[I lean on? No way! Hiss.... It turns out that my wife is really strong, and it was only because she didn't recover her strength before. 【

What happened here??】 What a dazzling light! My eyes!!! 】

【Oh, fortunately, I was prepared, as early as when I saw my husband send fireballs, I had already put on sunglasses, or Wendy's same style~】【

..... In other words, did we miss something, why did we suddenly start without saying a word?? It's still the kind of big move of the whole thing! While

everyone in the live broadcast room was discussing, the white glow in the sky gradually dispersed, and Wendy also fell with the debris that flew out of the tornado.

"Old man, the power you sensed before is this~"

Wendy looked at the fragments floating in the palm of her hand, holding her chin and curiously asked Zhongli.

Zhong Li released the rock element, wrapped the fragments, and said thoughtfully: "Although the evil power above is not as powerful as it is felt deep in the center of the earth, it seems that it can also affect the minds of others. As

soon as the words fell, Zhong Li, who suddenly sensed something, flashed a hint of surprise fluctuations in his eternal eyes, but the next second it was calm again.

"So it is."

After saying something for no reason, Zhong dispersed the rock element that wrapped the fragment, and then held the black fragment in the surprised eyes of everyone.

"Old man! That's the power of the suspected abyss, you are now..."

Wendy, who was shocked by Zhongli's sudden movement, panicked, and just wanted to ask Zhongli how he was doing now, he saw that the originally pure black fragment gradually turned into a crystal clear yellow at this time.

Seeing everyone's concerned gazes, Zhongli shook his head and slowly explained

, "I'm fine, but I noticed this fragment before, and it will suddenly absorb the rock element I wrapped around it, so I will try it like this."

"Now it's not surprising to look at it like this."

Zhongli held the yellow fragment in the palm of his hand, closed his eyes and felt the pure rock element contained in it, and secretly said in his heart.


Perhaps it is not an exaggeration to say pollution.

And is this proof that the earth has been polluted?

Seeing that the old man Zhongli was looking for information through the debris, Wendy also explained why she did what she did before.

"Almost... Half an hour ago.

"I suddenly felt that something was wrong with the wind, so after I looked carefully, I found... There was actually an ominous aura on the old man!

Wendy said, her tone suddenly became gloomy, and finally she suddenly grimaced.

But Bai Yuekui and Rowan looked at Wendy like fools, not to mention that they were startled, and their expressions did not even change.

"Eh, I really can't scare you~

" "Meow!!"

However, at this moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared above Bai Yuekui.

After Bai Yuekui caught it, he found that the black shadow that appeared out of thin air was Luo Xiaohei.

It's just that now Luo Xiaohei is directly hiding in her arms and shivering.


After Wendy sneezed, she rubbed her nose and smiled like a conspiracy triumphant.

"Hehe, it seems that I still have a talent for telling ghost stories~"

Then in Luo Xiaohei's resentful eyes, Wendy continued to explain when the communication was good just now.

"After that, I sensed that something was wrong, and I chose to use a hidden riddle to tell the old man that a mouse had sneaked in when he absorbed the rock element to restore his power."

"Then it's just like what you see~

" "I first deliberately took the cyan fruit to give the old man and Rowan a reason to do it, so that the rat attached to the rock element will definitely take the opportunity to pollute me with the old man's attack."

"At that point, it's time to fight back."

After speaking, Wendy rolled her fingers into the ends of her hair and smiled proudly.

However, in the next second, Bai Yuekui, who noticed the loophole, ruthlessly debunked:

"You took the cyan fruit on purpose, the purpose is to punish Zhongli and Rowan, and this whole plan is also what Zhongli told you, right."

Wendy smiled and touched the back of her head, slightly embarrassed.

"I thought I could fool the past like this~"

At this time, Zhongli, who held the fragment, also extracted the corresponding information from it.

I saw that in his mind, a fragment flashed in front of his eyes.

The fragment is very clear, and the picture in it is the picture of the rock elves living underground, swept away by the tentacles released by a black fog.

Then, the rock elves are polluted by the abyss, constantly looking to absorb the unpolluted rock elements to make themselves stronger.

"This is..."

Zhong Li opened his eyes abruptly, not waiting for everyone to ask, and hurriedly said: "You can't stay here for long, go quickly." When

the words fell, although Bai Yuekui and the others did not know why, since they were the most stable Zhong Li put forward their minds, they still accepted it silently.

After nodding, Bai Yuekui whistled loudly towards the forest.

In the next second

, Xiao Hong, who was competing with the flat-headed brother for the fruit in the forest, heard this loud whistle, and immediately flapped his wings and rushed towards the location of the sound.

Within a few seconds, Xiaohong waved his wings and landed in front of several people.


The huge dragon body landed on the ground, and the wind brought by the dragon wing waving stirred up a puff of smoke, but the smoke and dust had just risen and were dispersed by Wendy's wave.

Subsequently, Bai Yuekui and several people were no longer sluggish and quickly rode onto Xiaohong's back, but Rowan looked like he was thinking about life and did not ride up.


Bai Yuekui called out Rowan's name, and was just about to ask what was wrong, but saw Rowan wave his hand.

"How can something happen to the sun, I just care a little, that thing called the abyss can carry me a few punches."

After that, Rowan stepped behind Xiaohong.

When Rowan's huge body sat behind him, Xiaohong only felt a hot feeling in his back, if you have to describe it, it is almost the same as a soldering iron.

Thanks to the fire-resistant effect of the dragon scales on its body, otherwise the moment Rowan sat down just now, there would be a "zila" sound, and at the same time there would be the aroma of roasted meat.

"Huh? Where does the smell of barbecue come from, it's so fragrant~" Wendy sniffed her nose and drooled.

Hearing this, Xiao Hong's eyes instantly showed panic, and he hurriedly flapped his wings and flew towards the sky.

Although he doesn't know where to fly yet, it is estimated that if he doesn't move again, he will be roasted!!

Mom, you lied to me, saying that the skin of our red dragon can be immune to flames....

My back is about to turn into a fully cooked roast...

Woo hoo....

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