Chapter 130 Morale boost

Does this matter mean anything to him? After thinking of this, he really wanted to ask the other party clearly.

But he knew that his ability was not the opponent’s opponent at all, so he never wanted to make such trouble again.

At this time Lingbao Tianzun spoke again.

“I know that you have worked very hard on this matter, but you will definitely not work hard this time after listening to me.

“Three Eight Zero”

Because after the boss had gone out, they stood still not knowing what to do next.

So they waited for the boss’s instructions.

In this way, Lingbao Tianzun immediately disappeared.

After seeing this scene, Guerna next to him spoke.

“Who is this guy? Why do you blame them back and forth?”

And this time the other party spoke.

“You must not talk nonsense here, I tell you in case you say something wrong,

When the other party is embarrassed, he will definitely come and clean up you. If you don’t believe it, you can try it. ”

After hearing what the other party said, they didn’t know what to say for a while.

Because they look savvy at this moment, but they are really embarrassed and they are being beaten every day by this incident.

At this time, the woman’s impartiality did the second time for a man, and then the man said very angrily.

“It turns out that you are one of Qing Xiaohu…, what is the reason for you to come in and serve him, um, yes.

After seeing this scene, the people next to him were very envious of him

We can really compete with them, not to mention that it is really speechless.

Why do you want to say this? That’s because the other party sees sweet ones and starts.

After seeing this scene, they were a little speechless, so what am I doing?

Why was it possible to put people inside, and then Li Haonan came back from the outside, seeing everything here was actually a bit unbelievable, and he hadn’t told him yet.

And Li Haonan is also a knowledgeable person.

He knew that they had done their best for all these things, and he didn’t blame them.

So he couldn’t help but laugh after thinking about this.

“Don’t worry, how could I blame you? Because I know that you have done your best and you are not sneaking and raping, so I will never blame you. Don’t worry.”

General Nanhe Gurna and the others don’t mention how happy they are.

At this moment Li Haonan spoke.

“Then think about it, since he has escaped, where can this demon god go?

We have taken down their headquarters, but these four demon gods have left. Think about where he is most likely to go?”

After Li Haonan asked this sentence, everyone was silent, because they didn’t understand each other at all, and it took a lot of effort to find their home.

However, after being taken down by a few of them, they found that they didn’t know where to hide for a while, and fortunately, after thinking of this, he didn’t mention how depressed he was.

At this time, General Nanhe was eager to talk about it.

“If he didn’t guess wrong, he must have found someone to help himself.”

Don’t mention how unexpected he was after he got here, but it wouldn’t work if he didn’t say anything.

At this moment, the general spoke.

“If they didn’t guess wrong, they must have gone to a place with a better relationship this time.”

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