Qianjia Snake, who had attacked several times without success, walked into the white mist unwillingly.

The only remaining methods are useless, why is the dragon vein so difficult to take!

Now there is no other way.

But at this moment, he suddenly heard a hoarse roar.

When the long roar sounded, Qianjia Snake's pupils shrank and quickly turned his head to look in the direction of the source of the sound.

I saw a hundred-meter red snake that was venting his unwillingness towards the sky.

"Parent: Father?!

Qianjia Snake couldn't believe that his father would actually change back to his body.

He hadn't seen his father transform back into his essence in years.

Because the qi and blood in his father's body were on the verge of deficit, he could no longer support the consumption of his body.

It is precisely because of this that he is willing to exhaust his life vitality luck, just to find the dragon vein and devour the dragon vein.

Then undo this damn curse!

But now....


The sad and indignant Qianjia snake smashed a fist to the ground, but weakly knelt on the ground.

He knelt down and stared blankly at the roaring giant snake, tears streaming from the corners of his eyes.

Qianjia Snake opened his mouth, his lips continued to tremble, and it took a long time to spit out two words.

"Father..." "Click


Suddenly, Qianjia Snake felt that his heart was broken.

The goal he pursued in his life suddenly had no meaning.

The soulless Qianjia snake knelt on the ground like this, watching his father fall heavily.

His tears had long stopped, but what flowed was bright red blood.

Suddenly, the gray-white fog surrounding him gradually turned black.

Immediately afterwards, a seductive voice sounded in his ears.

"Are you willing?"

The Qianjia Serpent returned to his senses under this voice.

Then he lowered his head and looked at his trembling hands.

Yourself, is it really willing?

He asked himself silently in his heart.

Seeing that Qianjia Snake did not respond, that voice sounded again.

"Do you hate your own weakness?"

The voice is still full of temptation, but this so-called temptation is pushing the Qianjia snake step by step into the darkness.


Qianjia Snake answered that voice this time.

If he wasn't so weak, he would have devoured the dragon vein and returned to save his father.

If he wasn't so weak, he wouldn't have used his father to save himself before.

If he wasn't so weak, how could he allow that golden dragon to carve a curse.

Everything, it's their own fault.

Everything, only yourself....

Too weak.

Blood and tears continued to drip down, but his gray eyes gradually turned black.

"Hahaha, yes, that's it."

"Accept my power, and then take my power and kill them!"

Qianjia Snake felt the power surging up in his body and closed his eyes.

It's just that when he closed his eyes, the blood and tears that dripped down turned gray when they fell.


Outside the world, in the void.

All living beings are invisible, unknowable, unknowable.

Darkness looked at the eternal chessboard in front of him, but revealed a surprised gaze.

"Hahaha, what a bonus!"

"Guangming, I see this time, how can you still win me!"

Light, who was sitting on the other side of the chessboard, heard the ecstatic voice of the darkness, and smiled gently:

"Didn't I say that this chess game, from the very beginning, you completely lost."

"Completely lost?" The darkness looked like he didn't tease me, and then said sarcastically: "I'm afraid you don't know how to get down, so delay time here, right?"

Light ignored Dark's sarcasm, but instead smiled slightly, his fingers tapping lightly on the chessboard.

"I have never held my son, everything is chosen for them."

When the words fell, a chess piece soared into the air, suspended on the chessboard, but did not fall for a long time.


at the same time, just after the Qianjia Snake was completely assimilated by the darkness and accepted the power subordinate to the darkness.

He stood up, looked in the direction where the Thousand Candle Snake fell, and muttered in that hoarse voice:

"Father, when I solve these humans and tree spirits, I will go down to accompany you."

Before that.

Bai Yuekui saw that the Qianjia Snake had not attacked for a long time, and he couldn't help frowning.

She also heard the long roar full of resentment just now.

Although because of the gray fog, she couldn't see who made the long whistle.

But she could confirm that the person who made the long roar must be related to the Qianjia snake that had escaped into the fog in front of her.

In order to avoid an accidental birth, Bai Yuekui turned his head and asked

, "Bitter, do you know where your Grandpa Mu and Rowan are?"

Hearing this, Ku Ku did not reply, but lowered his head and guarded the breath in his hand with his hands like a treasure.

The orange-red breath is still strong, but the emerald green breath has a faint feeling that it is going to completely dissipate

, and the flower beside her dreams of this situation, sighs, looks into the distance, but her heart inevitably sads.


The tree is dead.

Old wood, after all, do you still have to go one step first....


a week ago.

Hua Meng, who was sleepy, suddenly dreamed of a dream that made him grieve.

In the dream, the body radiated golden light, and the body was torn apart by a giant snake.

Immediately afterwards, the golden dragon soul flew out of the shattered body of the bitter tree, and was finally devoured by the giant snake.

After devouring the dragon soul, the giant snake evolved into a dragon and disappeared into the sky.

He also woke up.

But even when he woke up, he didn't recover from his grief for a long time.

That dream is his power, prophecy.

It was also from that time that he learned that the dragon vein that had disappeared for a long time had been struggling in his body.

After relenting, he rushed out the door, found the old wood and the birch, and told the prophecy.

"Fart! Lao Flower, I said it a few times, your prophecy is a fart!

"I'm telling you, it's hard work! Don't say anything obscure!

Just after Hua Meng finished speaking, Mu pointed angrily at Hua Meng's nose and scolded.

Hua Meng, who was scolded, did not reply.

He also wants his prophecy to be false and wrong.

A prophecy is a prophecy.

What is presented is also a predetermined destiny.

In the end, Bai Hua couldn't bear it, and stood up to fight the circle.

"Okay, okay, you're hundreds of years old wood, why are you still like a child?"

"Didn't you know when the predicted picture of Hua Meng went wrong?"

"I... I'm not fighting for a grievance. Wood asked these two questions in Birch, and he didn't know what he should say for a while.

Seeing that the wood was bitter to talk about things, Bai Hua rolled his eyes and didn't say anything more.

After all, the hardship is what the three old guys watched grow up.

For them, suffering is their common granddaughter.

And they treat hardship differently.

Hua Meng used her own experience, mixed with other things, to weave a story and tell it to the bitter listening.

Wood gave all his life's education to Bitter, for fear that Bitter would be bullied if he left them.

She, on the other hand, teaches suffering and guides her bitter character towards kindness.

Then, she looked at the two old guys in front of her and sighed: "

I know what the dragon vein is suffering."

"What?!" Wood and Hua Meng were shocked at the same time.

Seeing the shocked looks of these two four-hundred-year-old guys, Bai Hua laughed, and then said:

"You should also feel that the place where the hardship has taken root is full of life."

"Huh?" Wood scratched his head in puzzlement and said, "Isn't that the ability to be born hard?" Hearing

this, not only Bai Hua was speechless, but even Hua Meng was speechless.

"I doubt now that you learned so many means."

Hua Meng held her forehead and shook her head wordlessly.

Even if the talent is strong, it is impossible to release so much vitality out of thin air without training.

You know, this kind of thing is linked to the vitality of the tree spirit.

Hearing this, Wood touched his chin for a while, and then said:

"Maybe it's because I'm smart, so I can learn so many means."



As soon as Wood finished speaking, he was hit on the head by Bai Birch.

After finishing the matter, Bai Hua exhaled a long breath and said solemnly:

"What to do with the hard things?"

As soon as these words came out, the wood instantly changed from the original unorthodox to serious.

When it comes to hard things, he always gets very serious.

"Since, Lao Hua dreamed that a giant snake killed the bitterness."

"Then I'll go kill the snake."

After speaking, Mu's eyes became indifferent, and killing intent permeated around him.

But Hua Meng on the side sighed.

"Do you know who that snake is? And... Have you forgotten? Everything I predicted... When did something go wrong? If

he could, he would rather hope that he would be wrong for once.

"Then I'll see one kill one!"

"Anyway, I can't just watch the bitter death like this!"

"Even if I die for me!"

"Anyway, my old bone has lived enough!"

Wood became emotional, but his eyes had become moist.

He refuted everything about Hua Meng, but he did not refute that sentence, and when something went wrong.

Seeing that the wood was so emotional, Bai Hua first comforted the wood's emotions, and then turned around to ask Hua Meng.

"Hua Meng, really didn't you see other pictures?"

Hua Meng shook her head.

But in the next second, as if he had made up his mind, he closed his eyes, and at the same time said:

"Since you have decided so much, how can I send you a step."

When the words fell, Hua Meng turned into his body, and light green essence permeated around him.

Seeing this, a trace of panic flashed in Mu's eyes, and he hurriedly shouted:

"Laohua, you are crazy!!" Your remaining Shouyuan is simply not enough to support Yumepre! "

You're going to die!!"

But the answer to the wood was Hua Meng's still firm voice.

"I'm not crazy, I just can't bear to die like this."

"If my Shouyuan is really consumed, I will disperse my soul, and then dream to tell you where the giant snake is."

"Bai Hua, if I really die, help me tell Kuku, Grandpa Hua is sleepy and kind of wants to sleep."

"Old wood... In the future, I will tell the story of suffering, and you will help me tell it. The

words fell, and thousands of petals floated around him.

He was going to look for a turn in the way.

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