The other side.

Bai Yuekui, who was far away from the clearing, looked at the thunder spring drink in his hand, and what Zhong Li had just said appeared in his mind.

Zhong Li is right, my current strength is the weakest among the five, and if I don't improve my strength, I'm afraid it will only drag everyone down at that time.

Is Thunder attached to the pain of the body?

Then come on!

Bai Yuekui twisted the lid of the thunder spring drink and swallowed all the liquid shining with thunder light in it.


--Gullum--When the liquid crosses the mouth, the first thing you feel is a tingling sensation, but when the liquid falls from the throat, a tingling sensation is instantaneous.

"Hmph!" Bai Yuekui snorted, and his whole body instantly tensed, and his closed eyes and frowning brows meant that he was not so calm at this time.

Drops of sweat came from her forehead and then ran down the tip of her nose.

Suddenly, Bai Yuekui opened his eyes and only heard "Zila!" A fierce arc of electricity shot out from her.

Immediately after a "boom", an angry thunder exploded from the sky and fell on her body.

When the thunder light dispersed, I saw Bai Yuekui standing in place intact.

If it weren't for the scorched black mark on the ground still flashing with electric arcs, I'm afraid no one would believe that there was lightning striking here just now.

Bai Yuekui, who felt the severe pain in her body gradually dissipating, slowly stretched out her left hand, and with a movement of her heart, the arc instantly permeated her hand.

"I succeeded...,"

Bai Yuekui muttered in disbelief as she looked at the arc in her hand.

Just now, the instant sharp pain caused by that thunderbolt, even she almost fell into a coma.

But just as she was about to fall into a coma, a vague voice woke her up.

In this way, she was able to completely control the power of thunder.

But.... Whose voice is that?

Full of childishness and innocence, but with calm and gentleness.

Bai Yuekui compared that voice with Zhongli Wendy Rowan and the three of them, but found that they were not.

"Alas... Mysterious sounds? I don't know why you helped me, but thank you.

Bai Yuekui thanked the empty place, and walked towards the place where everyone was originally located.

Just after Bai Yuekui left, a palm-sized black shadow emerged from the scorched earth.


"Huh? What about people? If

Bai Yuekui were still here, she would probably exclaim, because the voice of this black shadow was exactly the same as the voice that awakened herself.



Somewhere in the forest, Luo Xiaohei was closing his eyes and absorbing the demon power within the demon spirit pill.

With the gradual increase of demon power, the metal hidden in the earth also vibrated and flew towards Luo Xiaohei.

Next second.

Luo Xiaohei, who had completely absorbed the demon spirit pill, opened his eyes.

Then I saw a teenager with white hair and black cat ears standing in place.

It's just....


The other side.

Bai Yuekui exerted the power of thunder to move wantonly through the forest, although she stepped on high heels under her feet, but this did not affect her speed in the slightest.

After a while, he returned to the clearing where everyone was.

When Bai Yuekui pulled away the grass that blocked her vision, the scene in front of her made her both surprised and speechless.

The surprise was that Xiao Hong, who was originally only five meters long, was now slightly skimmed, at least more than twenty meters.

Speechlessly, it is clear that Xiao Hong, who is a red dragon clan, is now constantly performing corresponding actions under Rowan's instructions like a domesticated dog.

At this time, Luo Xiaohei, who returned, also discovered this situation.

"Meow... (Little Red, what is the situation...)

Bai Yuekui held his forehead and shook his head wordlessly, "I don't know very well.

After that, Bai Yuekui looked at Luo Xiaohei beside him and suddenly thought of something.

Immediately used the power of thunder in his body, and hugged Luo Xiaohei in the blink of an eye.

The speed was so fast that even Luo Xiaohei didn't even react, and was hugged.

Luo Xiaohei Σ (゚Д゚;) "Meow??? (What happened???

Bai Yuekui did not explain directly, but asked curiously: "Xiao Hei, didn't you go to restore your demon power?" Why didn't it become a human being?

Luo Xiaohei: "Meow... (This is a bit difficult to explain...) "

Can he say that he became human without clothes....

"Eh... That's still a bit of a pity, I thought I could see Xiao Hei turn into a human body. Bai Yuekui said with a little regret.

"Meow. (You'll see later.) "

Meow? (But what kind of power did you just use?) Hearing

this, Bai Yuekui's mouth hooked a smile, and then hugged Luo Xiaohei, and said at the same time: "I'll see it soon." As

soon as the words fell, the arc flickered out from Bai Yuekui's body, and then with a "zila" sound, Bai Yuekui and Luo Xiaohei instantly disappeared in place.


Zhongli, who was sitting quietly on the stone to recuperate, and Wendy, who was showing off her new weapon, felt a flash of thunder at the same time.

"Eh, that little girl has just mastered the power of this thunder and lightning, and she is so skilled in using it, is it a talent?" Wendy withdrew the Wind Soul in her hand and floated to Zhongli's side and asked.

Zhongli slowly opened his eyes, and this time he did not push away Wendy, who was coming towards him, but said with a slight emotion; "Maybe, in time, she may be able to fight Barr."

"Huh? Are you sure? Baal is the God of Thor~"

Zhongli did not reply again, but closed his eyes and continued to absorb the few pure rock elements in the earth vein.

The reason why he wanted to regain his strength as soon as possible was because of the evil and ominousness he felt in the depths of the earth's vein.

It is also not clear whether that is the power of the abyss....

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