"Ye Tian, ​​try to attack this island."



Ye Tian didn't understand what it meant, but he still launched an attack with a ten-meter-long sword.

The hundreds of meters long sword light flew directly towards the island.

However, when the sword light was about to attack the island, a burst of energy suddenly appeared and directly blocked Ye Tian's attack.

Silently, Ye Tian's attack disappeared.

"Fuck, this island is too weird, right?"

"Even the Immortal King couldn't take my attack, and it just disappeared?"

Ye Tian didn't expect that his attack would be resolved so easily.

Now, everyone believes what Chen Fan said, this island is indeed problematic.

And it is very likely alive, because it can actually resist attacks.

However, this alive should mean that this island has life for some unknown reason.

But it does not belong to any creature, it can only be regarded as a special existence.

"If it really has life."

"Then what is the purpose of following us?"

"It can't be for no reason."

"Is it because we landed on the island?"

This is also the first time that Chen Fan has encountered such a headache.

Since Ye Tian can't do it, then he will try it himself.

Chen Fan jumped and flew directly to the center of the island.

The terrifying energy emanating from his body made Ye Tian and others tremble.

"It's over!"

"Brother is serious!"

Chen Fan punched out, and the terrifying energy seemed to destroy the world.

The island still had an invisible energy for protection.

However, this time, it was unable to withstand Chen Fan's attack.


A loud bang!

The whole island was shaking violently. This punch smashed a large pit with a diameter of several thousand meters in the center of the island.

Seeing this scene, Chen Fan frowned.

The defense is so strong?

According to Chen Fan's estimation, this punch should be enough to destroy the entire island.

But now, there is only a large pit with a diameter of several thousand meters.

The depth seems to be only a few dozen meters.

"Slow down!"

"Brother, its speed is slow!"

Ye Tian and others on the Yanhuang suddenly felt the forward trajectory of the Yanhuang.

This shows that the island can no longer reach the speed synchronized with the Yanhuang.




Suddenly, a buzzing sound came from the island.

The sound was very harsh, making Ye Tian and others feel numb.

This sound could actually hit their souls and affect their souls.

"Damn it!"

"Don't drink the toast and drink the penalty?"

"Give you one last chance, leave now."

"Or, I will send you to sink to the bottom of the sea forever!"

Chen Fan's eyes turned cold, and his eyes were fixed on the island below.

And Chen Fan's words seemed to have a deterrent effect.

The buzzing sound disappeared, and the speed of the island seemed to be getting slower and slower.

"Brother is awesome!"

"Fuck, this is also possible?"

Seeing the island getting farther and farther away from the Yanhuang, Ye Tian and his companions were also surprised.

Has Chen Fan's deterrence reached this level?

Chen Fan's figure flashed and returned to the Yanhuang.

Looking at the island that was about to disappear from his sight, he couldn't figure it out.

What does this island mean?


A mystery that cannot be solved.

Unless the island can speak, no one knows why it follows the Yanhuang.

"Brother, do you think this island has no malice?"

"We attacked it, so it fought back?"

"It just wants to make friends with us?"

"Or... protect us?"

Hearing Ye Tian's words, Zhao Yun and his companions suddenly felt a little guilty.

If this is really the case, it would hurt the island too much, right?

"I want to make friends with you and follow you all the time?"

"Nothing to do with you, I still have to protect your safety?"

"What are you thinking?"

"You can't have the intention to harm others, but you must be on guard against others."

"This thing has an unknown origin, and we don't know what its intention is."

"Always letting it follow us is a time bomb, you know?"

"Aren't you afraid that it will come up to finish you off at the critical moment?"

"What if you didn't pass the sixth level?"

Chen Fan's words made Ye Tian embarrassed, and his idea was indeed a little naive.

"Brother, just leave me alone if you're fine."

"Okay, since it's gone, there's no need to think too much.""Do you see what's in front of you?"

"Our test is coming."

The test is coming?

Ye Tian and his companions looked in the direction Chen Fan said, and saw that a wall appeared in the endless sea.

That's right, it's a wall!

How long is this wall? I don't know, anyway, I can't see the end at a glance.

How high is this wall? I don't know, anyway, I can't see the top when I look up.

It's like a barrier that directly divides the sea into two halves.

"What test?"

Chen Fan asked.

"You are very strong."

"So, your test is to break through here."

The voice came from behind this huge wall.

If I guessed correctly, this should be the test of the Xuanwu clan.

In terms of defense, the Xuanwu clan is definitely the strongest.

"Brother, let me try!"

Previously on the island, Ye Tian didn't take it seriously, and he didn't expect to lose face.

This time, he wants to get back some face.

Ye Tian looked aside, and the whole person became serious.

Ye Tian raised his long sword, and the sword light shot straight into the sky.

He urged the power of the law, and then slashed at the wall in front of him.

A loud noise came, and the whole sea surface was surging and shaking.

Looking at the wall again, although it was also shaking, there were only some sword marks less than one meter deep.

It did not cause much damage to the wall.

"No way, it's so hard?"

Ye Tian was also stunned, and hurriedly flew over to check it out.

"Let me try."

Ye Yuqing also felt a little unbelievable, Ye Tian's strength could not be so weak.

But when Ye Yuqing made a full-strength attack, the damage caused was not much stronger than Ye Tian.

"Such a large area should not have such a high defense strength."

"You try another place."


Hearing Chen Fan's words, Ye Tian and Ye Yuqing flew in different directions.

After flying far away, the two attacked at the same time.



Two loud noises were heard, but the result did not change at all.

"Isn't it too outrageous?"

"Such a large area, and the defense capabilities are exactly the same?"

"How can we get through?"

"Brother, do you want me to fly to the top and take a look?"

"I don't believe that his wall can be as high as the sky."

Hearing Ye Tian's words, Chen Fan shook his head.

"No need, remember the island before?"

"Huh? What's wrong? Is it related?"


"If you fly high, the wall will rise with you."

"Fly to both sides, and the wall will continue to extend with us."

"Just like the island."

"So, if we want to pass the test, we can only smash the wall."

Although Chen Fan didn't know how the Xuanwu clan did this.

But this defense is really strong.

"Brother, how about... you try it?"

"That's the only way!"

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