
"Next, it's my turn, Ye Tian."

"A Song of "Drinking Wine", please give me your advice."

"Have you not seen the water of the Yellow River coming from the sky, rushing to the sea and never returning."

"Have you not seen the white hair in the mirror of the hall, which was black in the morning and turned into snow in the evening."

"When life is happy, you must enjoy it to the fullest, don't let the golden cup face the moon in vain."

"My talent must be useful in life..."

Ye Tian's song of "Drinking Wine" immediately amazed everyone.

Unexpectedly, Ye Tian not only has outstanding talent in cultivation, but also has such amazing literary talent.

This song of "Drinking Wine" sounds more majestic and has a completely different momentum.

Although the poems and lyrics said by Yamamoto Takao are also outstanding, they are not the opponent of "Drinking Wine" in terms of momentum.

And the Wordless Book of Heaven also shook slightly for the first time.

It is no surprise that "Drinking Wine" appeared on the Wordless Book of Heaven.

And it seems that it is more recognized than Yamamoto Takao's poems and lyrics.

"Isn't this... a silver light?"

"It's actually light gold?"

"Incredible, I didn't expect Ye Tian's literary talent to be so high?"

"What a great poem "Shangjinjiu", this boy... is so talented!"

"What a great sentence, 'I was born with talents and must be useful', what a great sentence, what a great sentence."

"No, no, no, I think all the saints and sages in ancient times were lonely, this sentence is more artistic."

"Every sentence is absolutely amazing."

The effect achieved by just one "Shangjinjiu" far exceeds all the poems that Yamamoto Takao just said.

It's not that the poems that Yamamoto Takao stole are not good, but compared to them, "Shangjinjiu" is better.

The students of Tianshu Academy are all crazy at this time.

They keep repeating every sentence of "Shangjinjiu" in their mouths, and their excited appearance is as if they are on their wedding night.

And Ye Tian, ​​after receiving Wenyun, once again started the road of plagiarism.

A poem of Du Fu's "Climbing the Heights" makes people feel unsatisfied.

Another long song of everlasting sorrow made everyone drop their jaws.

Yue Fei's Man Jiang Hong, Xin Qiji's Po Zhen Zi·Wen Chen Tongfu wrote a heroic poem to send to him.

Finally, Ye Tian ended his literary talent display with a poem Qin Yuan Chun·Snow.

A golden light fell from the sky.

The strength of literary luck has reached the point where it can be seen by the naked eye.

A faint light golden dragon is constantly circling around Ye Tian.

It has actually reached the point where literary luck has taken shape.

When the students of Tianshu Academy saw Ye Tian at this time, they had already unconsciously had the idea of ​​worshiping him.

In their eyes, Ye Tian was not a super evildoer, but a venerable and a sage.

At this moment, the audience of Tianlan Xinglong Country was boiling.

Sure enough, Ye Tian did not disappoint them this time.

Although all of this was Chen Fan's credit.

But it still couldn't stop them from praising Ye Tian.

The Blue Star Dragon Country was in a state of complete bewilderment.

It felt very powerful, but it didn't understand at all.

"This... these are all what Chen Fan saw in the ancient books?"

"How terrifying, Chen Fan actually knows so many things."

"Too powerful, right? Why do I feel that there is nothing that Chen Fan doesn't know?"

"Ye Tian is like this, then Ye Yuqing and Chen Fan will be even more perverted?"

"Hahaha, I think Chen Fan will definitely keep a hand, this time the second and first place are both ours."

"Ah? You think Ye Yuqing will be the second?"

"Of course, Chen Fan is not a fool, it is impossible to give all the good things to Ye Tian and not to Ye Yuqing, right?"

"Yeah, right, right, that makes sense."

Ye Tian looked at Yamamoto Takao with disdain, and then returned to his seat in the worshipful eyes of many students in Tianshu Academy.


"Isn't it just reciting a poem? Can it stump the little devils?" Ye Tian said proudly.

"That's all you can do."

"Yuqing, go ahead. Don't be nervous. Just memorize it carefully."


Ye Tian came off the stage. Naturally, it was Ye Yuqing who came on stage.

Seeing Ye Yuqing come on stage, no one was surprised this time.

Everyone was looking forward to Ye Yuqing's performance.

"Chen Fan, you told me all about "The Song of Glory". What about Ye Yuqing's?"

"Are there any better poems than "The Song of Glory"?"

Ye Tian has always been curious about what poems Chen Fan prepared for Ye Yuqing.

After all, Ye Tian was very moved by what he prepared for himself. These were absolutely top-notch poems.

"You will know soon." Chen Fan said with a faint smile.

Looking at Chen Fan's smile, Ye Tian felt a little strange, but he couldn't tell.

He couldn't help but think to himself,Could it be... Chen Fan gave me six again?

"Ye Yuqing, Three Character Classic."

When the three words of the Three Character Classic came out, Ye Tian was stunned.


Can you still play like this?

"No... didn't we agree to recite poetry?"

"Why did you even bring out the Three Character Classic?"

Ye Tian looked at Chen Fan in shock.

"Bullshit, literary talent competition, who said only poetry is literary talent?"

"Doesn't the Three Character Classic count?"

"No rules?"

After saying this, Ye Tian suddenly didn't know what to say.

This... was careless!

But after thinking about it carefully, Ye Tian was relieved.

Even if he could think of it, he couldn't recite it. The Three Character Classic... This is too difficult, right?


Too difficult?


"Fuck, Chen Fan, you can even recite the Three Character Classic?"

"You're going too far?"

Three hundred Tang and Song poems, Chen Fan can recite them, that's fine, but you can even recite the Three Character Classic?

Is this still a human being?

They both have nine years of compulsory education, why is there such a big gap?

And everyone present was puzzled when they heard the Three Character Classic.

What is this?


Or a cultivation secret?

"When a person is born, his nature is good."


As soon as the first sentence was spoken, the Wordless Book of Heaven reacted instantly.

In an instant, the Wordless Book of Heaven was full of golden light.

The golden light rushed down from the sky and directly enveloped Ye Yuqing's entire body.

One sentence, just one sentence, actually caused such a huge reaction in the Wordless Book of Heaven?

Shocked, everyone was shocked.

"Quick...quickly record it."

"Write down every word Miss Ye Yuqing said."

"This must be important knowledge that will change the literature of the Land of Immortality."

"Every word must be written down word for word."

"In the future, scholars in the Land of Immortality will be able to make further progress, relying on this Three Character Classic."

Jianshu was the first to react, and hurriedly ordered the students to write down every word of the Three Character Classic that Ye Yuqing said.

The Three Character Classic is longer than the Song of Everlasting Regret.

But everyone did not feel bored after listening to it.

On the contrary, they listened very attentively and were still not satisfied.

"This, this, this, this is a real masterpiece."

"When people are born, their nature is good. If jade is not polished, it will not become a tool."

"From Xi Nong to Huangdi, they are called the Three Emperors and lived in the upper world."

"Who is Xi Nong? Who is Huangdi? What kind of people are the Three Emperors?"

"Why have I never heard of them?"

"No, I must ask clearly."

Jian Shu was already impatient to ask Ye Yuqing for advice.

However, the brilliance around Ye Yuqing did not dissipate, and he did not dare to rush forward to disturb her and affect Ye Yuqing's literary fortune.

"Next article."

"The Analects!"

Ye Yuqing spoke again. No one thought that she would have the next masterpiece?

"The Analects?"

"Fuck, Chen Fan, how much have you prepared?"

"The Analects? The one written by Lao Tzu?"

"Fuck, that's Confucius."

"Confucius? Didn't he write the Tao Te Ching?"

"That's Lao Tzu."

"Oh, what's the difference?"

"Of course there is a difference."

"They're all old men."


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