The abyss shouted, and then saw a black light cutting layers of ripples in the air, flashing away, and instantly fell on Rowan's neck.

The long knife fell, but it only cut the skin on Rowan's neck.

And what awaits the abyss is a punch that is more powerful than a nuclear bomb!



Rowan smashed a punch into the abdomen of the abyss, smashing it to the ground! The strength instantly runs through the entire land! The rift spread for thousands of miles, making the already incomplete Eternal Night Battlefield completely fall apart!!

The terrifying power above the fist instantly permeated the abyss! At the same time, it also carved a burning mark like the blazing sun on the body of the abyss!

The abyss jumped up with all its strength, wrapped its palms around the darkness, and a dragon groan rose out of thin air, and then he saw a pitch-black and ominous dragon emerge from the abyss and attack Rowan!

Facing the attacking dragon, Rowan raised his right hand to block his chest, blocking the dragon's momentum with great ease! Even the steps under his feet did not back a single bit.

Then, Rowan gripped the dragon's head with one hand and slammed it down!

The body of the dragon slammed into the ground, instantly spreading a long ravine on the ground.

Not only that, but also because of the influence of Rowan's magic, the dragon's body constantly exploded through the surface layer of light, and finally only listened to the bomb! With a sound, the dragon turned into a wisp of black qi on the spot and disappeared.

At this time, the abyss figure came to Rowan's back ghostly, and his palms were like the scythe of death, slashing towards Rowan's neck.

He wanted to cut off Rowan's head as he had done earlier through Rowan's heart.

But at this critical moment, the Flaming Sun Mark that was engraved on the abyss by the flames suddenly erupted! The scorching flame impact suddenly knocked the abyss out!

The abyss was just about to understand the structure of the flame as before, and destroy the flame attached to the body.

But the flames were endowed with layers of fog by an unknown force, so that he could not understand its structure through the fog!

And just when the abyss hesitated, Rowan had already come to him.

The temperature around Rowan became hotter and hotter, and even the surrounding rocks were melted by this heat, and the air was distorted by the air waves, making people's vision blurred.

And this is still because of the magic that Rowan unintentionally released.

Then Rowan punched out! The abyss that could not react could only mobilize the darkness of his body to eat this punch!


This time, the abyss fell to the ground but did not get up again.

"The sun rises, the darkness will withdraw, you are strong, but unfortunately, it is me who is encountered."

When the words fell, Rowan used his magic power just to give the last blow to the abyss!

With the re-improvement of his magic power, Rowan's position ignited a raging fire out of thin air, and a sea of fire was formed in the blink of an eye.

The flames swayed and danced back and forth in the wind, obviously bringing a sea of scorching fire, but giving people the illusion of being in a sea of flowers.

The abyss that fell in the pit was naturally unwilling to end there, but his whole body was now suppressed by the sun magic emanating from Rowan's body, and it was difficult to even move his fingers, let alone pull the darkness to block this blow.

As Rowan said, the sun rises and darkness withdraws.

The abyss is like Jesus crucified, suppressed by the magic of the sun, nailed to the soil.

Although both will go to God, before that await the judgment of the sun.

Wait until your magic reaches its peak! Judgment descends! The beam of light constructed by magic descends to the abyss, constantly washing away everything about him!

The eyes of the abyss were covered by the blazing sun, and his consciousness was also burned in the flames, and his darkness turned into ashes and completely erased in this light on the spot!

At the same time, Bai Yuekui and the others also destroyed almost all the lanterns standing on the ground, and the rest were completely destroyed by the aftermath when Rowan fought with the abyss.

And the darkness floating out of the rift valley is controlled by Zhongli and the earth is forcefully reconciled.

This time, there was no way for the abyss to escape.

You can no longer use darkness to reshape your body.

He lost.

The defeat was complete.

Witnessing death, at the last moment, he chose to give up, no longer struggled, but began to face all this.

Because of greed, he fell and sank in the darkness, and was trapped in the power at his fingertips.

The body of the abyss gradually fell under the judgment of the sun, and the darkness used to maintain life was also washed away by the judgment, but the abyss did not have the slightest fear.

Perhaps after staying in the dark for a long time, his heart became as numb as darkness.

"Your name is Rowan, right?"

Abyss suddenly asked, but did not wait for Rowan to respond, but continued to talk to himself.

"Unexpectedly, it was humans who defeated me in the end, and I thought that I would attract the attention of those gods and let them destroy me."

Abyss laughed, this was the first time he had laughed after absorbing all the darkness buried in the Eternal Night Battlefield.


"Even the gods are not as good as me." Rowan's eyes did not fluctuate in the slightest, and it seemed that even the gods did not put it in his eyes.

Rowan stood between heaven and earth, like a giant looking at the world.

"I said that I am human and at the same time human being at the apex of everything."

Abyss did not speak again, but continued to laugh.

Just sighed in my heart:

the gods are indeed inferior to you, after all, the gods do not care about this chaotic world.

In their eyes, everything is an ant, and even the end of the world is just a game.

With your upbringing, your arrogance, you may be able to replace the unwilling to question the high gods.

Or maybe you can use your fists to smash them off their seats.

In the end, the abyss perished in laughter, leaving laughter to echo on the empty battlefield of the eternal night.

It was also when the abyss was completely dead, the battlefield of eternal night, which was known as eternal night, but there was a ray of light that rose amazingly from behind everyone.

This bright light is different from the sunlight that Rowan created with his magic.

It gives people a warm feeling.

The light rose from the east, it was the long-lost sun.

Eternal night battlefield, the sun rises.

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