Chapter 53 The omniscient and omnipotent creator (4 more!)

The people of the Shuiyun tribe are a third-level civilization.

Even mastered the powerful technology of space transition.

However, in terms of the nature of the individual.

Although their physical fitness is much better than that of the people on earth.

But the strongest of the entire civilization.

It is only equivalent to Yang Xuan or Metatron’s holy light posture level.

As for the sacred posture on top.

It was impossible for the entire Shuiyun clan to do it.

The angelic posture is one level beyond the sacred posture.

It is the form that Metatron is now showing.

All the members of the Shuiyun clan were directly kneeled.

Their own battleship also has an energy guardian barrier.

But facing Metatron’s angelic posture, this defense is like paper.

And when Metatron appeared completely.

At least half of the Shuiyun clan in the battleship suffered heavy losses.

The key is.

They haven’t opened their eyes yet.

“A race rooted in water!”

“Very interesting family.”

“Now, I give you a choice!”

“The first is to become a believer of our Lord.”

“The second is to turn into light!”

Metatron, who showed the attitude of an angel, directly injected his will into the hearts of the Shuiyun tribe without opening his mouth.


“Above the King of Angels, is there a master?”

“How can this be!”

“Could it be that this is the secret of the Holy Light Civilization?”

The water vortex was very surprised.

However, he dared not speak out what was in his mind.

That is just when he was about to speak and tell his choice.

One of his men took the lead to speak.

“I choose faith!”

“From now on, your Lord will be my Lord.”

“I will be very religious.”

The Shuiyun clan spoke in a panic.

“My lord is a great existence that is longer than eternity!”

“It is also a more dazzling existence than the stars.”

“He is the Lord of all things and the father of all beings.”

“He is the all-knowing and all-powerful Creator!”

“He is God!”


When Metatron said the last two words.


This film has become a space of high-energy reaction zone because of the appearance of the angel’s posture, and it ushered in an even more terrifying will.

“All-knowing in the almighty being?”

“Isn’t that the creator of this universe?”

“Lord of all things, father of all beings, really dare to use such a title on a certain living body?”

After Suiwu listened to Metatron’s introduction, he suddenly had great doubts in his heart.


This suspicion only appeared for a second and then completely disappeared.

Because the will of God has come.

Yang Xuan, who lives in the kingdom of God, is resting.

Yu Mingming heard Metatron calling himself.

So, with the help of his two levels of omniscience, he wanted to perceive what happened on Metatron.

But what surprised him was.

Metatron was at a very far distance, and his two-level omniscience had no way to reach the edge of the Milky Way.

So Yang Xuan chose to come.

The coming of divine consciousness is a manifestation of the cooperation of omniscience and omnipotence.

With the help of the void energy around Metatron, with the authority of omniscience and omnipotence.

Fabricate a projection of oneself out of thin air.

But the personality of this projection is the same as the personality of Yang Xuan’s ontology.

“You can open your eyes.”

Yang Xuan’s voice also appeared directly on their hearts.

He is also very curious about aliens.

However, those Shuiyun people, the moment they saw Yang Xuan.

All showed a shocked look.

The water vortex was also dumbfounded.

Even Yang Xuan is the physical condition of human beings.

In terms of the aesthetics of the Shuiyun tribe, Yang Xuan is definitely a heresy and an outlier.

But when this person is not any other person.

It is not the native recognition of Blue Star, nor is it those who travel through.

But when Yang Xuan has the personality of God.

After seeing Yang Xuan, Water Vortex’s first thought was that there are such perfect creatures in the universe.

“It turns out that the final form of the creature is like this!”

“It turns out that this creature called the’humanoid’ is the most noble race in the universe!”

“It turns out that the civilization we want to annihilate is not a primitive civilization, but a celestial civilization.”

In an instant, the water vortex filled his brain with a lot of information.

In the end, he had only one thought.

“Shuiyun Clan, it’s over!”

The universe is a dark forest. When weak civilizations show their coordinates, they will naturally be cleaned up by more powerful advanced civilizations.

Only special civilizations will choose to establish order for some special purpose.

However, there are also some civilizations that would like fishing law enforcement.


After seeing Yang Xuan’s incarnation, Metatron directly knelt on one knee, showing his respect.

The water vortex of the Shuiyun clan, at this time also hurriedly learned that posture, and bowed down.

“It turns out to be an alien race.”

“A race with water at its core.”

“Each drop of water on their bodies is equivalent to a pill of elixir, which contains great vitality.”

“Such creatures are very interesting!”

Yang Xuan nodded to Metatron and held it up.

Random, the power of omniscience is released.

In just an instant, the Shuiyun clan was resolved.

Then, Yang Xuan’s heart moved, and the power of omnipotence was also used by him.


After a wave of space appeared.

An angel with twelve wings on its back appeared. *

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