With the appearance of Violet.

The women in the air also looked over one after another.

Looking at Violet, who has a gentle temperament and outstanding appearance.

All the girls are also envious.

But they are different types of girls.

There is nothing to compare!

At least Chen Xuanyu treats all his wife groups equally.

No one was left out in the cold.

After settling in Violet.

Chen Xuanyu arrived again.

Another white blind box in front of the box.

The golden finger text light curtain appears again

【The current treasure is in the blind box.

A material for a sophisticated weapon - wild boar tusk!

Do you want to use comic character props to reset your skills? 】

Chen Xuanyu directly chose"Yes!" What is the use of these wild boar tusks ?

【Resetting in progress, reset successful.

Inside the treasure blind box is a sophisticated weapon material - wild boar tusk!

Reset to a comic character prop - the Pig Talisman of the Twelve Talisman!】

"oh?! Cyclops Pig Spell!"

Looking at the treasure blind box information that appeared in front of him,

Chen Xuanyu couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Unfortunately, it is a very useless pig charm.

Instead of a horse charm that can cure all diseases and a dog charm that can lead to longevity.

In this case, let's start Come out and give feedback to the country!

Chen Xuanyu slowly came to the white blind box

"There was a"click" sound.

The treasure blind box was opened.

A rich golden light appeared!

After the golden light dissipated, the treasure blind box was quiet.

It showed the appearance of an octagonal rune stone.

On the surface Drawing of a pink pig image


See this scene.

In the live broadcast room on Blue Star

"What's this? A rock with pink Peppa Pig painted on it?"

"I seem to have seen a dragon painted in blood red before!

It’s also a similar stone!"

"It seems that this is really an extraordinary treasure!

I just don’t know what this does!"

"I wonder if Brother Chen will choose to give feedback!

I also really want to gain extraordinary powers! Woohoo!"

"Asiba, this Peppa Pig is also an extraordinary treasure? What a joke!"

"Baga, this pig pattern doesn't mean that people turn into a pig! Ha ha!"

"hateful! This is the treasure of our Asan Kingdom, and it was intercepted by the Jiuzhou Kingdom! What a loss!"


Different world.

Chen Xuanyu immediately reached out and picked up the charm in front of him

【Name: The Pig Talisman of the Twelve Talisman!】

【Type:Equipment Weapon】

【Effect of use: The power of laser can make the holder's eyes emit electric light and can destroy all objects!】

【Rating: A spell with powerful attack power!】

【Do you want to select the country to which your feedback belongs? After feedback, the player will gain physical strength +2, strength +2, and wisdom +2! ]

Chen Xuanyu clicked [Feedback] directly!

Pig Talisman's laser eyes are indeed a bit useless.

In this case, choose to give feedback!

【Feedback is in progress, searching for a suitable host, search successful! Now delivering! 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


As Chen Xuanyu successfully reported again, an extraordinary treasure.

He also successfully obtained the National Games Game Feedback Award.

A burst of white light appeared and merged into Chen Xuanyu's body

"Sure enough, my physical fitness has improved again!"

Feeling the improved physical fitness in the body.

Chen Xuanyu also had a smile on his face.

0 Request for flowers

"Let’s take a look at what’s in this last white blind box!"

Chen Xuanyu came to the last one, the white blind box.

He immediately started to use his golden finger to explore!

The same semi-illusory blue subtitle appeared in front of him.

【Currently in the blind box box.

For the compulsory copy simulation card - the ultimate world simulation of Lei Ting's childhood sweetheart!

As Lei Ting's childhood sweetheart, start a strategy against Lei Ting!

After the strategy is successful, you will get the character card——Lei Ting!

If the strategy fails, you will be hunted down by all the superpowers in the ultimate world!

Do you want to use comic character props to reset your skills?】

"oh? Another copy card of the ultimate world is released?

And it happened this time.

Simulate Lei Ting's childhood sweetheart and conduct strategies! interesting!"

Thinking of this, Chen Xuanyu smiled.

In this case, there is no need to reset!

After all, Lei Ting is also good!

Then Chen Xuanyu came to the last one, the white blind box.

"Snap!"There was a sound.

A golden card appeared in the blind box.

Chen Xuanyu immediately reached out and picked it up.

【Name: Forced copy simulation card - the ultimate world simulation of Lei Ting's childhood sweetheart!】

【This copy of the simulated card is a mandatory card!

After ten seconds, the forced teleportation into the copy begins!

(Note that in simulated world time, no matter how much time passes, only one second will pass in this world!)

Ten, nine, eight……】

As Chen Xuanyu felt the surrounding space, the environment changed.

He also came to the ultimate world again!

And at the same time.

Blue Star live broadcast screen.

It also started to switch to the ultimate world...and....

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