Chapter 49 Ghost disaster in the East Capital, the death of the small island nation (6 more! Seeking flowers, comments)

Yi Yun finished listening to what Yang Xuan said.

After looking at the sword of the ‘Doomsday Judgment’ that was sealed in his soul.

Yi Yun knew what terrible things had happened to him.

“I traveled to other worlds and became a newborn baby.”

“My body is sealed with a powerful artifact.”

“If you want to use this artifact, you need resonance!”

“Although I don’t quite understand what kind of resonance is.”

“But one thing is certain, that is to spread the faith and get resonance.”

“Sure enough, I became arrogant in the end.”

“I thought I could convince God to make me a sword in his hand.”

“As a result, I still overestimated my value.”

“And my current state is the punishment after overestimating myself.”

Yi Yun smiled wryly in his heart.

“Xiaoyun don’t worry, you will grow up quickly.”

“Our elves are not the same as humans. We were born from the world tree.”

“Our elves are only women.”

“And we will quickly grow to the size of a human being sixteen years old in sixteen days.”

“Next is a long life. After a thousand years, we will still look like human beings at sixteen.”

The beautiful girls of the elves seem to know that Yiyun can understand them.

So they began to keep introducing relevant knowledge.

“By the way, I still remember that God gave me a task!”

“Kill a person, take an item!”

“But I am very weak now.”

“Sure enough, we still have to start preaching, preaching the glory of God, and let the elves become the most devout believers of God.”

Yi Yun’s brain began to calculate quickly again.

And as far away as the human kingdom, Wang Zheng, who just knew the approximate location of the elves.

At this time, I don’t know yet, there has been a change in the elves.

This change.

It will bring a heavy blow to him, as well as severe changes.


Blue star.

In the kingdom of God.


“Just send a person to another world.”

“There is still a world chat channel as a medium.”

“Furthermore, under the two levels of omniscience and omnipotence, plus all the power of faith is taken away.”

“This completes the journey of one person to other worlds.”

“It can be seen that it is very difficult to travel through the world.”

“So, how lucky it is to get a person who allows a whole world of creatures to travel to other worlds.”

“However, soon this luck will be mine.”

“Not to mention that I might get other mythological templates. As far as God templates are concerned, the more believers the better.”

“And since the world is a pluralistic existence.”

“Then it is natural to collect more worlds as much as possible to develop their own believers.”

“So the treasure of the God of Transcendence is a perfect match for my God personality.”

After Yang Xuan thought of this, his mind became very tired.

Relying on the two levels of omniscience and omnipotence, he forcibly broke through the world, and also locked the world where the god of transcendence was.

For him, it was a bit reluctant.


“Are you all right!”

At this time, Metatron’s caring voice passed over.

She also has first-class omniscience.

So when Yang Xuan just broke through the world and sent Yiyun away.

She clearly felt what a terrifying force it was.

Break the world barrier.

More than strength is needed.

When breaking through the world, you have to endure the backlash of the world.

The backlash of the world is the most terrifying thing.

“I’m fine!”

“I’m just a little tired.”

“You go to the blue star and continue to preside over the overall situation.”

After Yang Xuan finished speaking, he waved his hand and directly sent Metatron out of his kingdom of God.

Then, he completely closed the kingdom of God.

He needs to rest.


On the blue star.

The disappearance of Yiyun did not attract anyone’s attention.

She even thinks she is the hope of mankind.

After actually disappearing, it is not painful or itchy for humans.

Now everyone is secretly studying how to use sand to build the Ark of Doom.

No, not all places.

There is one exception.

That is, the eastern capital of the small island nation.

“Run! Run!”

“It’s raining every day, and ghouls can come out and hunt all day.”

“According to the Umbrella Company’s investigation report, the more malicious you accumulate, the more powerful ghouls you will attract.”

“And anyone killed by a ghoul will eventually become a ghoul.”

“In this way, there will be more and more enemies.”

“Our small island nation will soon be subjugated.”

Dongdu was completely plunged into chaos in this day’s time.

And in the highest place in the eastern capital.

It is also a landmark building of the entire Eastern Capital, on the top of the Eastern Capital Tower.

Song Sisi is changing. *

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