"Grandpa Hua, I want to ask you if the dragon vein is in the bitter body..."

When Hua Meng heard this, her expression was obvious, but she still pretended not to know anything, and beckoned to come back quickly.

"How come, the dragon vein is in the dragon's body as soon as it is heard, how can it be in our dryad body, it is dangerous over there, and it is hard to come back quickly."

He shook his head bitterly, and then took out a slightly sharp stone from the ground, and in the surprised eyes of several people, it cut his palm.

But there was not the slightest bit of blood dripping from it, but a dazzling golden light shining on the wound.

This golden light is exactly the same as the golden light shield that protects everyone.

Before Hua Meng could explain

, Ku Ku continued: "Actually, I guessed it bitterly before

..." "Grandpa Hua, as you told in the story, it is said that the dragon vein will absorb the power of the surrounding body to grow

..." "And after contacting everyone, Ku Ku suddenly grew to the point where it could transform into shape..." Looking

at the wound that gradually healed in his palm, tears passed through the corners of his eyes.

"Grandma Birch... I also left because of the bitterness..." Hearing

the bitter words, Hua Meng sighed heavily.

It turns out that Bitterness has always known....

They thought they were hiding it well....

Bai Yuekui saw bitter tears, stepped forward and hugged bitterness into his arms, stroked her hair, and comforted her softly.

Under Bai Yuekui's comfort, the bitterness gradually stopped her tears, and she raised her head with teary eyes: "Thank you, Sister Bai... Hard... Hard to know. "

Seeing that the bitterness is no longer crying, and the dragon vein also knows where it is, how to leave next is a difficult matter.

Because of where the dragon vein is, their power is sealed, and the only thing they can use is the power that comes with the weapon.

However, such a terrifying black wave, even if it is a full burst of power within the weapon, it is just a drop in the ocean, and there is no way to solve the current dilemma.

Moreover, Xiaohong also had no way to fly because of the suppression of this black wave, and took them out of here.

Just as a few people were thinking about countermeasures, they broke free from Bai Yuekui's embrace, grinning happily:

"I'm okay, Sister Bai."

Seeing this, Bai Yuekui thought that he was desperately trying to find Hua Meng, so he didn't care too much.

However, Ku Ku did not go directly to Hua Meng, but first trotted all the way to Luo Xiaohei's side, and then stood on tiptoe and rubbed the top of Luo Xiaohei's head.

"Hmm~ Sure enough, even the touch is different after the transformation~"

Seeing Bitterness rubbing his ears and the top of his head like this, Luo Xiaohei was a little helpless, but he didn't stop it.

In his eyes, bitterness is like his own sister.

After all, he had felt a familiar aura in Kuku before.

After rubbing the top of Luo Xiaohei's head slightly, he withdrew his hand.

"Hehe~ Thank you Xiaohei~"

Bitterly tilted her head, looked at Xiao Hei with a smile, and showed a little reluctance in her eyes, but it was quickly hidden by her.

After finishing the matter, Kuku took another step and prepared to run towards Thorn and Grandpa Hua.

But it was this reluctance that was noticed by Luo Xiaohei.

"Bitter... What are you going to do...,"

Luo Xiaohei took the bitter arm and asked.

Kuku looked like he didn't understand, and asked rhetorically: "What can Kuku do?"

Luo Xiaohei's eyes drooped slightly, and when he saw this, he took Luo Xiaohei's other hand, covered it on top of his head, and sold Mengdao.

"Xiao Hei won't be blamed for touching your ears without consent, right?"

"Although bitterness has no ears, hair is also a very important thing for the dryad family."

Luo Xiaohei didn't say anything more, and after rubbing his bitter hair twice, he took his hand back.

"Okay then..." looked

at Luo Xiaohei with a bitter smile, as if he wanted to completely remember Luo Xiaohei's appearance.

Then, he left Luo Xiaohei's side and strode to Grandpa Hua's side.

And then....

"Eh! Bitter, my beard! Hua

Meng, whose beard was grabbed by a bitter hand, exclaimed twice with a little pain.

But as if he was still unrelieved, his cheeks puffed out and he said dissatisfied: "Hmph, let Grandpa Hua deceive Kuku, hum!"

But having said that, Kuku let go of Hua Meng's beard and jumped off him.

After doing all this, I struggled to a place where everyone could see everyone.

Looking at the people who were seriously looking for a way in front of them, the bitter eyes could not stop reddening again, but not a single tear fell.

Seeing this, Bai Yuekui was just about to step forward to ask what had happened to the suffering.

Seeing Bitter closed his eyes and shook his head heavily:

"It's okay to be bitter, I just feel sorry for everyone."

"Because of the hardship, everyone finally fell into this predicament, and because of the hardship, the strength could not be used..."

said, rubbing her reddened eyes bitterly, and behind her, there was a black wave blocked by the golden light mask.

"Since all this is caused by suffering, in the end, it is also caused by suffering to end completely."

Saying that, when everyone didn't react, they jumped back and rushed out from the golden light mask, putting the whole person in the black wave.


Bitterly watching her gaze gradually fill with darkness, tears streaming from the corners of her eyes.

Brother Luo Wen, Sister Bai Yuekui, Brother Wendy, Brother Zhongli, and Brother Xiaohei, please forgive the bitter willfulness.

Without Grandpa Mu, Grandma Baihua, and everyone in the clan... I feel so lonely in this world....

Right now... I'm looking for you....

The tide of darkness completely swept away the suffering, and although there are dragon veins inside, the suffering will not be swallowed up by the darkness.

But the flames after the black wave spread on her body, bringing incomparable pain and tearing her suffering body to pieces.


--ka--Ka--- The bitter body of the tree appeared in the flames, but it also became cracked, revealing the golden light contained in it.

That is....

Dragon Pulse.

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