Chapter 122 The Fall of the Demon Emperor

General Nanhe laughed and said to himself there.

“This early morning, there is a person to die, so let’s get rid of it first!”

“For this war, first get a good start.”

So General Nanhe went straight to the oncoming Demon Emperor and flew out.

The demon emperor saw General Nanhe coming straight to him without saying a word. He just shot it and started fighting. In his heart, he always looked down on Human Race. He didn’t think Human Race was so powerful.

General Nanhe also fought directly, and the two quickly got together. The Demon Emperor originally thought he was very powerful, and wanted to make a quick battle and come here to stand up.

And General Nanhe also wanted to kill it as soon as possible, lest it would be difficult to handle it if the other two demon emperors arrived, and they were incompetent by themselves.

When the two of them met, it was a battle of life and death, and both of them were very vicious and tricky.

After a while, the demon emperor on the opposite side not only secretly regretted it.

The Flying Demon Emperor really didn’t lie, this human race was really terrifying, and it seemed that he couldn’t really beat him with his own ability.

But now he has come to the challenge alone with the team, and now there is no way to regret it. Now he just wants to drag it, and the other two monster emperors come to support.

General Nanhe had already seen the thoughts in his heart, and from the momentum, General Nanhe gradually gained the upper hand.

The demon emperor became more flustered, he didn’t want to be the first demon emperor to die in the war between the human race and the demon race.

Although the idea is beautiful, it is a pity that the truth is cruel. It is now entangled by General Nanhe and cannot escape.

The more anxious he was, the more flaws he had. General Nanhe seized the opportunity and attacked him fiercely.

This demon emperor had no choice but to desperately explode his full strength, only hoping that the other two demon emperors would arrive early.

But the Flying Demon Emperor and the other demon emperor did not rush over in a hurry.

On the way, they met resistance from the human race, so the two sides began to collide on a small scale.

And these two demon emperors were not in a hurry to move on, just slowly behind.

The pace of the attack was very slow, and the resistance of the human race was very tenacious.

The Flying Demon Emperor said to another demon emperor worriedly.

“Aren’t we going to have a look? That human race is terrible.”

“In case he died in battle here, how do we explain to Lord Demon God?”

The other demon emperor said with a smile.

Brother Feitian, don’t worry, even if that stupid died here, I will report to Lord Demon God.

“It was he who did not obey the transfer and went to the base camp of the human race alone, so that his death has nothing to do with us.”

“And if he really died in battle, then its territory”

The demon emperor didn’t say anything, but Feitian already understood what he meant, and not only laughed knowingly.

So these two demon emperors commanded the demon tribe army to continue to attack the human race domain.

Regarding the life and death of that demon emperor, neither of them asked. The army of the demon race was very slow to attack, and the human race continued to send reinforcements to fight against it.

During this period, many demon emperors participated in the battle, and the human race also had masters fighting with them.

Looking at the performance of the Human Race, the Flying Demon Emperor not only frowned, but said to the Demon Emperor beside him.

“The last time my little brother played against these human races, they weren’t so good yet. I didn’t expect to grow up to this way in a short period of time, 々.”

Hearing Feitian say this, the demon emper next to him couldn’t help but frowned and asked.

“Didn’t their human race do their best last time? Or did they hide their strength?”

Feitian Demon Emperor shook his head and said.

“The last time the human race attacked the territory of Silver Moon Howl Sirius, the strength was average.”

“It’s just that they have a general named Nanhe, who is very powerful. I played against him, but I didn’t even beat him.”

This demon emperor was also serious now, but he didn’t expect that the strength of the human race was really strong!

Looks like this errand is not a beautiful job?

The two demon emperors did not expect the human base camp to rescue that demon emperor, and only let him fend for himself.

The demon emperor who fought with General Nanhe was waiting for the arrival of the other two demon emperors, but unfortunately, he waited and waited and didn’t see a figure.

General Nanhe could see the demon emperor’s thoughts from his expression.

Now the monsters are like this, this is also an opportunity for the rise of the human race.

Gurna watched the battle in the sky and did not join in.

This demon emperor is not an opponent of General Nanhe, and death will happen sooner or later.

So according to the previous discussions, Gurna and the leader of the strongman tribe, as well as Li Haonan and other elites began to rush to the front.

A large-scale war began. Soon, Guerna led the human warriors to join the frontline war.

Hundreds of millions of human races and monster races are competing for life and death on this plain.

Humans or monsters die in battle at all times. This is the cruelty of war. There is no right or wrong, only life and death.

Regarding the joining of Guerna and others, the two monster emperors on the opposite side also saw it.

But the high-level combat power of the two sides did not take action, but sent some demon emperors to fight.

Li Haonan looked at the situation on the opposite side. He looked at Gurner again and said.

“There are two demon emperors here, should we be able to stop them together?”

Gurna looked at the two monster emperors opposite and said.

“As the two monster emperors on the opposite side, it should not be possible to make a quick move. As long as General Nanhe can quickly resolve the enemy, our chances of winning this war will increase.

The leader of the strongman tribe also nodded. He very much agrees with Gulner’s statement.

Now everything has to wait for General Nanhe to quickly resolve the enemy and come here.

At this time, General Nanhe and the demon emperor were fighting hard to separate, and wounds had appeared on the demon emperor’s body.

In fact, this Demon Emperor wanted to escape very much, but it was a pity that he was entangled in General Nanhe and couldn’t get out. He didn’t have the wings of the Flying Demon Emperor.

Like the Flying Demon Emperor, there are not many demon emperors who can fly quickly among the demon race.

Many demon emperors are power-type, just like fighting with General Nanhe now.

General Nanhe used a knife and drill to be vicious, leaving wounds on the opponent’s body continuously.

The demon emperor’s aura became weaker and weaker, and he secretly regretted at this moment in his heart, hating himself for being reckless, and also hated the other two demon emperors for not coming to support him.

, He also thought in his heart that if he escaped the catastrophe this time, he would have to find Lord Demon God to talk about it after he returned.

It’s a pity that he didn’t have this opportunity. General Nanhe would not give him this opportunity either. General Nanhe needs to use its head to strengthen the confidence of the human race and combat the faith of the monster race.

Thanks to the duel between the two of them in the sky, otherwise the city would be shattered by their aftermath.

This demon emperor is getting weaker and weaker, and now he can only support it hard, and there are few chances to fight back, but General Nanhe is fighting more and more fiercely.

Finally General Nanhe seized the opportunity to chop off one of the demon emperor’s legs.

With a scream, the demon emperor quickly turned over and hid, with a fatal stab in the head.

General Nanhe felt a pity, he only chopped off one of his legs, but he didn’t even cut him to death.

I saw that the broken leg of the demon emperor quickly grew a good leg.

Unexpectedly, this demon emperor had the ability to regenerate with severed limbs, and it seemed that his body should also have the ability to regenerate with severed limbs. I just don’t know if his life is gone, he will be resurrected.

General Nanhe continued to work hard, thunder and lightning all over the mountains attacked this demon emperor.

Now this demon emperor can only defend passively, and the defensive cover on his body is constantly being shattered by the spells of General Nanhe.

If no one comes to rescue him, the death of this demon emperor has become a foregone conclusion.

Finally, under the fierce attack of General Nanhe, the protective shield of this demon emperor finally shattered.

He didn’t wait for the arrival of the other two monster emperors, and he fell.

General Nanhe cut off the demon emperor’s head, carried it in his hand, and stored its demon pill.

General Nanhe hurried to the front line. He is also very worried about the battle on the front line.

When he saw from a distance, the leaders of the strongman tribe were still standing there, and they didn’t start a melee, so he immediately relieved.

Look at the two monster emperors on the opposite side, besides being conceited, they still have other careful thoughts.

When General Nanhe appeared on the battlefield carrying the head of the demon emperor, the below was suddenly quiet.

Immediately after the human race burst out loud laughter.

Ha ha ha ha

That is the demon emperor! It used to be a human being who was aloof and cannot be looked up to, but now it died in the hands of General Nanhe.

The Demon Emperor looked at the Flying Demon Emperor and said.

“々, is this the human race? He is really strong. You and I may not even be able to beat him.”

The Flying Demon Emperor was silent, and said.

“The last time he played against him, he was not so good. I didn’t expect him to grow so fast in a short period of time.”

“Regardless of this, the two of us will meet him first!”

The other demon emperor nodded and agreed, so the two of them flew towards General Nanhe.

General Nanhe didn’t talk nonsense, and immediately fought with the two of them. Li Haonan and the leader of the strongman tribe and Gurna immediately flew out to support General Nanhe.

The monster race saw that the high-level combat power of the other races had been dispatched, and immediately many demon emperors also joined the high-level combat power.

Suddenly there was a great (good Zhao Hao) chaos in the sky and underground, and the human race and the monster race on the ground also launched a life-and-death battle.

The demon kings also joined the battle. It can be said that this was an unreserved collision, and the decisive battle between the demon race and the human race began.

The result of today’s battle will have a great impact on the future. If the human race wins, then the human race will gain a firm foothold in this monster world.

And if the monster tribe wins, then the human tribe will be hunted everywhere as before. Today’s battle is of great significance.

General Nanhe fought with the demon emperor, while the flying demon emperor was stopped by Li Haonan and the leader of the strongman tribe and Gurna.

Although it was three to one, the Flying Demon Emperor was at the level of the Demon Emperor after all, and Li Haonan and others were only at the level of the Demon Emperor.

These two battle circles are very eye-catching. The Demon Emperor is indeed powerful, and he fought with General Nanhe, and he couldn’t tell the outcome for a while.

But the leader of the strongman tribe and others besieged the Flying Demon Emperor. The Flying Demon Emperor was so fast that the three of them could only protect themselves. It was impossible to kill him.

The two battle circles in the sky tended to balance temporarily, now only the human race on the ground, the result of the battle with the monster race is gone.

The traversers were responsible for dealing with the demon emperor, and the rest fought against those demon tribes, and the war was going on very tragically.

With hundreds of millions of human races and monster races together, the battle scene is very big.

Throughout the vast land, there were screams of wars, screams, and roars of animals, and the separation of life and death was staged at every moment.

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