After Lei Ling explained everything, several people set out to the treasure hiding place of the Dragon's Secret Treasure.

At first, after Lei Ling's explanation, Zhong Li and Bai Yuekui still didn't quite believe Lei Ling's identity.

However, after the thunder spirit released the thunder and lightning, the thunder power on Bai Yuekui's body automatically resonated, and no master released it, several people believed his identity.

In addition, Bai Yuekui could clearly feel that there was a secret connection between himself and Lei Ling, and everyone let down their vigilance.

Halfway through, Wendy, who missed the cider, suddenly remembered something, and then asked:

"In other words, when Boss Bai killed the Split Earth Rhino before, did he have a treasure chest?"

As soon as these words came out, Bai Yuekui was instantly stunned.

It seems that when he was killing hundreds of cracked ground rhinos, let alone treasure chests, he didn't even hear the forbidden land broadcast.

What's going on here?

Can the forbidden land still smuggle treasure chests? Or is there a probability that the chest will burst?

But just when Bai Yuekui was puzzled, Long Guo exploded excitedly.

[Did you see that?] There are actually flowers blooming next to my house!! 【

Me too, and don't you find that the current soil is not as yellow as before?】 It's all black now! 【

Don't say it, I'm already crying, the bud rice planted by our family has finally grown!】 At the

same time.

The dragon in the office, when he saw the soil quality fertility report form in front of him, said three good words in a row, and each sound was louder than the other, and the sound was more excited than the other.

You know, their dragon kingdom can live unharmed in this chaotic world for so many years, relying on planting and this fertile soil.

But the nutrients in the soil will eventually slowly decrease over time.

But now it's different, he can feel that the improvement of the quality of this soil is definitely related to the five little friends who left the Dragon Kingdom!

After all, the soil that is already scarce cannot become fertile for no reason and become this black land.

Just as the old man was in his thoughts, a knock on the door interrupted his thinking.

"Knock knock-

-" "Please come in."

When the words fell, the wooden door was pushed open, and a man in a white research suit, sweating profusely, and holding a transparent box came in.

The man looked to be in his twenties, and the immaturity on his face had just faded.

But his scruffy beard, as well as the tiredness on his face, the thick dark circles, and the red eyes, were obviously not what he had at his age.

The man rushed into the room breathlessly, and as soon as he took two breaths, he said impatiently: "Head, leader, seed, seed..." The man

was too tired, although the reward in the previous treasure chest made his body recover and improve his physique.

But the intense research, coupled with the long runs he wanted to be the first to report, still made his heart beat too hard.

The moment he saw the man, the old man stood up from the seat, and he was originally an ancient man, but he walked in front of the man in three or two steps.

(Antiquity, refers to people reaching the age of 70.)

The old man held the man's shoulder, and the excitement in his eyes could no longer be hidden.

"What's wrong with the seeds? Is it researched? Seeing

the leader's excited look, the man hurriedly took two breaths and handed him the transparent box in his hand.

"The research came out, the data was measured, and the mu production capacity reached at least 2,000 kilograms."

Two thousand kilograms!

The old man carefully took the box, looking at the seeds quietly placed in the box like a peerless treasure.

Suddenly, his eyes turned red, and a tear dripped down his wrinkled cheek onto the box.

"Finally... Finally, all the people can eat a bowl of hot rice. "

Although he was in tears, he was also the happiest.

As a decision maker on various major national events, for the first time, he cried so happily.

The old man stretched out his old and rough big hand, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and then suppressed the excitement in his heart and took the box and walked out.

Before the man could recover from the intense movement, he was beckoned by the old man to walk out.

Seeing this situation, the man couldn't turn around for a while.

"Chief, where are you going?"

The old man stopped, looked at the ground through the window, and laughed like a child.

"I'm going to take this batch of seeds that can be turned into hot rice and plant them myself."

"But Chief, you..." The

man wanted to say something more, but was stopped by Elder Long's hand.

The old man lowered his arms and held the box in both hands, for him, the seeds in the box were more brilliant and beautiful and precious than all the pearls and gemstones in the world.

"My old comrades-in-arms all secretly hid from me and ran to the battlefield without my family, but they didn't expect that this matter was still known to me."

"I want to go too, but you won't let me."

"I also know that you are worried that something will happen to me on the battlefield, and no one can make a decision."

"But now it's different, I'm going to plant seeds, that is, planting a field."

"And I've worked hard for most of my life, you can't even let this old man plant it."

The sunlight shone on the old man's face through the window, and the smile on his face was so kind that like a child getting candy that he liked to eat, and his happy heart was about to melt.

The man also laughed when he saw this, under the sun, the exhaustion on his face was clearly visible, but the happiness was the same... Clearly visible.

"Yes, Chief."


Inside the forbidden area.

Bai Yuekui was happier than getting a treasure chest when he learned that the Splitting Rhino herd he killed did not turn into a treasure chest, but increased the fertility of the land of the Dragon Kingdom, turning the original loess into black earth.

At all times, the land has always been the root of people.

What's more, his original hometown....

The land is full of yellow sand....

"Eh, why are you frowning? Come, I'll rub it for you~"

Lei Ling flew to the top of Bai Yuekui's head, and then lay on her snow-white silver hair, stretching out his little hand to rub her brow.

For a while, Bai Yuekui was amused by Lei Ling.

At this time, Wendy also came over with a silver-white flower.

"This is something I finally found, it is said that it can make people's mood better, give it to you~" Bai

Yuekui looked at the silver flower Wendy held in her hand, as well as the cyan stained on the tip of his nose and cheeks, as well as the yellow-brown on Zhongli's face on one side, and the orange-red color on Rowan's face, and took the silver flower with a smile.

Then she touched the petals with her slender fingers and then wiped them on her face.

A silver-white mark instantly appeared on her face.

At the same time, Luo Xiaohei, who had blue flowers on his head, also walked over.

"Meow... (Let's hurry up and get the Dragon's Secret Treasure...) "Good


Bai Yuekui smiled and picked up Luo Xiaohei and looked ahead.

Head towards the highest mountain in the distance.


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