"After all, I've always been the sun."

After Rowan spoke, no new words appeared in the mirror, but a crack appeared in the center of the mirror.


Suddenly, Rowan heard a soft laugh in his ears, and in a trance, he felt as if he had returned to the world he once had.

Once a world of richness, peace, and people put smiles on their faces every day.

The laughter faded away, faded away.

A warm tear ran down the corner of Rowan's eye.


Rowan looked at the tears dripping in the palm of his hand, and thousands of memories of the past welled up in his heart.

In the past, he always thought that he suddenly came to this world, he was alone, without partners and no family.

Even when you get the system, start playing the sin of arrogance, get that powerful power.

He became even more lonely.

Perhaps because of being a Chinese person, he has received a professional education.

After he obtained the near-invincible power, he did not use this power to do evil.

On the contrary, fearing that this force would hurt others, he would close the tavern every time near the wee hours of the morning, and then walk towards the sea.

Only the coldness of the sea can allow you to control your strength, and only the silence of the sea can make you feel a little warmth.


The cracks on the mirror became more and more, spreading to the entire mirror like a spider's web, and finally with a crisp sound, it completely shattered, turned into a puddle of water, and returned to the lake.

Behind the shattered mirror, there is endless darkness, but what is revealed is the hidden path in darkness.

Looking at the road filled with black fog in front of him, Rowan resolutely embarked on this unknown road with his tomahawk in his hand.

Through the mirror, steady footsteps stepped on the road, leaving only a light behind him that was not transparent, as if to see him off.

Rowan walked towards the darkness, and the light behind him gradually disappeared from sight, but then a face appeared in front of him that was too familiar to be familiar.


"Boss! Is there alcohol? "

Three years ago, Rowan, who had just crossed the boundary line of death and came to this world, was wiping the wine bottle in his hand in the tavern.

His thin body seemed to fall in the wind, but he stood safely behind the counter, carefully wiping the bottle.

At this time, the tavern was not as lively as it is now, and as a pub that only opened at night and closed before the wee hours of the morning, no one seemed to like the feeling that they could not drink a hangover.


Suddenly, the wooden door of the tavern was pushed open forcefully, and the wooden door smashed on the wall next to it, dropping dust.

"Boss! Is there alcohol? The big man who pushed the door in was very burly, and as soon as he entered the door, he asked Rowan for wine with his broken voice.

Rowan nodded, but before he could ask, the strong man quickly stepped forward and supported the counter with one hand, gradually clenching the other hand.

"I want them all."

"Yes, yes!" Rowan was startled by the strong man, and cowardly agreed, and the whole person was like a frightened rabbit, and hurriedly ran to the backstage to get wine.

When he moved out, the big man grabbed Rowan with one hand and wrapped his arms around the box, and then took out a bottle and drank it all down.


"Hard! I haven't drunk such a strong wine for a long time, hahaha, boss, I made up my mind about this friend of yours!


at the familiar picture in front of him, Rowan revealed a nostalgic gaze.

This strong man is the first drinker he has received in his true sense.

He never revealed his name or said what he did, but every night he would come to the tavern on time and order a case of spirits.

It was in the past three years that his hair gradually disappeared with the wind, and finally he became a big man who could reflect on his head.

Rowan continued to lift his feet and walk forward, only this time, he seemed to understand something.


flies by, the days pass by, and the sun rises and sets.

Perhaps because he did not hide enough, or because the sunset became thin and the sunrise became too obvious to be a strong man, the fact that he had extraordinary powers was still known by the country.

That night, Rowan wiped his glass as usual, and the door of the tavern was pushed open as usual.

But this time it was not the old man who walked in, but two men in black trench coats.

Looking at the two people in front of him, plus the momentum exuding from them, Rowan was afraid and swallowed his saliva.

But as usual, he asked, "Huan, welcome, do you want to drink?"

The man at the head shook his head, and at the same time took out two photos from his arms to show Rowan, and said in an indifferent tone: "The people in these two photos are you." The

trench coat man behind him was standing outside the door looking around.

Rowan looked at the photo on the man's hand and found that it was actually what he looked like when he jumped into the sea in the early hours of the morning.

Rowan's eyes widened, surprise and panic filling his body.

"You, you..." Seeing

Rowan's trembling appearance, the man shook his head and took out a document from his arms.

"We didn't mean to investigate, it's just that the power you showed is too dangerous, that's why the state will investigate this matter."

Country, country?!

At that moment, Rowan's mind instantly flashed the picture of blood drawn from slices and lying on the operating table all day long.

But in the next second, the man suddenly grabbed Rowan's shoulder and said seriously: "The country hopes that you can hide your strength, and the traces you showed before, the state has helped you erase them all."

The man looked at Rowan, who rolled his eyes in fright, and repeated it again, while adding.

"What we say is not a child's play, please hide well, the current country can not withstand changes, but any new power is born, it is very likely to trigger the riot of those beasts."

Seeing that Rowan still didn't reply, the man was about to repeat it a third time, but he heard a sudden sound of fighting at the door, and a sound of breaking his throat.

"Boss! Don't be afraid! Hold on a little longer! This product was immediately knocked unconscious by me! "


"Hahaha..." When

the picture ended, Rowan suddenly laughed, but it was his former self who laughed.

I used to think of others as the worst, and I always thought that I showed supernatural power and would be taken away by the state immediately.

However, how can the Dragon Kingdom, which is originally people-oriented, hurt the people who love this country deeply?

Rowan continued to walk towards the daylight in front of him.

Only this time, he felt that he didn't seem so lonely.


Through the daylight, Rowan's eyes appeared in front of many figures, they may have been spectators of the world, or travelers of this world.

But at this moment, they are all passers-by beside them.

In front of many figures, there are four figures that seem so out of place.

"Oh, Brother Sun~ It must be boring to look at the sun alone~ It's better to take a trip with us~

" "Alas... Although it's nice to be quiet like this, and it won't be annoying to say anything, but without you, I always feel that this squad has become a lot colder.

"Meow? (Aren't we partners?) "

My friend, and the day of solitude, higher than heaven, its dispersed heat, warm in the heart, unforgettable."

You are not alone. "

Once upon a time, Rowan always felt that his power was a kind of trouble, and he was only suitable for hanging alone in the sky, living alone like the sun.

But now, he realized.

He has a country, a tavern, and a partner behind him.

He is not alone.

Looking for the heart in the mirror, what is looking for is never the original heart and the original heart, but the heart that has been forgotten by itself and covered by the fog.

Rowan raised his legs, and at this moment he seemed to become his night self, but his steps were towards the light.

And the dark road behind him was also washed away by this light, and the black fog surrounding it gradually dissipated, revealing the original path.

Suddenly, what Rowan didn't know was that the degree of play on the system panel fluctuated with his state of mind, and the chains wrapped around it also turned into bubble phantoms.


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