Although he said sorry, Han Naigu showed a fierce look and approached Rowan and Wendy step by step.

Like a gray wolf approaching a sheep step by step.

At this time, in his eyes, the thin Rowan and the delicate Wendy were already lambs to be slaughtered in the palm of his hand.

"Eh, it's really scary~ Brother Sun, you have to protect me~"

Wendy saw the two people approaching them, and successively pretended to be afraid to protect herself with her hands, and then hid behind Rowan's back, put her hands on his shoulders, and the whole person shivered.

Of course.

It's a smile.

As for Rowan, he was really scared to the point of trembling.

Then, he stretched out his finger behind Han Naigu, and said with a slightly trembling voice: "

That, that..." Just

as Rowan said the first word, Han Naigu instantly strode forward and pressed his index finger against Rowan's lips.

"Shh, I'll be fast, I won't let you feel pain."

After that, Han Naigu was just about to launch an attack, and as soon as he hit Luo Wen's life, he was interrupted by Kim Ilzhu's exclamation.

"This damn pig." Han Naigu cursed secretly in his heart, extinguished the purple-black flame in his hand, and then looked at Jin Rizhu.

"And how... Han

Naigu, who discovered the situation in front of him, instantly changed his tone from his original dissatisfaction to sluggishness.

I saw Shin Zhengzhe, Min Xianyi, and Park Xiangqi, who were originally sent to block Zhongli's three, and at this time, only Park Xiangqi, who was covered in scorched marks and had blood on his forehead, was left.

As for the other two....

One was crushed into a meatloaf by gravity, and the other was completely turned into a puddle of liquid.

They all died at the hands of their abilities.

They descended on the volcanic city and possessed abilities that were exchanged for trading with lava sacrifices.

The transaction is simple, they pay for life, and then they get the corresponding ability.

The one who paid the least was Kim Ilzhu, who exchanged his one-year life for the Hawkeye ability, which can observe all subtle movements, and even see all the details of the target 100 meters away.

The one who paid the most was Park Xiangqi, leaving only one year, using all the rest of his life to get the bloodline of the Shadow Clan, his physical fitness was greatly improved, and he could use the talent of the Shadow Clan, ignoring all negative effects, and if the attack was real, he could also hide in the shadows.

And why did he say that Shin Jung-chul and Min Xianyi died in the hands of their abilities.

It is entirely because the ability to get from this transaction is a double-edged sword.

If you use abilities that are beyond your grasp, you will collapse and eventually die under your own power.

But... It shouldn't be.

According to his speculation, as long as they did not encounter the gang of people from the Dragon Kingdom, their existing strength was completely among the top existences, and there was no need to risk death and force their actions.

Moreover, according to the news from the country, the participants in the Dragon Kingdom are 4 people and 1 cat, and one of them is particularly strong and can be recognized at a glance.

This gang... It's not like it at all....

Even if the cat becomes a person, then where is the strong man?

Eaten ??

The more Han Naigu thought about it, the more confused he became, completely unaware that at that time, because of the word limit, the Thief Country only passed on the staffing of the Dragon Kingdom contestants, as well as some orders.

There was no news that Rowan would turn thin at night to convey the news!

Moreover, Han Naigu did not see anyone among the people using the obvious abilities of flames, winds, and rocks.

That is to say, Han Naigu is not blamed for not having enough intelligence, only that he believes too much in the news of his own country and his own judgment.

Sensing that the gap in strength was so large, Han Naigu immediately decided to take Rowan and Wendy as hostages.

But just as he grabbed Rowan's throat with his right hand and leaned towards Wendy with his left hand.

I only felt a breeze, and Wendy, who was originally hiding behind Rowan, suddenly disappeared at this time.

Seeing this scene, the original pride and composure in Han Naigu's eyes disappeared instantly, and what turned to an incomparable horror.

Four people and one cat, fierce wind, strong strength!

That's all right!

Team Dragon Kingdom!

That is to say, the one in front of me....

Han Naigu raised his head stiffly, looked at the muscular man in front of him, and withdrew the hand placed on his neck in panic.

Then, with a trembling voice, he said:

"You, hello, I am, I am, I..."

Rowan, who turned on the sun mode in his heart, was naked and tilted his head to look down at Han Naigu.

"You, you call me Xiao Han..." Han

Naigu, who was overwhelmed by the momentum of Rowan's body, half-hunched over, and did not dare to breathe.

At this time, the two are still the relationship between the lamb and the gray wolf.

It's just that the lamb to be slaughtered becomes Han Naigu.

"Oh, oh, Han?"

Rowan raised his head, looked not far away, and said in a commanding tone:

"Little kitty over there, I order you to close your eyes and don't open them until I talk to you."

When Luo Xiaohei heard this, he stared at Luo Wen with a confused expression.

"Huh? Why?

As soon as Luo Xiaohei finished speaking, Wendy quietly appeared beside him and stretched out her hand to cover Luo Xiaohei's eyes.

"Because of what will happen next, children should not watch it~"

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