench of burned human bodies.

At this moment, a girl's cry came from not far away!

"It's Alessa's cry!"

The three of them looked at each other and walked in the direction of the sound.

But there is a huge collapse hole in the center of the factory.

If you want to find the past, you can only cross the huge cave of the abyss.

There was only a rickety iron bridge ahead.

This iron bridge seems to give people a feeling that it will collapse at any time.

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