
As the fire-breathing dragon roared.

The terrifying flames attacked Chen Xuanyu and Hoshino Ai

"Look, there's someone there!"

"Who is that?"

"Can actually fly? Is he someone with super powers?"

"Is this really a superpower? So shocking!"

At this time, countless TV stations, Internet celebrity live broadcasts, civilian videos and photos, etc. were all broadcasting frantically.

The appearance of a monster was already shocking enough.

But unexpectedly, there were actually people with super powers who could fly.

Countless people were They were watching this scene with nervousness, anticipation, and excitement.

They might be about to witness history.

Chen Xuanyu raised his hand and waved.

Countless ice crystal cold air collided head-on with the flames of the fire-breathing dragon...


The ice crystal cold air met the flame breath, directly blowing The battle broke out!

Countless even bigger waves, hundreds of meters high, rose into the sky, and then crashed down heavily. This shocked countless spectators at the beach to the core!

This shocking scene directly shocked countless spectators at the beach and made them panic again. at a loss

"Ai-chan, it’s your turn!"

Chen Xuanyu took Hoshino Ai and cast a flying magic on her.

So that she could fly alone in mid-air.

"ah?! I am afraid!"

At this time, Hoshino Ai is still a girl after all.

It is normal to be scared when seeing the giant fire-breathing dragon.

"It's okay, make a fist with your right hand, I'll take you up!"

Chen Xuanyu held Hoshino Ai's hand and encouraged her! He asked her to make a fist with her right hand and hit Charizard.

Seeing the real owner coming, Charizard also cooperated very well and activated the body tracing skill of the flame bomb..

Countless fire bombs passed by Chen Xuanyu and Hoshino Ai.

Boom boom!

Countless fire bombs exploded countless huge waves on the beach, as well as terrifying heat wave shock waves.

They blew up the entire yacht and small boats on the beach..

This scene was like a natural disaster. It was also broadcast live and reprinted on major TV platforms.

At the same time, countless viewers were also sweating for Chen Xuanyu and Hoshino Ai!

Such a terrifying offensive, could they really Win?

"980 is on!"

Chen Xuanyu took Hoshino Ai, flew through the air at high speed, and punched the Charizard.


The Charizard's huge body fell heavily on the sea.

It caused waves all over the sky.

"This, these two people were actually defeated.

Such a terrifying monster! Unbelievable?"

"Come on, let's get a close-up of the camera!"

"Is this the Superman hero? So handsome!"

"That girl is so cute and beautiful!"


After defeating Charizard with one blow, Chen Xuanyu and Hoshino Ai's attention and popularity soared immediately.

Countless people thanked Chen Xuanyu and Hoshino Ai for saving them.

I also admire the extraordinary abilities of Chen Xuanyu and Hoshino Ai!

After the battle, Chen Xuanyu took Hoshino Ai and quickly leapt across the sea.

By the way, the fire-breathing dragon that has been transformed into a Poké Ball will be put back into the inventory slot.

As the battle ended, countless reporters and new media operators looked extremely excited.

Because they know that a big news is about to ignite the entire news world.

At this time, Chen Xuanyu brought Hoshino Ai with him.

Already leaped to another city.

The sun is also in the sky now and is about to set.

The golden sunshine of dusk shines on the pair of boys and girls on the beach.

Looks like a golden boy and a beautiful girl

"That, that, thank you!"

At this time, Hoshino Ai is wearing the white dress that Chen Xuanyu just bought for her.

With her beautiful face, gentle and natural temperament, and her slender figure, she does have the feeling of a beautiful girl!

"It doesn't matter, Ai-chan, there will be a lot of reports tonight or tomorrow.

And your name and image will be known and loved by the world!"

Chen Xuanyu looked at Hoshino Ai, I will give you the love you want!

"Um! I have never experienced what love feels like!"

Hoshino Ai raised his head and looked at the boy in front of him.

Not only is he handsome, but he is also so powerful!

Is this really the one sent by God to save me?

And why, I have only met Mingming for a few hours.

Just It was like they were good friends who had known each other for many years and talked about everything!

As the two walked hand in hand on the beach, they laughed and played.

It was like a pair of special brothers and sisters!

In the days that followed,

Chen Xuanyu accompanied Hoshino Ai. Go to the amusement park, ride the Ferris wheel, and ride the merry-go-round.

Let’s go camping on the top of the mountain, have a barbecue, watch the stars, and watch the sunrise and sunset!

Let’s go shopping for new clothes together. Chen Xuanyu looks at the couple’s outfits reflected on the floor-to-ceiling windows on the street.

He too I feel so tortured!

The ice cream Hoshino Ai holds in her hand will always be given to Chen Xuanyu to try first!

When we watch a love movie together, the soft-hearted Hoshino Ai always bursts into tears.

Chen Xuanyu has to lend her his shoulder to wipe her tears!

Let’s go to the biggest fireworks show together and the concert of Hoshino Ai’s idol girl group.

Let’s go to temples to pray together, let’s set off Kongming lanterns together, and watch the snow in northern cities together!

"Hello! Why are you so nice to me!"

On the snow, heavy snow was flying all over the sky.

Hoshino Ai's cute face also had a blush from the cold.

Chen Xuanyu took off his thick coat and put it on this little figure!

"Because you were once my crush, and now I want to protect you!"

Chen Xuanyu bent down slightly and kept eye level with the girl in front of him.

Her eyes were really beautiful, shining like purple stars in her eyes.

It was very stunning at first glance!

"Can't calm down? what is that? From now on you will always be by my side and will not leave me?"

After Hoshino Ai asked this question, there was a nervous and expectant look in her eyes.

"Well, I will always be by your side from now on!"

"Really? Then I'll pull the hook!"

When Hoshino Ai heard Chen Xuanyu's answer, a smile immediately broke out on his face.

His eyes were slightly narrowed, as cute as a crescent moon!

"OK! Pull the hook! Never change!"


Late at night!

Inside a luxury hotel.

Chen Xuanyu glanced at the sleeping Hoshino Ai.

Release Gardevoir and let it protect Hoshino Ai here.

Then Chen Xuanyu dressed up, went out and flew in a certain direction. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the urban area, there is a training class for the theater troupe LALALAI.

The training class at this time had just finished one day of rehearsal.

Shenmu Guangzheng walked out of the door and came to a street and alley, preparing to go home.

A figure came over from a distance!

"Divine wood light!"

Hearing someone calling him, Shenmu Guang raised his head and looked at the person in front of him.

"We know each other?"

There was a hint of doubt in Shenmu Guang's eyes.

He didn't remember knowing this young man at all.

"I didn’t know him before and I won’t know him in the future.

I only come here (cfeb) for one thing, and that is to take something from you!"

Chen Xuanyu slowly raised his head.

Under the pale moonlight, his handsome and somewhat evil face shone out.

He looked at Shenmuguang quietly, with a cold light in his eyes!

The man in front of him, at first glance A young middle school student who is only about 10 years old.

How can he do such an ugly thing!

"You shouldn't provoke her, and you shouldn't abandon her when she's most helpless, and you shouldn't kill her!"

"You are such a fond of passing and taking away talented people.

And the life of an actress is full of value.

Scumbags who come to feel that their lives are important do not deserve to live in this world!"

Hearing this, Shen Shiguang's expression changed drastically.

Only he knew the distortion and filthiness in his heart.

Who is this person? Why is it that he knows his innermost thoughts better than he does!

"So, please go to hell!"

"no, do not want……"

Click, click, click!

As countless ice crystals surged up Shenmu Guang's body.

Immediately freeze it completely.

Then lava appeared in Chen Xuanyu's hand, completely crushing and melting the entire humanoid ice sculpture!

Dirty, dirty water flows into the sewer


Early the next morning.

When Chen Xuanyu took Hoshino Ai for a walk on the beach.

Suddenly a young man rushed up

"You, you are the heroine Ai-chan!"

Chen Xuanyu stood in front of Hoshino Ai and frowned slightly as he looked at the somewhat fanatical bastard in front of him.

"Who are you?"

Hoshino Ai looked at the bastard fan Ryosuke holding flowers in his hands, with a hint of doubt in his tone.

"Ah, yes, that’s it! My name is Ryosuke and I admire you very much!"

When he heard this name, Chen Xuanyu's face was suddenly shocked.

Sure enough, it was the one, the fanatical illegitimate fan Ryosuke.

At the end of another line of reasoning and the comic.

It was this Ryosuke who, after knowing Hoshino Ai's address, came to his door to arrest him. Kill!

A smile appeared on Chen Xuanyu’s face

"It's not very convenient here, and you don't want Ai-chan to be recognized by other people and cause trouble!

Let’s go over there and talk!"

Hearing Chen Xuanyu's words, there was a hint of hesitation in Liangjie's eyes.

"Ah, this, okay! Ai Jiang, please be sure to sign later!"

When Chen Xuanyu took Ryosuke to a remote corner, he immediately ordered Hoshino Ai to buy a few bottles of water.

Hoshino Ai obediently went to buy water.

The whole corner was left with Chen Xuanyu and Ryosuke!

"Ryousuke, right? Such a fanatical private meal like you is really pitiful!"

Chen Xuanyu slapped his shoulder with his palm, and countless ice crystals quickly condensed him into an ice man!

Then in his frightened eyes, he was completely frozen and took away his life!

"It's really not a pity to die for a person like you!"

As Chen Xuanyu erased all traces of Ryosuke, it was as if this scumbag had never appeared.

When Hoshino Ai came back from buying water, she found that only Chen Xuanyu was left there.

"What about that person?"

"He has left, maybe there is something wrong with his brain!"

Chen Xuanyu took the water from Hoshino Ai's hand and said to Hoshino Ai

"This place is no longer suitable for your life, love, are you willing to go to another world with me?"

Chen Xuanyu asked with sincerity in his eyes.

"Another world? As long as Yujun is in the world, I am willing to go!"

After getting along in the past few days, the relationship between the two has also heated up rapidly.

And is there anything worth remembering in this world?

Hoshino Ai thought about it, and it seemed that there was nothing!

No relatives, no friends, no lovers!

Maybe the only thing worth caring about now is Yu-kun's eyes!

As Hoshino Ai agreed.

At this time, the long-lost sound of the game also sounded.

【Congratulations to the players from Kyushu Kingdom.

Successfully saved Hoshino Ai! Successfully clear the hidden copy! 】

(Note that it is currently a hidden copy, so according to the player’s requirements, the live broadcast does not need to be carried out!)

【As a reward for passing the level:

Congratulations to the players from Kyushu.

Get Hoshino Ai’s special love reward—until death do us part!

(As a love brain, Hoshino Ai melts in your love, and all your requests will be based on your feelings!)】

【The current copy completed successfully!

After ten seconds, Kyushu players can take Hoshino Ai and teleport back to the other world together.】

【ten, nine, eight……】

"Send them together?! it is as expected!"

At this time, Chen Xuanyu looked at Hoshino Ai next to him.

Those bright big eyes were filled with countless stars, which were all expectations for a better future!

Thinking of this, Chen Xuanyu hugged Hoshino Ai tightly.

The next second.

The surrounding space Suddenly, Chen Xuanyu and Hoshino Ai appeared at the same time.

The national destiny altar in the territory of another world

…… ps: The attached picture is an image of Hoshino Ai!.

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