Everyone in Xianwu Continent was still immersed in the joy of a new life.

When he looked up, he found that Ye Yuqing had disappeared without a trace.

"Where are the people? Where is Saint Ye?"

"Has Saint Ye left?"

"Oh, it's a pity. I can't see Saint Ye's true appearance. It's a great regret in life."

"Yes, how can this statue be made? There is no appearance."

"How can we see Saint Ye's holy face?"

"That's right, we don't have the qualifications."

"Then this statue..."

"It should be a faceless statue."

After the crisis of Xianwu Continent was resolved, Chen Fan and Ye Yuqing had already left Xianwu Continent.

"How is it?"

"What did you gain?" Chen Fan looked at Ye Yuqing and asked.

"Not bad."

"There is an extra energy in the body. I don't know if it is the power of faith or the power of merit."

There is an extra energy, but Ye Yuqing is not sure.

Chen Fan also frowned at this time, because Chen Fan did not get a critical hit with this energy.

In addition to the rewards of the gold list, this is the only one that Ye Yuqing got, but she did not get a critical hit.

Could it be that these things cannot be critical hits?

"Whether it is the power of faith or the power of merit, it is good to have it."

"In the future, there will be incense offerings from other people in the Xianwu Continent."

"Your power will be endless."

"But why do you want to go in person?"

Hearing Chen Fan's words, Ye Yuqing was also stunned.

Is there any problem with going in person?

"What's wrong?"

"Is it not appropriate to take action in person?"

"No, if you want to quickly gain more faith and incense."

"The best way is to clone."

"Let the clones act separately. The time you originally spent on solving one thing can solve many problems."

"With your strength, there should be no problem in creating ten clones to act at the same time."

Hearing Chen Fan's words, Ye Yuqing suddenly realized!

Why didn't I think of this?

In this way, wouldn't the speed be much faster?

"Chen Fan, do you think that these thousands of small worlds were deliberately created by the Jade Emperor and others to obtain incense offerings and merits?"

"Then were the demons of the Xianwu Continent arranged by them?" Ye Yuqing asked curiously.

"It shouldn't be the case."

"With so many worlds, just let them develop on their own. There will always be many different troubles."

"He just needs to pay attention and then tell you about these troubled worlds."

"He is not so leisurely and does these things every day."

Although Chen Fan was also guessing, Ye Yuqing was secretly relieved after hearing it.

Otherwise, she would feel guilty.

For their cultivation, in order to break through the Heavenly Dao Saint, wouldn't it harm many people in the world?

"Now that you have broken through to the Heavenly Dao Saint realm, what are you going to do?"

"With me?"

"Still practicing?"

Hearing Ye Yuqing's words, Chen Fan shook his head.

"You go ahead, I'll tell Ye Tian and the others about this solution."

"Okay, let's split up."


Ye Yuqing created ten clones and began to help herself go to various worlds.

On the other side, Chen Fan found Ye Tian and the others and expressed his thoughts.

"I was still wondering how long it would take them to come up with this solution."

"I didn't expect that after Chen Fan returned, he directly brought them back on track."

"As expected of the leader of this group of people, he always plays a key role at critical moments."

Taishang Laojun and the Jade Emperor naturally knew that using clones was a faster and more effective way.

However, they didn't say it out loud.

Their purpose was to see if Ye Yuqing and the others could guess this.

However, before Ye Yuqing and the others discovered this, Chen Fan came back.

He also quickly pulled them back on track.

"The Golden List of Heavenly Saints Updated"

"First Place: Chen Fan"

"Second Place: Ye Yuqing"

One year!

In just one year, Ye Yuqing has successfully broken through to the Heavenly Saint realm.

"Obtained a 10,000-fold crit from teammates"

"Teammate's cultivation successfully upgraded to the Heavenly Saint realm, 10,000-fold crit, cultivation upgraded to the Heavenly Saint advanced realm."


He was actually directly upgraded to the advanced realm?

After reaching the Saint realm, there is no longer a level of cultivation from the first to the ninth level.

There are only four levels.

They are primary, intermediate, advanced and peak.

Originally, Chen Fan was only at the primary Heavenly Saint realm.

UnexpectedlyAfter Ye Yuqing broke through, she was directly promoted to a high level through a 10,000-fold critical hit.

This seems a little unreasonable.

"Yuqing, did you break through to... the primary Heavenly Dao Sage realm?"


"I don't know why, but suddenly, the power of faith and the power of merit skyrocketed."

"My cultivation level was directly promoted to the intermediate Heavenly Dao Sage realm."

So that's why this happened.

"The Heavenly Dao Sage Gold List Updated"

"First place: Chen Fan"

"Second place: Ye Yuqing"

"Third place: Ye Tian"

Just as Chen Fan and Ye Yuqing were chatting, the gold list was updated again, and Ye Tian also successfully broke through to the Heavenly Dao Sage.

Following closely, Xiaopang and others also broke through one after another.

Within one day, everyone's realm broke through to the Heavenly Dao Sage.

"It's really annoying, second brother, why did you run ahead of me?"

"Little Fatty, what do you mean?"

"I thought I could be the third brother this time."

"Bah, you? Are you worthy?"

"Fight? Now we are all saints of the Heavenly Dao, let's try our skills?"

"Am I afraid of you?"

"I have a magic weapon."

"Little Fatty, you were really powerful in the Dao Realm back then."

"Don't forget, we are all on the same starting line now."

"But we all have gold list rewards and magic weapons."

"If we really fight, don't talk about me, you can't even beat Liu Ji."

"Hey, hey, hey, what do you mean you can't even beat Liu Ji?"

"I, Liu Ji, am I strong?"

It starts again!

After these people got together, especially Ye Tian and Little Fatty, they never stopped quarreling.

"Okay, stop arguing."

"Now, the eleven places on the gold list have been confirmed."


"Why are the others so slow?"

"Do we have to wait for them?"

After the gold list appeared, it took more than a year.

The speed of Chen Fan's breakthrough made the Jade Emperor and others feel incredible.

How could it be so fast?

"By the way, big brother, why haven't the other contestants shown up since they arrived at the ancestral realm?"

"Are they..."

"Oh, big brother, they don't have the Nine-Transformation Great Saint Pill, and now... they don't even have the peak of the semi-saint realm now."

"If that's the case, we really have to wait for twenty years."


Damn, this is such a waste of time, right?

"Let's go and ask the Jade Emperor."

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