Chapter 57 Global live broadcast·sibling survival (seeking flowers, evaluation!)

Metatron emerged from the void.

Song Sisi was not shocked.

Because she came to this place because she heard Metatron’s voice.

Ever since.

She just decided that the ghouls should go one by one.

After one shot.

In the middle, the siblings should be given time to rest.

When you do it, you can’t kill the opponent directly.

You must expose yourself first, and then start.

Song Sisi is not a fool.

After hearing such a request, it was natural to know that this brother and sister was actually the hope of saving sentient beings from fire and water.

“Song Sisi, do you think the person I let you guard is your brother or sister!”

After Metatron’s avatar came out, he asked a question.

About this question.

Metatron gave the answer naturally.

“Anyway, it must be my sister.”

“Your design should only deepen the despair of brothers and sisters a little bit.”

“Then let my sister witness the fall of her brother with her own eyes, so…no, it’s not like that.”

“It should be to let the older brother become a ghoul in front of the younger sister, and then let the younger sister go beyond her own limits to save her older brother and become the Holy Spirit.”

“After that, let my sister use the attitude of the Holy Spirit to forge the Ark of Doom!”

“Perhaps, the whole process will be broadcast live!”

“Am I right!”

Song Sisi’s tone was a little smug.

She stared at Metatron, hoping to see surprises and surprises in her eyes.

However, Song Sisi was disappointed.

Facing her expectation, Metatron just shook his head faintly.

“You guessed it partly, but only partly.”

“Besides, you guessed the most important point wrong.”

“The one who built the Ark of Doom shouldn’t be the younger sister, but the older brother.”

“His potential is above you.”

Metatron’s avatar disappeared after speaking here.

Only after she disappeared, Song Sisi was a little confused.

“It’s actually brother!”

“This brother is about to die!”

“I really didn’t expect that he would be the hope of the entire Blue Star!”

“However, it has nothing to do with me!”

“I have become a blood angel, and God’s favor!”

“The flood and the world can’t cause me any harm at all.”

“So, just treat it as a theater!”

“I want to see, that brother, in which way is better than me, can actually make Metatron, the king of angels, so important.”

Although Song Sisi became an angel-level existence.

But she is different from the angels created by Yang Xuan.

Angels created by Yang Xuan.

For example Metatron, such as Raphael.

Although they also have human hearts, they tend to be half-human and half-god.

Moreover, these two angels were created by Yang Xuan himself.

All are the divine nature contained in themselves, which is higher than human nature.

But Song Sisi was originally a human being.

Before she was just a little girl.

Even if he has become a blood angel, he has part of his divinity.

But in Song Sisi’s situation, human nature is far higher than divine nature.

Therefore, she values ​​the victory and defeat, and has a more thoughtful mind.

But because it is about the doomsday disaster, she will not violate Metatron’s requirements.

She will control her ghoul.


Umbrella company.

Sinoe is dealing with many things.

This former high-level umbrella is now the big boss of the umbrella company on the bright side.

At this time, he has become the spokesperson of Yang Xuan and Metatron in the world.

The umbrella company has now become Yang Xuan’s company.

Metatron will often come to the umbrella company to let Sinoe handle some things.


Just after Sino had just finished arranging people, leading a wave of fallacies.

Metatron, once again descended.

“Have seen the King of Angels!”

Sinoe is now the most devout believer.

He is like a different person.

Just like a brand new existence, there is no difference.

“Prepare a live broadcast that everyone can watch.”

“The breath of despair has accumulated enough.”

“In the next two days, we need hope!”

As soon as Metatron finished speaking, he sent a coordinate to Sinoe.

Then, Umbrella Company, a huge thing, started instantly.

Divine power, technology, the combination of the two powers.

In just a moment, a clear picture appeared in front of Sino.

This picture.

It is He Tian and He Mei brothers and sisters.

“These two boys!”

“Unexpectedly, they are actually people’s saviors.”

“Then, let all sentient beings come to see the Savior!”

“I really envy the two people, they have already gotten the places for the recommendation of the Lord’s Kingdom of God.”

“But it’s not absolute. Everything depends on whether they can withstand this final trial.”

“Trial of God!”

When Sinoe said this, it had completely turned into pure golden pupils.

A faint expectation also emerged.

Then he pressed a button.

Global live broadcast, brother and sister survive!

Turn it on! *

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