How could Chen Fan miss such a good thing?

Not to mention one pot of meat, even ten pots of meat would definitely be a good deal.

"Yuqing, mining."

"Ah? I'll dig? What do I use? Hands?"

"Don't you have a sword?"

"Use the Human Emperor Sword to mine?"

"Well, it's okay. The Human Emperor Sword is strong and not easy to break."

"This... okay."

Ye Yuqing had no choice but to take the Human Emperor Sword to mine.

"Brother, I can help my sister. There's no need to be so troublesome."

"No, she likes to work."



Chen Fan's words made Ye Yuqing frown. Now, she has really become a miner.

And a miner!

"Wow, Chen Fan is so inappropriate, isn't he? He lets a girl do mining?"

"You said it's okay for him to let Ye Yuqing do mining, why don't you help her? Is he being a boss?"

"Forget it, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, what else can we do?"

"That's right, Ye Yuqing didn't say anything."

"Hahaha, it's ridiculous, a grown man actually lets a woman do this kind of work."

"It's ridiculous, what the hell does it have to do with you? If you can talk, just talk, if you can't talk, just shut up."

"What? You don't let people talk? Is this the quality of Longguo?"

As soon as this was said, everyone in the live broadcast room was angry.

Damn, it's really not one of us.

"The quality of Dragon Country doesn't need you to say anything. You come here to gossip. Do you think you have high quality?"

"Don't talk nonsense in the live broadcast room. Do you dare to say who you are? Do you dare? Let's make an appointment and have a real fight?"

"Hahaha, you ridiculous Dragon people. Every day I see you bragging about your country's players. Wait, when you meet our country's players, you will know what a strong person is."

"Don't say this. It's useless. Do you dare to introduce yourself? You are hiding. What kind of person are you?"

"Meet Chen Fan? You'd better pray that your country's players will be eliminated. Otherwise, there is only one result of meeting Chen Fan, that is death!"

"Death? It's ridiculous, a group of ignorant low-level humans."


Damn, this bastard is not a human.

Who else could it be?

Beast Soul Star? Diyuan Star or Mingshui Star?

There are no humans in these three worlds, but... Tianhuang Star and Huolin Star have other creatures besides humans.

Everyone speculated which planet the person in the live broadcast room was from.

And it is obvious that there are not only one or two such beings.

The other party never announced his identity from beginning to end, which made everyone very annoyed.

Now the Blue Star Dragon Country has a defensive and offensive formation to protect it.

People from other worlds do not dare to do anything to the Dragon Country.

But this kind of inferior behavior is really infuriating.

"Damn it, do we have to wait until Chen Fan takes action against the players? Can't we kill him?"

"No, the time is not right."

"Fuck the time, when is the time?"

"I don't know, anyway, that's what the above said, hurry up and practice for the time being."

"That's right, practice is the most important thing, and the time we practice is still too short."

In the Dragon Country, since the fusion of the ten realms, the live broadcast room has become chaotic again.

On the Blue Star, the Dragon Country has Chen Fan, who has always been holding the first prize.

But before the fusion, players from other worlds also took first place.

This led to the gap between the two sides, which was not too far apart.

Chen Fan was completely unaware of these things. At this time, Chen Fan was immersed in joy.

"Get a hundred times crit from teammates"

"Get a hundred times crit from teammates"

"Get a thousand times crit from teammates"

"Get teammates..."

The more Ye Yuqing dug, the more Chen Fan's number would increase by a hundred times and a thousand times.

It was obviously a vein of top-grade fairy stone, but in Chen Fan's place, it became hundreds and thousands.

It is no exaggeration to say that Chen Fan's current top-grade fairy stone is probably not as many as the entire Qingyuan domain combined.

"This vein is quite long."

"You... By the way, do you have a name?"

Chen Fan carefully walked around below. This vein of top-grade fairy stone was very long, far beyond his imagination.

However, Chen Fan didn't know what to call this little kid.

You can't call him Little Fatty, right?

"What's your name?"

"Is it delicious?"

Chen Fan sighed helplessly. Why is this little guy's mind full of food?

Has he never eaten meat before?

"For example, my name is Chen Fan. Chen Fan is my name and also a code name for a person."

"People who know me, listen toWhen they hear these two words, they will know it is me. "

"If you don't have a name, then people will only say you are a little fat boy or a little child."

"But no one knows who the little fat boy or the little child is, because there are many such people."

Hearing Chen Fan's words, the little kid pondered carefully.

It seemed that he understood, but he felt that the name seemed very important.

"I... I also want a name."

"Chen Pang, brother, what do you think?"

Chen Pang?

What... what kind of name is this?

Is this kid serious?

"Why is it called Chen Pang?"

"Because my brother is called Chen Fan, then I will give him a name similar to my brother, and you say I am a little fat boy, so I will call him Chen Pang."

"Is it not good?"

Is it not good?

Is this good?

Chen Pang?

No big words.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. "

"Okay, then you will be called Chen Pang from now on, and your nickname will be Xiao Pang, how about that?"


"Okay, let's go back, we have almost dug it all."

"Brother, don't you want it anymore? There are still a lot."

"Keep it, come back when you need it."


Chen Fan and Chen Pang were chatting and strolling, crying Ye Yuqing, holding the Human Emperor Sword, working hard as a miner.

"Damn Chen Fan."

"Stinky Chen Fan."

"Let me mine!"

"Let me be a farmhand!"

"Be a boss every day."

"You do nothing."


Ye Yuqing complained every time she dug.

It seemed that all the anger in her heart was vented on this vein.

"Yuqing, that's enough, you can go now."

"No, not enough." ”


“I’ll dig you to death!”


Seeing Ye Yuqing like this, Chen Fan was also a little embarrassed.

After a long time, this girl is not easy to fool, and she has a bad temper.

“Look, you have dug so much, thank you for your hard work.”

“Are you tired?”

“Come, I will give you a massage.”

If hard doesn’t work, then let’s do it soft.

Chen Fan directly helped Ye Yuqing massage.

As soon as he started, Ye Yuqing felt a tremor all over her body, as if there was an electric current flowing through her body from the place where Chen Fan pressed.

Her body stiffened and her heartbeat accelerated.

“That… I’m not very tired.”

“What did you say just now? No need to dig, right?”

“Then let’s go up. "

Ye Yuqing nervously avoided Chen Fan's massage, lowered her head slightly, and dared not look directly at Chen Fan.

Seeing Ye Yuqing like this, Chen Fan did not continue to do it.

"Xiao Pang, let's go, take the two of us up."


Chen Pang nodded, and then pulled Chen Fan and Ye Yuqing back to the ground.

"Brother, eat meat!"

"Uh... didn't you just finish eating not long ago?"


Hungry? Is this hungry?

What's the matter? The stomach is full, but the mouth still wants to eat?

Isn't this just greed?

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