Unlike the somewhat collapsed mood of the funeral, Wendy, who also watched the sand table, seemed very happy.

He even waved to greet everyone in the sandbox.

It's just that his voice can't reach everyone's ears through the sand table.


The three people, one cat and one thunder spirit in the room, when they saw the beast king condensed by sand, they each rushed forward.

However, before that, Zhong Li specially attached a Yuzhang shield to them.

The first to rush forward were the fastest Bai Yuekui and Lei Ling.

Holding the power of thunder, they crossed tens of meters in the blink of an eye and came to the Beast King.

In front of the huge body of the Beast King, their bodies seemed too small, but the power released was exceptionally huge.

Lei Ling came to the Beast King, first clasped his hands together, and thunder flashing with electric light burst out in his palm.

"Let's try it first, how about this trick."

As soon as the words fell, Lei Ling opened his hands, and a thunder ball that was constantly flashing with an arc appeared in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, the thunder ball exploded instantly, and thunder and lightning shot out, covering the entire head of the Beast King.

At the same time, Bai Yuekui's side also took action.

Bai Yuekui stepped on high heels, and his steps seemed very casual.

Then, she pulled out the Tang knife in her hand, and a cold light flashed on the blade, followed by an arc.

Next second!

Bai Yuekui slashed down with the Tang knife in his hand, and a thunder shot out from the blade, turning into a crescent-like thunder slash and striking at the neck of the beast king.

At this time, watching the burial of the sand table, he suddenly applauded excitedly.

"What a powerful thunderbolt!"

"But..." Funeral suddenly changed his voice, revealing a bad smile: "My newly prepared Beast King has a high resistance to the power of the elements~"

As the same burial said, the electric light surrounding the head of the Beast King Dragon was directly broken by it, and the slash that slashed on the neck of the Beast King was directly consumed by quicksand.

The attacks of Lei Ling and Bai Yuekui could not cause any damage to the Beast King at all.

"Hey, really in terms of attributes, my strength has been restrained..." Lei Ling first turned into thunder to avoid the big mouth stretched out by the Beast King, and then floated in the air and complained a little helplessly.

If he was facing a beast king piled up with ordinary sand, it was estimated that a bolt of lightning could shatter that beast king on the spot.

After all, the quality of Thunder is here, even if the attributes are restrained, it can still be killed immediately.

But this beast king, whether it was the quality of the sand or the resistance to thunder, made him helpless about it.

What kind of clever thing did this work come up with.

Specifically against him!

Looking at the unscathed Beast King, Lei Ling only felt that his teeth were a little itchy, although his teeth were also transformed by thunder and lightning, and he would not feel anything at all.

When Bai Yuekui found that his attack was useless, he gave up continuing to use the thunder attack on the spot, and instead relied on physical strength to attack.

Since the last time she was saved by Rowan with a cell recovery potion, she has found that when she uses her power again, the cells in her body will not accelerate aging as before.

In other words, she can now vent her power without reservation.

Bai Yuekui rotated the Tang Dao three hundred and sixty degrees in the air, and then slashed forward with force.

A white light flashed, and the blade slashed through the ankle of the Beast King, cutting a two-meter-long hole in the ankle of the Beast King.

But in the next second, a trace of surprise flashed in Bai Yuekui's eyes.

I saw that the wound she cut was not filled with sand again to heal, but was covered with ice crystals, stopping the flow of sand.

Seeing this scene, Bai Yuekui instantly remembered the forging material of the knife in his hand.

Cold Stone.

Although Bai Yuekui was not very clear whether this ice crystal was caused by the cold stone in the blade body, it was always a good thing to be able to limit the self-healing ability of this monster.

Immediately, Bai Yuekui once again copied the Tang knife in his hand, with a confident smile on the corner of his mouth, and continued to attack.

At the same time, Rowan and Zhongli were still walking with calm steps, walking towards the Beast King without hurry.

It seemed that to them, the Beast King in front of them did not have any threat level at all.

Just like a kitten, in front of people, only show its delicate paws, and can not pose any threat to people at all.

But at this moment, he found that he couldn't catch the flexible thunder spirit in front of him, as well as the beast king of Bai Yuekui, and roared angrily.

Then he ran towards Rowan and Zhongli in the distance.

Of its only spiritual intelligence, the two slowest must be the weakest.

Therefore, the task of breaking down one by one, start with the weakest first!

Seeing the Beast King rushing towards him, Zhongli and Luo Wen simply stopped, one holding his arms, and the other making a tray shape with his right hand.

In a flash!

Rich rock elements swept out around Zhongli.

The blazing flames converged towards the palm of Rowan's hand.

The next second, the two said at the same time.

Zhong Li: "The sky moves."

Rowan: "The sun without mercy." When

the words fell, Rowan swept the fireball condensed in his hand towards the Beast King, and the fireball contained extremely strong magic inside.

At the same time, a star rock fell from the sky, smashing towards the Beast King with an unstoppable speed.


The fireball containing violent magic smashed on the body of the Beast King, instantly bursting apart, and the flames shot outward.

The star rock fell on the Beast King, and the rich rock element instantly wrapped the Beast King's entire person, petrified on the spot, unable to perform healing methods again.

As a result, the strongest boss that he painstakingly created died on the two skills released by Rowan and Zhongli.

.... No!

It's not over yet!

The sand, which had turned into dust and scattered all over the place, suddenly gathered again.

The wind and sand flew up in the sky, blocking everyone's view.

The fierce wind blew everyone's hair and clothes up. But under the influence of Zhongli's rock element, they still stood in place.

However, the floating thunder spirit was not so lucky, and was directly swept back and forth by the sudden sweeping wind, and he couldn't even speak.

And in such a wind and sand, there was a young man's figure, slowly condensed.


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