"Obtained 10,000 times crit from teammates"

"Teammate's cultivation level was successfully upgraded to the sixth level of the Divine Emperor Realm, 10,000 times crit, and cultivation level was upgraded to the third level of the Ancient God Realm."

The amount of luck possessed by the Ultimate Dragon Tiger Beast is astonishing.

Even if it is divided into nine parts, the amount obtained by each person is very astonishing.

Ye Yuqing and others, all of their luck levels have been upgraded to seven colors.

At this time, Chen Fan's luck level has changed again.

Nine colors!

It has become a nine-color level.

"Brother, what happened just now?"

"Now we have killed the last Dragon Tiger Beast."

"Should the Golden List also end?"

Ye Tian and others came to Chen Fan and began to ask questions.

"Maybe it's not that simple."

"We haven't figured out what the purpose of this luck is."

"You don't think that luck is really just used to measure the ranking of the gold list, do you?"

"If so, why do we need to come up with a luck?"

"Wouldn't it be simpler to use other methods directly?"

After hearing Chen Fan's words, Ye Tian and others began to ponder.

Could it be that it's really not over yet?

So what is this luck for?

Just as everyone was thinking, the luck that had been surrounding them suddenly began to rotate rapidly.

Chen Fan and others were shocked. This luck is finally going to start to play its real role?

"Brother, what's going on?"

"Don't talk, watch carefully, and don't resist too much."

"This luck is not bad for us, and it won't hurt us."

"Okay, I know."

After hearing Chen Fan's words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Then they completely relaxed and let the luck move freely.

After the luck of the crowd spun for a while, it directly entered everyone's body.

Although the feeling was very subtle, everyone could feel that there seemed to be an innumerable amount of energy gas constantly wandering in the body.

What exactly it was going to do, no one could tell.

"Get a teammate's 10,000 times crit"

"Teammate's cultivation successfully improved to the seventh level of the Divine Emperor, 10,000 times crit, cultivation improved to the fourth level of the Ancient God Realm."


Ye Yuqing and the others' cultivation actually broke through another level?

Could it be that this luck can also improve cultivation?

However, only one level, isn't it a little too little?

"No, it's not just cultivation."

"I feel that my body seems to have changed."

"I have this feeling too."

"Yeah, me too, I feel that the whole person has changed now, but I can't say what's different."

Everyone feels different, but they can't describe this feeling.

But Chen Fan knows very well.

What exactly is different about them.

It's fate!

Everyone's fate, at this moment, may have been truly rewritten.

This feeling, there is no way to explain it clearly, but it is real.

"The Ten Lands Dragon and Tiger Golden List is over, and the ranking is announced."

"Twentieth place: Cheng Yunian, reward: one level of cultivation improvement."

The end of the Golden List caught the people of the Ten Lands off guard.


Too fast!

This time, the Golden List, adding up, probably only took half a year.

Has it ended in half a year?


"This is absolutely impossible!"

"The ancestor's cultivation has reached the sixth level of the Divine Emperor Realm, how could he be ranked 20th?"

"Incredible, is this ranking serious? Cheng Yunian is only ranked 20th?"

"Moreover, the reward for the 20th place is too outrageous, isn't it?"

"Damn, this is too weird?"

"Could it be that there are stronger beings in the Ten Lands?"

Cheng Yunian, where he lives, is an absolute big boss-level figure.

Such a ranking obviously made everyone who knew him fall into deep thought and shock.

But after the rankings from 19th to 11th appeared, the entire Ten Lands were shocked.

"Why... is this happening?"

"None of them made it into the top ten?"

"Incredible, if they can't make it into the top ten, then who can?"

"Who else has the qualifications?"

"10th place: Liu Ji, reward: 1/10th of the perception of the Great Dao Law, the Five Elements Fusion Law, the perception of all laws is increased to Great Perfection, and the cultivation level is increased by three levels."

"9th place: Xiang Yu, reward: 1/10th of the perception of the Great Dao Law, the Five Elements Fusion Law, the perception of all laws is increased to Great Perfection, and the cultivation level is increased by three levels."

Liu Ji?Xiang Yu?

These two people actually made it into the top ten?

These two names are unfamiliar to many people, but Liu Ji and Xiang Yu were on the previous gold list after all.

So the place where they robbed the gold list was familiar to them.

But how could their strength make it into the top ten?

"Fuck, this reward is good."

"Old Xiang, this reward is good, really good."

Liu Ji seemed very excited about this reward.

This made Chen Fan and the others a little curious. Were your previous rewards very bad?

"Liu Ji, your previous rewards were not good?"

"Yeah, not very good."

"Xiang Yu, yours are also?"

"We are both about the same."

"Then you are really miserable, but it will definitely be better if you follow the big brother in the future."

"What, you mean, we follow the big brother, so the rewards are improved?"

"That's inevitable."

"Big brother, you have someone above you, right?"

"Is the Golden List opened by your family?"

Liu Ji and Xiang Yu looked at Chen Fan in shock at this time.

They never thought that following Chen Fan would actually have such treatment.

This must be someone above him.

It's hard to say, this Golden List was made by his family for him, the second generation of the awesome.

"The Golden List is not opened by my family."

"I don't have that ability."

Chen Fan shook his head, he didn't think he had such a background.

If he did, it would be in the future, when he became such an existence.

He could only be the first generation and work hard to make his son the second generation.

Immediately afterwards, the rankings of Zhao Yun and others were announced.

The eighth place was Li Taibai, the seventh was Yuan Tiangang, the sixth was Guan Yu, and the fifth was Zhao Yun.

The rewards for these people were the same, one-tenth of the perception of the law of the Dao, and the cultivation level was improved by three levels.

However, because their perception of the law had reached the Great Perfection, there was no reward in this regard.

However, they had another reward, which was the improvement of the physical realm.

Immediately afterwards, the world they were in also received rewards.

"Fourth place: Ling Muyao, reward: one-tenth of the perception of the law of the Dao, the cultivation level was improved by four levels, and the physical realm was improved to the body of the God Emperor."

"Third place: Ye Tian, ​​reward: one-fifth of the perception of the law of the Dao, the cultivation level was improved by five levels, and the physical realm was improved to the body of the God Emperor."

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