"Look, it has to be the big brother."

"When the big brother takes action, the effect is different."

"That is, is the big brother an ordinary person?"

"Yes, when the big brother takes action, it must be different."

"The big brother is mighty."

"The big brother is domineering!"

Chen Fan sighed helplessly.

It's okay that Ye Tian is out of tune, but why are Zhao Yun and the others also going astray now?

Especially Guan Yu, did you say this?

Does this fit your personality and your character?

You have to be cold and arrogant.

Is it appropriate for you to say that the big brother is mighty and domineering?

"You... are really a scum."



Ye Tian was stunned by what Chen Fan said.

How did he become a scum?

"Brother, if you say that, I'm a little unhappy."

"How am I a scum?"

"I'm your right-hand man."

"Little angel..."

"Go away."

"Hey, you're angry again. Don't you love me anymore? Don't you really love me anymore?"


"Fuck, I can't stand it."

"So disgusting."


"Scum indeed."

Ye Tian's performance was unbearable for Chen Fan, and anyone else.

Even Ling Muyao's eyes when she looked at Ye Tian had changed.

As if to say, you actually have this kind of fetish?

I'm really blind, how could I fall for you?

"Ahem, don't misunderstand me, don't misunderstand me, isn't this a temper?"

"You call this a temper? You... don't talk to me, I want to vomit."


Liu Ji and Xiang Yu also looked at each other at this time.

Are you sure you didn't join the wrong organization?

Are you fucking regular soldiers?

"Enough, stop it."

"Liu Ji, Xiang Yu."

"We are all descendants of Yan and Huang. Since we can meet here, we must unite."

"After all, we are shouldering the fate of the entire Yan and Huang."

Hearing Chen Fan's words, Liu Ji and Xiang Yu also nodded seriously.

Well, now it seems that they are regular soldiers.

"Let's introduce ourselves to each other and get to know each other."

"My name is Chen Fan, and I am their eldest brother."

"My name is Ye Tian, ​​and I am their second brother. I am also the most loyal and capable helper of the eldest brother."

"This one is called Ye Yuqing, the woman behind the eldest brother, you know."

Originally, Ye Yuqing was very unhappy that Ye Tian introduced herself, but after hearing the last sentence, Ye Yuqing nodded with satisfaction.

You are sensible kid.

"Oh, that's how it is. I understand, I understand."

"This, Ling Muyao, my woman, no need to introduce more, right?"

"I understand, I understand."

"I, Zhao Yun."

"I, Guan Yu."

"I, Li Taibai."

"I, Yuan Tiangang."

"And me, and me, my name is Ling'er, Chen Ling'er."


Ling'er suddenly spoke, which surprised Chen Fan and the others.

After entering the secret realm, Ling'er had been sleeping, so Ye Yuqing had been holding her.

Although everyone noticed Ling'er, they didn't say anything.

Unexpectedly, Ling'er woke up suddenly.

"Ling'er, are you awake?"

"Yeah, I slept so comfortably. I haven't slept for a long time."

"As long as she's comfortable."

"Brother, is this your daughter?" Liu Ji also called his elder brother directly without hesitation.



Liu Ji and Xiang Yu thought that Chen Ling'er was Chen Fan's daughter.

"What are your magic weapons?"

"If you trust me, give it to Yuqing first."

Magic weapon?

Liu Ji and Xiang Yu were both stunned, not understanding why Chen Fan said that.

However, Chen Fan's strength should not be enough to snatch their magic weapons.

"Mine is the Kongtong Seal." Liu Ji said as he took out his magic weapon.

"Mine is the Shura Hell Scythe." Xiang Yu also took out his magic weapon.

The two hesitated for a moment, and still gave the magic weapon to Ye Yuqing.

"Get a teammate's 10,000 times crit."

"Teammate gets the magic weapon Kongtong Seal, 10,000 times crit, and gets the 12th-grade Karma Fire Red Lotus."

"Get a teammate's 10,000 times crit."

"Teammate gets the Shura Hell Scythe, 10,000 times crit, and gets the 12th-grade World-destroying Black Lotus."

After getting the crit, Chen Fan frowned slightly.

Although the things that came out of this critical hit were better than what they originally had.

But the level of their magic weapons was a bit far behind that of Ye Tian and his friends.

"Yuqing, give it to them."

Ye Yuqing nodded, and then gave themThe magic weapons of the two people were returned to them.

"This is the Heaven-Suppressing Coffin and the Six-Soul Banner."

"One for each of you, take it."

Chen Fan kept the two magic weapons obtained by the critical hit, and gave the original Heaven-Suppressing Coffin and Six-Soul Banner to Liu Ji and the others.

In any case, these two magic weapons are also at the same level as the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, much better than theirs.


Liu Ji and Xiang Yu did not expect to receive such a big gift right away?

This is a magic weapon!

They know the power of the magic weapon very well.

Even if it leaves the Dao Realm, it is probably an incredible treasure.

Chen Fan actually said that he would give it away?

"You two just keep it, no need to be polite to Big Brother."

"In the future, fight for your spirit and help, that's all."

Seeing Ye Tian say this, Liu Ji and Xiang Yu took the magic weapon given by Chen Fan.

"As expected of a big brother praised by everyone, this spirit is far beyond the reach of ordinary people."

"That's right, follow the big brother, and you will have strength, magic weapons, and women... cough cough."

Liu Ji hadn't finished speaking when he suddenly found that Ye Yuqing and Ling Muyao's eyes were not right, so he hurriedly and carefully closed his mouth.

"Let's go and kill this last ultimate version of the dragon-tiger beast."

"This gold list should be over soon."

"Let's go."

"Yes, big brother."

Chen Fan and his group set off directly and flew to the location of the dragon-tiger beast.

When he saw the dragon-tiger beast, Chen Fan couldn't help but frowned.

This ultimate version of the dragon-tiger beast was a little unexpected.

It was not as huge as he had imagined, but the smallest dragon-tiger beast he had ever seen.

It was about two meters tall and only about five meters long.

However, the breath of this dragon-tiger beast was very terrifying.

The dragon-tiger beast still has a dragon head and a tiger body, but it has a pair of wings on its back.

The tail is about 1.5 meters long, but it gives people a sense of danger.

"This dragon-tiger beast is not simple."

"Everyone, don't be careless, attack together."

"Brother, you are not going to attack again, right?"

Hearing this, Ye Tian had a bitter expression on his face. The breath of this dragon-tiger beast was too terrifying, and he had no confidence.

It would be better if Chen Fan attacked, but if Chen Fan didn't attack...

"I am training your strength."

"Give you a chance to increase your luck."

"Don't let me down."


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