"The agreement, I have not forgotten."

"But it's not you who made an agreement with me."

As the words that did not fluctuate fell, Zhong Li waved his right hand and directly dispersed the incoming water waves.

At the same time, he also condensed a rock spear that seemed to cover the sky.

"Go away, my old friend."

Zhongli closed his eyes and whispered, and the rock spear fell from the sky.

Under the rock spear that seemed to cover the sky, Heituo's body was like a little starlight, and it was instantly buried by the tip of the gun.

But at this moment, a golden light broke through from the rock spear, and then I saw a sheep full of golden yellow standing above Heituo's head, constantly releasing golden light to offset the power of the rock spear.

The moment they saw the golden sheep, everyone present without exception felt that their spirits had been impacted, even Zhongli and Wendy, who were gods.


The sheep roared, and the huge rock spear suddenly turned into dust again and scattered from mid-air.

At this time, the idiot who was standing high in the air, because of the impact of the divine soul, made him, who was already damaged by the divine soul, hit him again.

He covered his forehead with one hand, his brows furrowed, and his face showed pain.

But even so, he could not resist his fiery eyes looking at the sheep.

"Sheep Totem, I didn't expect to see it here!"

"As long as I get you, the wounds that my soul has encountered can be completely healed!"

"Hahaha, it's really God help me!"

Just when the madness was laughing wildly because of the arrival of the sheep totem, Zhong Li, who was hit by the divine soul, only trembled slightly, and instantly adjusted.

Then, he opened his eyes, looked at the golden sheep with the ancient well-wreckless eyes, and slowly said:

"The mastermind behind the scenes, is that you?"

The golden sheep did not reply, after all, as a sheep, how could it understand Zhong Li's words.

But even so, its ability to sense the soul can still understand what Zhongli said.

So, it bleated and answered with action.

Next second.

Heituo stepped down and burrowed into the ground, and the four elements of thunder, fire, water, and electricity were continuously released by it, and the scope was so large that it even broke through the range constructed by Zhongli, enveloping the entire Eternal Night Battlefield.

So much so that some contestants didn't even react, and were taken away from the battlefield by a sudden elemental attack.

In the face of the attack unleashed by Heituo, Zhongli's attitude remained steady, and he stepped forward unhurriedly, and then raised his left hand and manipulated the rock to drag Heituo out of the ground.

In the blink of an eye.

I saw that Heita was surrounded by layers of dirt and rock, and was dragged away from the ground.

Even if it constantly releases the power of the elements, or even the power of the earth, it will not help.

This battle, from the beginning, was unfair.

The failure of Hetuo was doomed from the beginning, but the appearance of the sheep totem extended the time for defeat to come a little.

Seeing this, the golden sheep released the soul fluctuation again, causing everyone present to be shocked, and successfully rescued Heituo in Zhongli's hands.

But right now.

The battlefield changes suddenly.

The land that was originally full of barrenness and barrenness suddenly grew gorgeous roses, bringing a strange beauty to this eternally dark battlefield.

"The flowers are blooming." After sighing softly at the scene below him, he jumped down from the sky.

He's about to start fulfilling his mission.

At the same time, it is also to get the sheep totem.

However, he forgot that there was someone waiting for him long before he came down.

So, after landing on the ground, just about to manipulate the rose to release the dream, he was smashed out by a sudden fist.

After crashing into several layers of rock piles in a row, he stopped.

But before he could recover, Rowan appeared in front of him, looking down at him.

"Oh, oh, oh, your body is really weak, and you can't even take one ten-thousandth of Uncle Ben's strength."

Hearing this, he struggled to get up from the ground, and although he spat blood from his mouth, he still had a smile on his face.

"It's really an arrogant human being, you will regret it, you didn't choose to kill me in the first place."

"Hahaha, come, my wonderful dream!"

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