Chapter 75 Advanced! The all-knowing and all-powerful creator! (Subscribe!)


Wang Zheng was stunned, he had no idea what was going on.

I stayed here well.

No, it should be said that it is well hidden.

He is even about to return to his own world.

Suddenly, there was a powerful attack that fell from the sky.

The horror of this attack has surpassed his imagination.

That kind of powerful force is beyond his imagination.

It seems that the entire world will be destroyed by his blow.

“Damn it, why is this!”

“Who will help me, who will help me!”

“If this continues, I will die!”

With the sky above, when that huge ancient Buddha one finger appeared.

Wang Zheng already felt the threat of death.

A huge shadow enveloped him.

“I’m dying!”

At this moment, there was only one thought left in Wang Zheng’s mind.

But his thinking is also a little strange.

When he was dying, he thought of the elves who were chasing him.

“I haven’t played with the elves yet.

“Hateful, I still don’t know what the smell of elves is.”

“If I can, at least let me touch the elf and then die!”

Wang Zheng’s heart is extremely regretful.

But everything is too late.

Because at this moment, that huge finger was already pressed on the world.


Just a moment.

The attack has not yet entered the world.

It’s just the air pressure, and the pressure brought by the heavy force of the ancient Buddha’s finger.

Just put Wang Zheng’s area within a radius of thousands of miles.

All tangible things are reduced to nothingness.

Even with this cross-world blow, a lot of energy is consumed in the middle process.

But that is also the one finger of the ancient Buddha, the strongest attack method of the Nirvana Buddha.

If you continue to press down towards this world.

Then there is only one solution in this world.

It must be destruction.

However, just when Wang Zheng had been pointed by the ancient Buddha, the air pressure was directly evaporated.

Suddenly, there seemed to be a huge door with countless layers stacked on top of each other.

Suddenly it soared into the sky.

The huge door flew directly out of the world, seeming to want to leave.

But suddenly.

A dazzling golden light spread out from this huge ancient door which seemed to be overlapped by countless doors.

As soon as the golden light appeared, it directly fixed the gate of crossing that was about to disappear.

Then, Jin Guang directly condensed into a perfect “three-two-three” young figure with wings on his back.

The phantom of this young man is naturally Yang Xuan.

After Wang Zheng died and lost control of outsiders through the gate, this gave Yang Xuan a chance.

Although he is still due to his predecessor, he is now in a relationship of being bound by the door of crossing.

But Yang Xuan’s personality is already beyond specifications.

Therefore, he can directly control the gate of crossing for now.

After passing through the gate for a second, he appeared directly in front of the ancient Buddha Yizhi.

“bring it on!

“Let me take a look at how strong your ancient Buddha is!”

Yang Xuan whispered in his heart.

Immediately after the huge ancient Buddha pointed, he finally hit directly on the gate of crossing.


This time, the strong impact wave directly caused a lot of vibrations around.

In the whole world of elves.

Numerous natural disasters and terrestrial disasters began to appear.

A rain of blood began to fall from the sky.

The earth began to appear endlessly intense.

The continent was silent, and the mountain collapsed.

This is the end of the world.

Moreover, they had not directly endured the attack of the Nirvana Buddha, they were just the aftermath of the battle.


Wizard Road.

Yi Yun looked at what happened before him in disbelief.

She did not die under the pressure of Gu Buddha’s finger because she was lucky.

It was not within Wang Zheng’s radius at that time.

Because the world tree that breeds the elves suddenly warned.

Ever since, all the elves were teleported far away by a mysterious force.

Unfortunately, Yi Yun found out sadly.

Although they escaped the initial attack, in the end they still did not escape the aftermath of the battle between the two superpersons.

“That’s God!”

“What level of existence is he fighting with!”

“Also, how is my world!”

“There are mysterious powers in this world, although scientific and technological means are almost primitive.”

“But it’s pretty good.

“If only in the aftermath of their fight, the world would be destroyed.”

“Then my world, isn’t it also…

Yi Yun couldn’t help but think of this.

Then, there was a trace of sadness in her expression.

But soon, she was relieved.

“I don’t have to think about this anymore, I’m going to die anyway.”

“I just hope that God can save our world.”

When Yi Yun thought of this, he suddenly knelt down on the ground and prayed the most pious prayer to the perfect young man who was condensed by the golden light above the sky.

Then, her breath began to rise rapidly.

A force of attraction in the dark, when her physical body was shattered with this world.

Directly extradited her soul to Yang Xuan’s kingdom of God.

Not just her soul.

Just when Yiyun looked around.

Suddenly, I discovered that all the people in this world had a transparent soul posture.Came into a magical country.

Yi Yun just appeared in this world.

Suddenly, a figure that made her feel terrified from the depths of her soul.

He appeared directly in front of her.

It was a king of angels with thirty-six wings on his back and a book of truth in his hands, the clerk of God-Metatron.

“Yiyun, your journey is valuable.”

“All sentient beings in this world have been saved because of this.”

“Physical destruction is not the end of everything.

“Now, you will get a new life!”

After Metatron finished speaking to Yiyun, he disappeared.

The soul of this world was taken by Metatron himself.

These souls are precious resources for Metatron.

Having experienced a death and the destruction of one’s own world, once they are drawn into the kingdom of Yang Xuan, and given them a new life.

By then at least ninety-nine percent will become believers.

Although Yang Xuan now has no shortage of believers.

But believers and the power of faith are just like the money in the hands of those who are rich.

Even if I don’t lack that point.

But who would dislike the amount of money in his hands?

Outside the world of elves.

With the great power of the ancient Buddha Yizhi, it broke out completely.

It seems to be a gate that is overlapped by countless gates, a gate that contains countless world coordinates.

Countless layers were directly broken at this moment.

Ten floors!

One hundred floors

A thousand floors!

Ten thousand layers!

One hundred thousand layers!


Endless violent vibrations continued to come out.

It was at this time that the gate of crossing was finally breached to the core area.

Then, a golden light and shadow walked directly out of the door.

That is Yang Xuan.

His only flaw.

Because of the predecessor, a strand of origin remains in the traversal.

This moment is completely free.

Even at the moment when his roots came out.

It has the deepest connection with the ontology.

In the next second, Yang Xuan’s body also appeared directly next to the incarnation of the golden light and shadow.

Then the two bodies began to fuse.

“Damn it!”

“Damn it!”

“Just a little bit!”

“Just a little bit, I can kill your origin, end your heels, and completely kill you.”

“I’m not convinced! I can also burst out stronger power.

“The Gate of Ten Thousand Realms is mine, and the long river of time is mine.”

“Supernatural powers-Heavenly Buddha transforming demons!”

“The power reappears, the devil is a finger!”

When the Nirvana Buddha saw that Yang Xuan was completely free, there were no more flaws.

His heart was so angry that he vomited blood.

You know, this should have been Yang Xuan’s own efforts, and then figured out a way to break free of the shackles.

But who knows.

He actually used himself.

This made the monk’s thoughts incomprehensible.

Ever since.

He decided to use a taboo method.

Tianfo transforms a demon.

This is a magical power that is more powerful than the ancient Buddha Yizhi.

Even after releasing this supernatural power.

The bald monk can activate the ancient Buddha one finger again.


This is a demonized version of the ancient Buddha’s finger.

It’s called, Mofo Yizhi.

“Strong attack!”

“Similar to a kind of magical power of the demon’s disintegration of Dafa.”

“Send the enemy with one thousand wounds and eight hundred.”

“But, if you don’t give me any time in the middle, and there is no gap before and after the two attacks, don’t give me 0.**01 seconds.”

“Then to be honest, you can win.”

“But now, our victory or defeat has been decided.”

Yang Xuan looked at the giant Buddha’s finger, an attack not weaker than the previous ancient Buddha’s finger.

His face was extremely calm.

I saw him lightly scratching at the void.

Then, a universe that had shrunk countless times appeared in the palm of his hand.

This is just like before.

When the great monk uses the supernatural powers-Tian Buddhism, the scene of holding the universe with one hand is the same.

Now Yang Xuan can easily do this.

“I don’t have any defects anymore!”

“Now, the whole universe, all souls!”

“Boundless faith, believers of all living beings!

“All will converge a little!”

“With me as the core!”

“Based on the universe!”

“The Kingdom of God on Earth!”


As Yang Xuan stood in the void, he finished these few words quietly.

Immediately afterwards.

Yang Xuan squeezed the universe in his hand.


The universe shattered, and the endless light spread instantly.

Then, they quickly converged into a new universe.

No, that is not the universe.

That is the kingdom of God.

That is Yang Xuan’s excess.

A divine kingdom created by Yang Xuan.

All things, all things, all beings.

Time, space, cause and effect, destiny.

Everything was created by Yang Xuan himself.

God has the authority to advance.

Advanced omniscience, level four!

Advanced Almighty, Level 4!

Increase the title, Creator.

Get entries:

God, the all-knowing and all-powerful Creator.

Yang Xuan advanced and became the new creator.

Condensed four levels of omniscience and omnipotence.

This is something Yang Xuan had never thought of before.

Because when he was promoted to the fourth level of omniscience and omnipotence, it was equivalent to possessing the strength of the ancient Buddha in the mouth of the Nirvana Buddha.

What’s more, Yang Xuan has now condensed the kingdom of God on earth.

So in the face of Demon Buddha Yizhi, there is no need for any more scruples at all.

“Bald Bald, since the last time, I didn’t insist on your attack, which made you very unhappy.”

“Then this blow, let me take it personally.

“Also let you know, it’s not that you are stronger now, but that I am invincible!

The deep voice appeared directly in the mind of Nirvana Tianfo.

But at this moment, the other party has lost 90% of his sanity.

The only sensible one is still holding the idea of ​​killing Yang Xuan, getting the door of ten thousand realms, and getting the long river of time.

“Die to me!”

The Nirvana Buddha was still roaring loudly.

However, just in the next second.

Suddenly, everything stood still.

Then, the Nirvana Sky Buddha in the state of the devil Buddha, the Nirvana Sky Buddha who lost 90% of its sanity.

At this moment, he recovered his sanity.

All his negative effects are gone.

However, the power of that blow has not diminished in the slightest.

“Why is this?”

In the pupils of the Nirvana Buddha, an unbelievable look was revealed for a long time.

“The surrounding scenery has also changed!”

“What exactly is going on!”

“Where am I?”

“In the other side’s Buddha country?”

“Buddha? He became an ancient Buddha?”

The Nirvana Buddha can also be regarded as a more knowledgeable person.

As my consciousness recovers, as I see the surrounding scenes.


He knew what happened to Yang Xuan.

Enemy, advanced.

Still advanced in nature.

The Kingdom of Buddha, the Kingdom of God.

It’s basically the same principle.

The ancient Buddha is the existence that can create all things.

The Kingdom of God, the same is true!

After the Nirvana Buddha was dragged into the kingdom of God on earth by Yang Xuan.

This is the real kingdom of God that is accomplished entirely by the real world.

In just an instant, all the movements of the Nirvana Buddha were sealed.

The other party is still pressing his finger.

However, this finger is very slow.

Very slow.

So that, let the Nirvana Buddha have a kind of self, Beijing has been static.

Then, in his mind, above his soul, there was a voice.

“I was imprisoned and sang, not long.”

“I was forced to leave my hometown!”

“How dare you set foot on my territory now!”

“It’s just looking for a dead end!”

At this time, Yang Xuan’s voice appeared in the mind of the Nirvana Buddha.

But what makes Yang Xuan feel helpless is.

Nirvana Tian Buddha couldn’t understand his words at all.

Do not understand this stalk.

“never mind!”

“It’s for the sake of you that I met, the first enemy of this level.

“I will let you die decently.”

“Before I release the attack, I will resume your attack!”

“Let you finish your strongest blow”


As Yang Xuan’s voice fell.

The demon Buddha who killed the Heavenly Buddha also directly fell on Yang Xuan’s body.

However, Yang Xuan just stretched out a finger.

A simple finger touched the opponent’s huge fist in this way.

Then, Nirvana Tianfo found out that he was a powerful blow.

A powerful attack that can destroy a world just after the aftermath.

At this moment, in front of Yang Xuan, not even a small amount of damage was caused.


Not even a finger from Yang Xuan.

not only that.

When the blow was released.

The powerful counter-shock force also caused the Ninety-Ten Buddha himself to receive extremely strong counter-shock damage.

“I lost!”

Although the Nirvana Buddha didn’t want to admit it.

But I have to admit.

At this moment.

The power that I am proud of, when faced with Yang Xuan, he couldn’t even beat a finger.

“But, I’m not convinced!”

“You didn’t win me by your own strength at all.”

“You have this gate of ten thousand worlds, and you have a long river of time!”

“Without these, you are not my opponent at all.”

The Nirvana Buddha finally roared.

After regaining his sanity, he has already calculated why he failed.But after he finished speaking, Yang Xuan added another sentence.

“The Gate of Ten Thousand Realms and the long river of time are not the biggest opportunities I have!”

“My strength is actually given by another chance.”

“It directly gave me the power of omniscience and omnipotence.”

“Actually, I haven’t practiced myself.

Yang Xuan is very “honest” and very cryptic, telling a corner of his own strength.

In the end, he didn’t say that it was okay.

As soon as he finished speaking, the Buddha of Nirvana suddenly spewed a mouthful of blood.


The Nirvana Tian Buddha didn’t even know how to tell Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan didn’t tell him any more.

He wants to experiment with the strength of his four-level omniscience and omnipotence.

Ever since.

The book of truth appears.

Yang Xuan activates his own magical powers, and the power of magical words is activated.

“In the name of God, I give you eternal sleep.

The book of truth in Yang Xuan’s hand appeared again.

The mysterious text flew out of the book instantly.

It melted directly into the body of the Nirvana Heaven Buddha who was still attacking.

Then, the body of this powerful Nirvana Buddha began to disappear.

Budo climbs to the world.

A single person blasted the dying Buddha of an unknown number of worlds.

One of the strongest monks in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery.



“The powerful enemy has been resolved.”

“The God of Traversal is also dead.”

“The gate of traversal fell on my hand.

“This is definitely a surprise to me.”

After Yang Xuan killed the Nirvana Buddha, an illusory little door appeared in his hand.

That is the gate of crossing.

Budo climbs to the world.

Inside the Temple of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, at least 20,000 years have not remembered that the bronze bell has been struck.

Moreover, it was three times at a time, three times in full.

“Huh? Nine times Buddha Bell, or at this time, what happened?”

“There is news, it is over the Buddha lighthouse, the Buddha lamp that extinguished the Vajra Buddha, it has gone out!”

“How is it possible, that’s the master of nirvana.”

“Nine layers of martial arts, one layer and one layer, Master Nirvana is the existence of the nine layers of martial arts reaching the top!”

“No, who did it!”

“It stands to reason that the Master of Nirvana who has always been fighting for sanitation, even if he faces three, five, or even ten masters of the same level alone, he will not even fail to send a call for help and fall.”

“This is too scary! Could it be that ancient immortals and ancient sages appeared on the side of Immortal Taoism and Confucianism?

Many monks in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple were panicked at this moment.

The Nirvana Buddha is the most outstanding monk in this era of Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple.

Personal strength is among the top three existences in the entire world of martial arts.

But now he died silently.

This makes them unable to understand.

“I heard that the host has begun to unite with Wushengyuan and is deducing the situation of Master Nirvana.”

“They started the Ten Thousand Buddhas Array!”

“This time our Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple absolutely cannot show weakness, otherwise the inheritance of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple will be dangerous.”

The monks at the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple felt very heavy after thinking about this place.

Monk Hall!

“Block messages now!”

“Recall all the buddhas who are outside!”

“At the same time, close the mountain gate.

“This time, we must take care of the people who will die.”

“Otherwise, the heritage of our Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple will be threatened the most in history.

“Also, there are too many supernatural powers in Jijiie. He died outside, and it is very likely that the heritage of the Ten Thousand Buddha Temple will be leaked.”

“Especially, the ancient Buddha pointedly.

“And, in the palm of the Buddha country.

The seven martial arts ascend to the sky, that is, the martial arts monks of the nine heavens.

In addition, the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, also hosted by the Nine Heavens of Martial Arts.

At this moment, the core array of Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple began to be launched.

Ten Thousand Buddhas Formation.

This is the entire Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, where all the monks unite together to gather the crowd as one powerful formation.

After the formation is activated.

All the Buddhist power was concentrated on the host of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple.

“The power of ten thousand Buddhas, the eyes of the sky are magical!”

“Sansheng Sanshi, all figures are revealed!”

Hosted by the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, he released the Tianyantong that had been used by the Nirvana Buddha.

Moreover, with the help of the Tianyantong of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Array, his pupil power is at least a hundred times stronger than when the Nirvana Tianfo personally uses it.


The eyes presided over by the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple even have the power to trace reincarnation and penetrate the cause and effect of the three generations.

“I saw it!”

“Silence traveled through the world, and came to a world, a big world embryo!

“No wonder Nirvana’s body has to be dispatched, because it is the embryo of a great world. This happens to be the best medium he needs to refine the Buddha Kingdom in his palm.”

“Appeared, I saw that person, is that a’young’?”

“A strange boy!”

“Wait a minute?? Nothing!”

“This is not right! I have clearly traced the cycle of time, what I see should be only the illusion of the past.”

“But that boy, he is looking at me!!!”

The host of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple suddenly said something that shocked all the monks in the entire Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple.

With the help of Tianyantong, he can see through Sansheng III.

When I went back to the past, I was locked up.

This is incredible.

“No! Not good!”

This is the time.

The host of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple suddenly felt a great threat.

As a result, he was about to end Tianyantong in an instant.

But unfortunately

Time is not on his side. .

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