Chapter 32 Slaying the World and Calamity (1 more! Seeking flowers and evaluation!)

In front of the gate of heaven.

As soon as Yang Xuan appeared, everyone clearly saw his face.

Although, it stands to reason that the distance is so far away.

Besides, Yang Xuan’s figure is a normal human size.

So everyone even looks up.

But without the aid of technological equipment, it shouldn’t be visible.

But Yang Xuan is not an ordinary person.

Under his intentional influence.

People on the blue star can easily see him.

At this moment.

Yang Xuan is wearing a god robe with a pale golden god pattern on a white background.

A long flowing hair fell like a milky way.

Especially, in his eyes, there seemed to be the sun, moon, stars, and everything in the universe.

In his hand, he also held a book with a black background and a gold edge.

This book.

At first glance it looks very ordinary.

But if you look closely, you will find that it exudes an extremely heavy breath.

The whole book seems to record the mystery of the world and the truth of the universe.

There are some people whose spiritual power has been greatly improved after the gate of heaven was opened just now and the shackles of idealism were broken.

When those people saw the book in Yang Xuan’s hand again.

Also clearly saw four mysterious words.

That’s not the font they knew.

Even if I saw it in the last second, I would forget those four words and how to write it in the next second.

But when Yang Xuan didn’t hide it.

Those who have sublimated their spiritual power, at this time, at least know the meaning of the four mysterious words.

The book of truth!

That is the book of truth, a book transformed by the truth of all things in the world.

It is also the first artifact created by Yang Xuan’s omniscience and omnipotence.

“Anyone who believes in us can be blessed by me!”

“Anyone who slanders us will be judged by God!”

“After seven days, disasters will come!”

“Anyone who believes in us, chanting my obey, can be saved!”

Yang Xuan stood in front of the gate of heaven.

Looking at all the sentient beings below.

After he said a word, he turned and walked into his own kingdom of God.

Create the kingdom of God.

Blow open the gate of heaven.

Construct idealism.

Book of Condensed Truth.

These are extremely exhausting Yang Xuan’s mind.

Although he has a God template, he has a power that ordinary people can’t imagine.

But the mind will still be consumed.

He felt very tired now.

It’s just that people in this world can’t see it at all.

after all.

In this world, he has not yet reached the full level of omniscience and omnipotence.


With Yang Xuan returning to the kingdom of God.

The huge gate of heaven was quickly closed.

The projection of the kingdom of God in the sky also disappeared without a trace.

The daylight transformed by the golden light also gradually dissipated.

The sky returned to the night.

If it weren’t for everyone to have witnessed this incident.

If it weren’t for those believers, the body had obviously improved greatly.

I’m afraid all the people on the blue star will think they have a dream.

“God is gone!”

“It just disappeared, I haven’t got the favor of God!”

“I also want to enter the kingdom of God, but this should not be the most important thing now!”

“If I remember correctly, God just said that there will be natural disasters in seven days?”

“Could it be because there are too many sins in the world, and does God want to destroy the world and be born again?”

“No! It’s definitely not like that!”

“God said that by chanting his honorable name, you can get his blessing.”

“In other words, the calamity was not initiated by God, but something else!”

“But, what else can we have here that affects the entire Blue Star disaster? Could it be those strangers?”

The people on the Blue Star took out their smart devices one by one and began to discuss it on the Internet.

Just when everyone was talking about this matter.

A video appeared on the Internet.

The source of the video is clearly marked with Umbrella Biotechnology Co., Ltd.


Content on the video.

It is a group of top talents who were forced to be taken to a spaceship with a sense of science fiction.

That spacecraft is carrying the top artificial intelligence brain ‘Xihe’.

At the same time, there are many technologies on this spacecraft that people can’t understand.

Because those are alien technologies.

The spacecraft was launched three hours ago.

When the content of the video was played here, suddenly the screen flashed.

In the video, the angle of view is rapidly enlarged.

From the spacecraft to the base where the spacecraft is located.

Then to the city where the base is located.

The country where the city is located.

The region where the country is located.

The entire blue star, the entire solar system, the entire Tianhe system.

Finally, the angle of view was zoomed in quickly, until it fell on a starry sky.

There are thousands of warships floating there.

Their image means that this is not an ordinary fleet.

That is the Star Wars Fleet! *

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