"Don't you think it's weird to be quiet here?"

"Although this is the Great Plains, it is probably too quiet."

Bai Yuekui thought and voiced his doubts.

From the moment she stepped through the golden gate and came here, she discovered a very strange thing.

There was no sign of biological action on this plain, only the large tree that came to life in front of you.

Hearing this, Zhong Li touched his chin and added thoughtfully:

"Not only is it too quiet, but even this land gives me a false feeling."

Hearing this, Luo Xiaohei lay on the ground and sniffed, and then said:

"There seems to be something buried in this place, and I smell a smell of rot."

Just after Luo Xiaohei finished speaking, Luo Wen smashed his punch to the ground and directly pulled out what was buried in the soil.

After being dragged out, everyone saw it clearly.

Buried deep in the soil are the roots of the tree where bones are joined together!

Seeing the roots of the white bone tree, the tree spirit lying on the ground and unable to move suddenly had a bad feeling.

Next second.

A long knife grazed its body and plunged straight into the soil beside it.

Feeling that his little life was almost over, the tree spirit shouted without waiting for everyone to ask:

"I really don't know anything!"

"I just slept before."

"After I woke up, I saw Grandpa Hua, Chief Kimura, Grandma Baihua, and everyone disappeared!"

"Originally, I thought everyone was just moving somewhere else, so I kept walking, kept walking..."

"I really, I don't know what's going on here..." Faced

with the threat of death, the tree spirit painstakingly explained everything he knew.

After speaking, it began to choke, showing signs of crying.

After listening to the tree spirit's bitter words, Bai Yuekui looked back at Zhong Li.

After seeing Zhongli nodding, he put the long knife back.

"In that case, that means you don't know much about the situation here, do you?"

Although the tree spirit couldn't nod bitterly, he quickly answered.

"Yes, and I didn't know that there were white bone roots buried here."

"Even about the story here, I have heard Grandpa Hua tell it for a long time."


Hearing the word story, Wendy suddenly became interested.

Then he plucked an apple from the tree, took a bite, and asked,

"Are you interested in telling me the story of Grandpa Hua?"

As soon as these words came out, the tree spirit was bitter, even if he was reluctant, he couldn't help it.

Even if there is no interest, under the threat of tree life, there is forced interest.

"I probably don't remember very well... So... Can you not kill me then..."

the tree spirit said very softly, very carefully.

For fear that he would provoke the five demons in front of him, and then the tree's life would be saved.

Hearing this, Wendy and Bai Yuekui couldn't help but laugh.

And Wendy said

, "Don't worry, after all, we're not demons."

It's obviously ...

After the tree spirit bitterly complained in his heart, he told the story told by Grandpa Hua at that time.

"Grandpa Hua said at that time that this continent is the homeland of dragons."

"At that time, the continent was still a barren place, and everything could not survive."

"However, the dragon was born."

"Since then, heavy rain has been falling for three days and two nights."

"Just when the rain stopped, this barren land gave birth to the first green meadow."

"Later, every thirty days, rain would fall, moisturizing the barren land and bringing new meadows."


"Since five thousand years ago, heavy rain has not fallen as promised."

"Presumably, it is because this continent is no longer barren and full of life."

"The dragon thought that he no longer needed to use magical powers to change the environment here, so he left."

"But the ancient elves still remember the sound of the dragon's groan that resounded in the sky that day."

"That's all Grandpa Hua told the story, there are some things I don't remember clearly, so it may be..." The

tree spirit's bitter voice became quieter and smaller.

I was afraid that because I didn't remember the complete story, I would be chopped by the dissatisfied people and burned as firewood.

Although the story told by the dryad is relatively vague, several people still get useful information.

This continent has indeed had dragons come and descend moist.

But now the white bone rhizome buried deep in the soil is another fog that surrounds everyone's hearts.

While everyone was in deep thought, the tree spirit made a quick decision, and the roots grew out of the trunk!

Immediately afterwards, it carefully moved its body with its root whiskers, trying to escape itself from this ominous place.

However, in the next second, Xiaohong raised her head to look at it as if she had telepathy.


The tree spirit hurriedly stopped moving, put away the root whiskers, and then pretended to be dead.

After Xiaohong raised her head, she just burped, and then continued to lie on the ground and think about Long Sheng.

Seeing that the red dragon did not find itself, the tree spirit continued to raise its root whiskers bitterly, and then moved carefully.


Before it could move half a meter, he felt a stone in front of him.

When the tree spirit struggled to release the perception probe, all the leaves that were instantly frightened fell down.

I saw Rowan standing in front of it, holding a large stone still mixed with dirt, quietly watching it.


"I really said everything I knew!"

"Can you let me go

..." "Woo hoo..." This

time, the tree spirit really cried out bitterly.

Because when it perceives Rowan, it instantly has a feeling that the body is about to burn.

Before, because of the large number of people, its attention was not all on Rowan.

As a result, the whole perception is now Rowan....

"Woo hoo... Grandpa Flower... "

Okay, the sun can make us little trees thrive..."

The leaves are going to wither..."

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