After sending everyone to the dark cell.

In the abyss inside the black box, looking at Rowan in front of him, he opened his hands and laughed.

"Now, who else can help you?"

"Help?" Rowan raised his eyebrows and tilted his head to look at the abyss with disdain.

"To deal with bugs like you, my Uncle Rowan still needs the help of others?"

As soon as the words fell, Rowan raised the divine axe and Rhitta slashed down.


The blade of the axe fell to the ground, and the abyss was cut off by a knife, and the body was separated from it and fell to the sides.

Under the aftermath of this blow, the earth produced cracks tens of meters long, and the surrounding trees also fell for it.

The abyss, which was split

in half, fell to the ground, instantly turned into a pool of black water, and reorganized again.

Seeing the abyss recover, Rowan wields the Axe Rashta again.

His movements were very casual, as if he had unleashed a devastating blow, just a gesture of his hand.


Another rift was born, and the abyss was reorganized again.

Abyss, who had returned to human form, spread out his hands, leaned his head in front of Rowan, and shouted furiously:

"Useless, useless!!"

"Your attack won't do me any harm at all!"

"Isn't it okay to just wait for me to devour you!"

However, it was an axe that responded to the abyss.

Reorganizing again, Abyss covered his face and laughed maniacally.

Suddenly, he stopped laughing and looked at Rowan with his inky black pupils.

"It's all said, it's useless."

As soon as the words fell, spikes suddenly burst out of the black earth and attacked Rowan's body.


The spikes pierced through the armor and pierced Rowan, and a little blood flowed from the spikes.

The divine axe Rhitta fell from his hand and smashed to the ground.

But the abyss instead showed a puzzled look.

"Huh? How did it not give you through?

"Because, you're too weak."

After speaking, Rowan raised his head, his body shook and broke all the spikes, and at the same time his right hand clenched his fist and smashed towards the abyss.

In the face of Rowan's attack, the abyss did not even dodge.

But when the attack came to him, a strong feeling of heat hit him.

It was the kind of blazing heat that could make him, as a collection of darkness, feel threatening!


The upper body of the abyss instantly turned into black mist, and sparks sputtered out from it.

This time, he did not stop where he was when he recovered his body, but quickly retreated backwards.

"Oh? Are you afraid? Rowan

saw the retreating abyss and looked at the abyss with a proud expression.

At this time, Rowan's body had swelled to three meters tall, and his muscles seemed to break through the restraints of armor.

Now, it's close to noon.

"No, it can't be!"

"How did you become so strong in such a short time!"

Abyss looked at Rowan, whose momentum had increased several times, and suddenly felt a sense of unease.

Next second.

In the distance, Rowan instantly disappeared in place, turned to his body, and smashed a punch into his abdomen.


This time, the abyss did not turn into black fog as before, but ate this blow abruptly.

His means are invalid!

"What the hell are you! It is absolutely impossible for humans to have the power of yours!! The

abyss raised his head angrily, he already had a guess in his heart.

But Rowan's answer made his expression fluctuate again.

"I'm human."

"It's just that I'm also the one who stands at the top of all races."

Rowan stretched out his finger and pointed upwards at the sun.


The abyss erupted into darkness again, and the pitch-black liquid turned into claws and grabbed Rowan.


"It's pathetic."

As he spoke, Rowan opened his hands to grasp his claws, and then slammed them to the ground.

The pitch-black claws collided with the ground, instantly smashing out two craters, and stones continued to splash out of them.

And the claws also turned into liquid and collapsed.

Abyss raised his hand to withdraw the liquid, and his face changed from his previous madness to become cold.

Originally, he thought that Rowan was a weapon made by those pseudo-gods.

But now, he was convinced that Rowan was human.

At the same time, He was ready to be serious.

Next second.

The abyss closed its arms, and the pitch-black thunder and lightning itself exploded, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a thunder battle axe and fell towards Rowan.

At the same time, he also manipulated the rock element, increasing the gravity of this earth boundary to more than ten times the original.


Under the suppression of this gravity, Rowan stepped on the ground under him, and a large pit was created.

But Rowan's body did not move in the slightest, and even the thunder battle axe that was about to fall did not care at all.

Because just now, he heard the system's prompt.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for increasing the playing degree to 50%, unlocking the Heavenly and Heavenly Solipsism Mode, and the True Heavenly Solipsism Mode. ]

(Previously, when the chain was unlocked on the playing degree, it continued to improve with Rowan's actions, but it would not be prompted until it reached 50%). The

Thunder Tomahawk slashed down vertically and slashed at Rowan's shoulder without causing any damage.

However, Abyss didn't want to use this trick to solve Rowan.

Then, the abyss smashed into the ground with a punch, and darkness continued to emerge from within the earth.

Then, under the control of the abyss, it condensed into the shape of a pitch-black dragon head in the air.

Immediately afterwards, the dragon head opened its mouth, and a black beam of light shot out from its mouth and hit Rowan.


The beam didn't last long before it was broken by Rowan's punch!

The smoke cleared, and Rowan, who had been stained with a little dust, stood in place.

A fireball like a small sun was entrusted by him in his hand.

"Is this the power of your seriousness?"

"In order to pay tribute to you who are serious, let me also be serious."

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