Chen Fan was so sure that everyone else began to doubt him.

"Master, although I have not made any achievements in the Ye family, I cannot allow Chen Fan to slander me like this."

"Since no one believes me, I will die to prove my determination and will never discredit the Ye family."

Ye Liu looked at Ye Yunting with a serious expression.

After that, he was about to kill himself.

Seeing this situation, Ye Yunting naturally would not let him die in such an unclear way.


"Even if you want to die, you have to die clearly."

Ye Yunting quickly stopped Ye Liu from committing suicide, and then everyone looked at Chen Fan.

"By the way, Chen Fan, before you came, something rather strange happened."

"At that time, the barrier had not been broken. I was in the barrier, and no matter how I got out, I would be locked in by the people of the Ascension Palace."

"At first, my master and I suspected that there was a traitor."

"But when I avoided everyone's sight and left the barrier, I was still discovered."

"The perception of Tiandang Mountain is limited. How did the other party know?"

Hearing Ye Tian's words, Chen Fan smiled and said, "You guessed right, there is a traitor."

"The perception outside is limited, but not inside."

"It's not the people outside who locked you, but the people inside."

"Have you forgotten that Wu Tianyang has a special method, which is to control the souls of his men?"

"The traitor inside has locked your position. No matter how you avoid their sight, Wu Tianyang can know your position."

After Chen Fan said this, Ye Tian and Yun Feiyang suddenly realized it.

They only thought about the lock outside, but ignored the people inside.

"So, the reason why I was discovered later was because some of these people had already awakened their souls, right?"

"That's right."

At that time, Wu Tianyang had no choice but to take the risk of awakening the spy's soul.

And at the moment of awakening, he directly controlled the other party.

Wu Tianyang was like planting a pair of eyes inside, so Ye Tian's actions could not be hidden from him.

Chen Fan looked at Ye Liu and said with a smile, "Wutianyang, you have a really good plan."

"This back-up plan is also very clever, but it was just a little bit short of letting you get away with it."

"Ye Liu is indeed inconspicuous in the Ye family, and his talent and strength are very average."

"But this only makes him seem too ordinary in the Ye family. If he is placed in other places, Ye Liu is also a genius that others are fighting for."

"And Ye Liu has the most important point, which is also the most attractive thing to you."

"That is the body."

"Ye Liu's physique is not suitable for cultivation, but... suitable for physical cultivation."

"He is naturally strong, which is definitely in line with your goal of winning him over."

"Moreover, he is eager to become stronger and eager to be recognized."

"It is easy for you to win him over, and he is also very hidden."

Wutianyang, although he does not want to admit defeat, he is not an idiot.

He also prepared a back-up plan for himself.

That is to find a substitute and finally escape.

When he exploded, Wu Tianyang had already extracted his soul and directly possessed Ye Liu.

Wu Tianyang's plan was to wait until Chen Fan left the Land of Immortality, and then he would look for an opportunity to make a comeback.

But he didn't expect that he would be discovered by Chen Fan in the end.

"Chen Fan, you said so much, but there is no substantial evidence."

"Aren't you bullying others by taking advantage of your power?"

"Just because you are strong, so what you said must be correct?"

"I think the purpose of your doing this is to intimidate our Ye family."

Wu Tianyang was still struggling, and even tried to sow discord between Chen Fan and the Ye family.

"Bullying others by taking advantage of your power?"

"Since you said so."

"Then I will satisfy you."

Chen Fan stretched out his hand and grabbed Ye Liu directly in his hand.

"You're trying to sow discord. You've found the wrong person."

"Do you need evidence for murder?"


Seeing Chen Fan's murderous intent, Ye Yunting hurriedly said, "Chen Fan, don't be impulsive."

"If there's anything, it's better to make it clear."


Before Ye Yunting finished speaking, Chen Fan clenched his palms and heard a bang.

Ye Liu's body had turned into a blood mist.


Just killed like that?

Without hesitation?

"Chen Fan, you..."

Seeing this scene, Ye Yunting felt a little uncomfortable.

After all, this is a member of the Ye family. Chen Fan just killed him casually?

But due to Chen Fan's strength, the Ye family members didn't dare to say anything.

But in their hearts, there was a trace of anger.

"Fuck, look at you guys.What a face. "

"If Chen Fan hadn't come, you would have fucking died."

"You still have the nerve to be angry with Chen Fan? Do you have the qualifications?"

"What a bunch of ungrateful people."

Ye Tian saw the expressions of the Ye family members and was immediately furious.

And Ye Tian's words instantly made the Ye family members sober up.

Yes, if there was no Chen Fan, they would have died long ago, so how could they have the chance to be angry here?

Chen Fan ignored the people of the Ye family, but looked around strangely.

How did Wu Tianyang's soul disappear again?

This bastard is quite good at hiding.

And how did he do it, the soul could disappear silently?

"What's wrong? Ran away again?"

Seeing that Chen Fan was in a bad mood, Ye Tian asked hurriedly.

"Well, he ran away again."

"But he can't run far. "

Speaking of this, Chen Fan looked at the Ye family again.

Seeing Chen Fan's eyes, the Ye family was also stunned.

Shouldn't it be the Feng family's turn? Why are they looking at them again?

Could it be that what happened just now caused Chen Fan's dissatisfaction?

"Chen Fan, this... won't be on our Ye family again, right?"

Chen Fan didn't say anything. After all, there would definitely be more than just one or two spies in the Changsheng family.

Chen Fan had guessed this at the beginning.

And these people are Wu Tianyang's trump cards and his best helpers in hiding.

The Ye family looked at Chen Fan nervously, and finally, Chen Fan's eyes slowly moved to the side.

Seeing that Chen Fan's attention was on the Feng family, the Ye family was also relieved.

Before the Feng family could get nervous, Chen Fan shifted his gaze to the Chu family.

The Chu family?

Hasn't the Chu family's traitor been killed?

"There are still five."

"Wutianyang, you have enough backhands. "

"But this time, I don't plan to give you another chance to escape."

Chen Fan's words made everyone stunned.


There are actually five traitors who have not been discovered?


Unbelievable, everyone felt a chill down their spine.

If all five people had awakened and launched an attack at the first time, the Changsheng family would probably suffer heavy losses.

However, Wu Tianyang did not do so. The main reason was to leave himself a way out.

Unexpectedly, this seemingly perfect way out was blocked by Chen Fan.

"Get up!"

"Samadhi True Fire!"

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