Every five years, there will be a high-end gathering in the medicinal materials industry.

And not everyone can attend this gathering.

Only the best in the medicinal materials industry can have this opportunity.

After all, the medicinal materials that appear in this gathering are not something that everyone can eat.

Without a certain level of wealth, you can't get in at all.

And this time, this gathering happened to be in half a month.

If Chen Fan hadn't called Mr. Luo, the other party would have left in the next few days.

"Are there good things at this gathering every time?" Chen Fan asked.

"About the same, after all, it's once every five years."

"If it's once a year, I'm afraid there won't be so many good things."

"It's just that the price... is very expensive, or even very expensive."

"I participated in four times in total, but I only made a move once."

"If I make a move every time, my wealth can't stand the toss."

The wealth of the Luo Group can't stand the toss?

Isn't this a bit too expensive?

After all, Roche Group has nearly 100 billion yuan in assets.

Although there may not be much liquidity, there must be tens of billions.

Even so, they dare not spend recklessly?

If this is really the case, then it may be a bit difficult for them to get medicinal materials from here.

If it really doesn't work, I'm afraid they can only rob.

"When are we going? Where?" Chen Fan asked.

"I originally planned to leave in three days."

"In Yaocheng."

"That's the real headquarters of medicinal materials."

"A city named after medicine."


It's really simple and direct.

"Okay, when we leave, we'll go together."

"By the way, you should have ordinary medicinal materials, right?"

"Can you bring some over? I want to see."

"That's no problem. I'll call someone to send it over now."

At Mr. Luo's order, the employees quickly delivered the prepared medicinal materials.

"Mr. Chen, these are some common herbs we sell. See if they are useful to you."

Chen Fan nodded, and then looked at the herbs sent by Mr. Luo.

At this sight, Chen Fan couldn't help but frown.

"This... ten thousand year old blood ginseng is a common herb?"

"And this, ten thousand year old Tianshan snow lotus, is also a common herb?"

"Your common herbs are all ten thousand years old?"

Chen Fan never thought that the herbs brought by Mr. Luo were all ten thousand years old.

This is a common herb?

"What's wrong?"

"These are our common medicinal herbs."

"If we sell herbs that are less than 10,000 years old, it will ruin our reputation."

"These herbs are very common and common, not very difficult."

"It's just that they are all contracted by herbal medicine merchants, and ordinary people cannot pick them privately."

"Moreover, herbs that are less than 10,000 years old cannot be destroyed and must be kept."

"This is also to ensure that there will be no shortage of herbs in the future."

Hearing the other party's words, Chen Fan was very moved. How rich are the materials in this place?

However, this is the source world after all, and it may not be a rare thing to have such resources.

If even ordinary herbs are of this level, then what about precious and scarce ones?

"Are these okay?"

"Yes, yes, how much do these things cost?"

"These things are not worth much. Add them up, and the total cost is only about tens of thousands of yuan."

Only tens of thousands of yuan?

There are twenty thousand-year-old blood ginseng, twenty thousand-year-old Tianshan snow lotus, and twenty thousand-year-old Polygonum multiflorum.

Sixty in total for only tens of thousands of yuan?

This is simply too cheap.

"Okay, in that case, I won't be polite to you, I want all these things."

"By the way, let me know when you leave."

"Okay, then if there is nothing else, I won't bother you."


After Mr. Luo left, Chen Fan and others looked at Ye Yuqing at the same time.

"Hey, I know, I know."

Ye Yuqing sighed helplessly, and then put these things into her backpack first.

"Get a thousand times crit from teammates"

"Teammate gets 20 thousand-year-old blood ginseng, thousand times crit, get 20,000 thousand-year-old blood ginseng."

"Get 10,000 times crit from teammates"

"Teammate gets 20 thousand-year-old Tianshan snow lotus, 10,000 times crit, get 20 million-year-old Tianshan snow lotus."

"Get 10,000 times crit from teammates"

"Teammate gets 20 thousand-year-old Polygonum multiflorum, 10,000 times crit, get 20 million-year-old Polygonum multiflorum."

In addition to blood ginseng, the thousand times critIn addition to the hit, the remaining two all received a 10,000-fold critical hit.

"How is the big brother? How is the hang-up?" Ye Tian asked impatiently.

"Well... it's okay."

"Here are 20,000 10,000-year-old blood ginseng."

"You divide it up and take it to see the effect."


"Damn, so many at once?"

"By the way, there are also Tianshan Snow Lotus and Polygonum multiflorum?"

"Let's talk about that later, you try the effect first."


"Wait a minute, big brother, eat it raw?"

"What else? I'll make you a soup?"

"Uh... it's not impossible."

"Stop talking nonsense, eat it quickly."

"Eat it as a meal."

"Ah? Eat it as a meal?"

"This... my body can't stand it."

"It's okay, your body is tough."

Chen Fan's words made everyone, including Ye Yuqing, stunned.

Eat this thing as a meal?

After taking a deep breath, Ye Yuqing and others took a 10,000-year-old blood ginseng first.

After eating it, everyone was shocked.

What a terrifying energy.

This energy is much stronger than those delicacies from the mountains and the sea.

It can even be said that it is many times stronger.

Sure enough, cultivation still depends on these things.

It is simply incomparable.

Chen Fan could also see the changes in everyone, and he was relieved.

Finally found a way to go further.

After a while, Ye Yuqing and others had absorbed the energy of the 10,000-year-old blood ginseng.

"How is it?"

"This 10,000-year-old blood ginseng is stronger than the delicacies from the mountains and the sea that we have eaten for a month."

"And it is absorbed much faster than eating, and it is purer."

"It seems... it can really be eaten as a meal, which is much more comfortable than eating."

After hearing everyone's reactions, Chen Fan nodded.

Now, Chen Fan is more curious about what effect the million-year-old Tianshan Snow Lotus and Polygonum multiflorum will have.

"This is a million-year-old Tianshan Snow Lotus, and a million-year-old Polygonum multiflorum."

"You each get one."

"Take it and see how it works."

A million years?

"Brother, this... this is a good thing."

"But is there enough time?"

"Aren't we going to Medicine City with Mr. Luo?"

"By the way, how do we get the stuff after we get there? Have you thought it through?"

"If it doesn't work, should we just rob?" Ye Tian asked curiously.

"Robbing is the last resort."

"I want to see if we can exchange our million-year-old medicinal materials for something."

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