Chen Fan slowed down the speed of the Yanhuang, and then said to Xiaopang, "Xiaopang, how far are we from the person you saw?"

"Is he in front of us?"

"Yes, he is in front, but it is quite far away."

"Didn't you see the island?"

There are people, and there are islands?

Chen Fan looked carefully, but there was nothing.

In Chen Fan's eyes, the direction Xiaopang pointed to was just a vast ocean, without islands or humans.

"Get a teammate's 10,000 times crit"

"Teammate's cultivation successfully broke through to the first level of the Immortal Lord Realm, 10,000 times crit, and the cultivation was raised to the sixth level of the Immortal Lord Realm."

Just when Chen Fan was looking for it, he suddenly got a crit reminder.

Ye Yuqing's cultivation broke through to the Immortal Lord Realm.

"Yuqing, come out for a while."

Ye Yuqing had just finished practicing when she heard Chen Fan's voice transmission.

So she brought Ling'er and the other two to Chen Fan's side.

"What's wrong?"

"Hey, why is the speed of the Yanhuang slowing down?"

"Look in that direction, can you see people and islands?"

People and islands?

Ye Yuqing looked in the direction Chen Fan pointed, and the result was the same as Chen Fan, she could not see anything.

"I saw it."

At this time, Ling'er's words made Chen Fan and Ye Yuqing frown.

She saw it, she saw it!

"Brother, I didn't lie to you, look, Ling'er saw it."

Xiaopang could see it, Ling'er could see it too.

So, Chen Fan called Ye Tian and the others over.

But the final result was the same, except Ling'er and Xiaopang, no one else could see it.

"It's really weird, is it a ghost?"


Hearing Ye Tian's words, Chen Fan looked helpless.

"With our cultivation level, it's not too much to say that we are gods, right?"

"Do you think we can't see ghosts?"

"What do you think?"

"Uh...then why can't we see them?"

"Don't they say that children can see dirty things?"

"Don't use the old tricks in the fairyland."

"Okay, then tell me, why is this?"

"How the hell do I know."

"I didn't know you were so angry?"

Chen Fan and the others were a little confused. It was the first time they encountered such a strange situation.

Ye Hu frowned at this time, as if thinking about something.

"Sir, we seem to be in trouble."


What trouble?

"Do you know what's going on?"

"I once heard my father mention that there is an island that eats people in this sea area."

"This island is erratic, and it appears in a different location every time."

"Few people can see it, but those who see it...are in danger."

"When my father was sailing, he saved a person. That person encountered this island that eats people and escaped by luck, but at that time, no one in the fleet survived except him."


"But what?"

"They can see it, but we can't. My father never mentioned this situation."

An island that eats people?

Isn't it some kind of sea beast in disguise?

"Xiaopang, can you and Ling'er still see it now?"

"Can you see it all the time, or only intermittently?"

Chen Fan asked suddenly, which made Xiaopang and Ling'er stunned.

"It was intermittent, not all the time."

"I understand."

"This bastard is just trying to seduce us and make us slow down."

"Brother, what do you mean? Did you do it on purpose?"

"Xiao Pang, what did the person you saw look like?"

"It was a little fat guy about my age."

"Ling'er, what about you?"

"It was a little girl, a little older than me."

The two people saw completely different things, and they could only see one person.

"Do you understand now?"

"Not really."


"Only in this way can we become curious, slow down and drive slowly, and want to find out."

"Xiao Pang, tell me the location of that person and the island."

"Direction, distance."

"Directly ahead, about 300 kilometers."


Chen Fan's mind moved, and a huge dragon head cannon appeared on the bow.

Aim the muzzle in the direction Xiao Pang said.

A ball of flame full of destructive power rushed out from the muzzle of the dragon head cannon.


A loud bang!

A huge explosion occurred on the sea in the distance.

The power of the explosion caused the sea to surge instantly, with the waves reaching hundreds of meters high. A huge mushroom cloud appeared at the center of the explosion..

"Let's go and have a look."

The Yanhuang arrived at the explosion site and found some remains of creatures on the sea surface.

Although the explosion had torn this thing into pieces, it was still possible to see that this guy was very big.

"Fuck, how big would this guy be if he hadn't been blown up like this?"

"I think this body is at least tens of thousands of meters long, right?"

"It feels more than..."

"This thing is called the Soul Devourer."

Soul Devourer?

"Brother, how do you know its name?"

Hearing Ye Tian's words, Chen Fan sighed helplessly.

Seeing Chen Fan's helpless expression, Ye Tian was stunned at first, but he reacted immediately.


What a shabby embarrassment!

Chen Fan killed the Soul Devourer, so it must have exploded, so he knew it.

After not killing creatures such as fairy beasts and demon beasts for a long time, Ye Tian almost forgot that things would explode.

After killing the Soul Devouring Beast, Chen Fan did get some stuff.

This guy is equivalent to the strength of the Immortal King level.

The strength is not very strong, but the characteristic of this thing is that it is huge and has the ability to confuse the mind.

It often uses this mental confusion, and then swallows the sea beasts or even humans when they are not paying attention.

"Yuqing, this is the Soul Capture Orb, give it to you."

The Soul Capture Orb is something that exploded after killing the Soul Devouring Beast.

The Soul Capture Orb is a kind of treasure, which can release mentally confusing attacks and confuse the enemy.

"Keep it for yourself, and you can use it when you refine the weapon."

"Take it, I still have it."


"Get a thousand times crit from your teammates."

"Teammate gets the Soul Capture Orb, a thousand times crit, and gets a thousand Soul Capture Orbs."

A thousand times crit?

Chen Fan was not very satisfied with this result.

Originally, I thought there would be a ten thousand times crit, and get something very good.

"Okay, stop looking at them. Everyone who sees them gets a share."

"One for each person."

There were a thousand soul-grabbing beads, and Chen Fan was not stingy. He gave one to each of Ye Tian and the others.

"I knew that if I followed the big brother, I would have meat to eat."

"Meat? Where is the meat?"

"Stop it, Fatty. I'm not talking about the meat you think."

"Is there any different meat? I want to eat it."


"Stop it. There are many strange creatures in this endless sea."

"Everyone should pay more attention."

"The sea is so lively. I don't know if the islands behind will be even more lively."

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