Outside Ah Sanguo's live broadcast room.

Countless spectators.

See the ecstatic expressions of the players from Asan Kingdom.

Then I saw Asanguo’s live broadcast room with a black screen.

Countless viewers were filled with thoughts and expressions of shock!

This is truly a country that wholesales warriors!

This is really something you can do!

Even the people from Asan Kingdom had complicated expressions and shock in their eyes.

The people from the Asan Kingdom are the real warriors!

As the players from Asan Kingdom held their marriage ceremony.

The country of Gaul on the other side couldn't sit still either.

The player in Gaul at this time is still a little black guy!

There is no way, there are so many little black guys in Gaul!

In Gaul at this time, in the Palace of Elysium.

The current commander-in-chief of Gaul looked at the reports analyzed by his staff.

It’s just as big as two heads!

Some people say that if you choose a blind box for marriage, you will definitely find a beautiful partner this time!

Some people say that choosing a white blind box has a higher success rate!

Some people also say to choose the second white blind box...

Every staff professor has his own argument method!

"Stop arguingJust choose a white blind box.

But let’s leave it up to the national athletes to decide which number to choose!"

As the commander of the Gallic Kingdom said, the words fell.

Others also began to prepare, the country reminded!


The territory of Gaul in another world!

At this time, the Gaul player Xiao Heizi was in front of four blind boxes, hesitating.

At this moment, the national reminder of Gaul came.

Gaul player Xiao Heizi looked at the country prompts in front of him with a smile on his face.

"YES! The success rate of opening white blind boxes is as high as over 90%! marvelous!"

At this time, Xiao Heizi had an excited expression on his face.

He immediately came to the white blind box.

After carefully choosing a blind box, he immediately reached out and opened it!

"Snap!"There was a sound.

Then a ten-meter-tall giant chicken appeared.

Not only that, there was actually a huge basketball under the chicken's feet!

Seeing this scene, countless viewers in the live broadcast room were also a little confused!

What the hell is this!

Basketball with a chicken?!

Just when the Gaul player Xiao Heizi and countless viewers in the live broadcast room looked confused.

I saw this giant chicken moving.

It was walking vigorously In the dance, he kicked the basketball onto his shoulder with one paw.

Then he spread his chicken wings and performed for everyone.

What is meant by passing the ball with chicken tips, dribbling with chicken feet, and shrugging behind his back!

"Damn it, why does this dance look so familiar?"

"Is this also a chicken that has been practicing for two and a half years?"

"Good guy! I finally understand why in ancient times, one could identify a sect with just a few moves!"


Seeing this scene, the people of Gaul were all dumbfounded!

What the hell is this!

At this moment, the game prompt sounded

【You opened a random blind box and got the national chicken of Gaul - Warcraft Gallic Chicken!

Don't underestimate it, as a C-level monster, it is still quite powerful! 】

After the game prompt sounds.

He saw the Gallic chicken in front of him, kicking out the black and gold special treasure basketball under his feet with one claw. boom!

A huge ancient tree was knocked down instantly!

Seeing this scene, the Gallic people, who had been a little disgusted just now, immediately cheered.

It is worthy of being the guardian beast of their country of Gaul.

This strength is too powerful!

Now their country of Gaul also has its own monster pet! this moment.

Gallic players, their confidence is doubled!

Sure enough, they little black ones are the real saving heroes of Gaul!


At this moment, the Asan Kingdom live broadcast room suddenly lit up.

Then the screen immediately went black again

"Um? Why is it bright and then dark again?"

"What's going on! I’m so tired of waiting!"

"There should be no problem this time!

If you have any more questions, I will broadcast a five-speed electric fan!"


At this time. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The game prompt sounded immediately

【A Sanguo contestant was detected and died after the marriage ceremony!】

【Obtain the blessing reward of the giant fly:

Asan people can only mate three times in their life, after which all males will die!】

【And in ten minutes, some celestial disaster will randomly occur in Ah San!】




"Can you only mate three times in your life? How can this be?"

"And if you exceed it, you will die! What kind of reward is this!"

"I found out that after flies mate, the males will die!

It turns out that our player died for this reason!"

"hateful! How will we live our lives from now on?"

"It's over, it's over! Three times in a lifetime!

I don’t know how many people from Asan Kingdom will die this time!"

"It's all the fault of that national sports player.

If he himself is killed, forget it!

He even harmed us for selfish reasons! Damn it!"


Ten minutes are coming soon

【Now we are extracting disasters from the heavens!】

【The draw is successful. Congratulations to Asan Kingdom for getting one of the ten plagues: fly plague!】

【Countless flies.

It will sweep across the entire Asan Kingdom.

They will carry diseases and contaminate water and food!

The time of arrival is 24 hours.

During this time, they can only fly within the territory of Asan Kingdom.

And the diseases spread can only take effect in the territory of Asan Kingdom. and cannot cross the border.

After 24 hours, all flies that are still alive will (Li Qianhao) be recycled by the game!

Everyone, run for your life!】


At this time, the Asan people heard the game prompt.

There was a look of horror on his face.

The fly plague, one of the ten legendary plagues, is simply terrifying.

They simply couldn't imagine the overwhelming influx of countless flies and insects all over the sky.

What a terrible scene it would be.

But some Asan people still think this is a disaster.

Far from it, the national sports reward just obtained is very harmful.

After all, they grew up drinking Ganges water!

It's just a disease, but when it comes, you have to suffer from two big dicks!

More seriously, under three chances in a lifetime.

Maybe it won't be long before Asan Kingdom itself is about to be destroyed.

And those women who stay can only take advantage of people from other countries!

Thinking of this, countless men from the Asan Kingdom looked sad and angry!


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