In the ultimate world, Chen Xuanyu’s simulation begins at this time

【Current simulation entries, childhood sweethearts, high school students, lightning powers! 】

at the same time.

Blue Star Live Room

"My Brother Chen has become a high school student?"

"It seems that this time it should be a daily episode!

After all, high school students shouldn’t have monsters to fight with, right?"

"High school students can't get into group fights!"

"Alas, what a pity! Looks like it’s pure love again!"

"Woohoo! I want to watch the battle episode!"


The simulation begins!

【You were born into a special family!】

【Since childhood, I have had no father, no mother, no relatives!】

【Such an experience has made you somewhat taciturn and unsmiling.

But at the same time, behind your cold and solemn appearance.

It also hides the side of persistence, kindness, and friendship!】

【You and your childhood sweetheart - Lei Ting! Grow up together!】

【You have a very close relationship and understand each other very well, like 02 is another version of yourself.

You all consider each other important family!】

【At the same time, you all transferred to the ultimate class!】

【The gears of fate begin to turn at this moment!

All storylines will be changed!】


In the afternoon, the school bell rang.

Many students started packing their backpacks and leaving school!

On the street at this time, a pair of boys and girls were walking side by side.

"Xiaoxuan, can you walk slower?

Even though I knew I couldn't find the way, I still walked so fast!

Do you want to leave someone here?"

Lei Ting was furious at this time.

She looked at Chen Xuanyu who was walking in front.

There was a trace of anger on her face.

Chen Xuanyu looked at the short-haired girl in front of him.

A trace of tenderness flashed on his face.

At this time, Lei Ting, although wearing A set of school uniforms for boys.

But it still cannot hide his youthful, beautiful, lively and cute image.

"Are you going to crush all the ants on the road?"

Chen Xuanyu looked at the girl in front of him and stood there helplessly, waiting for her.

"You clearly know that I can't find the road, but you are still a road idiot!"

Lei Ting came over and slapped Chen Xuanyu on the back.

"Okay, where are we going to play tomorrow weekend?"

Hearing Chen Xuanyu's words, Lei Ting was slightly startled.

"Weekend? I don’t know where to go to play either!"

Lei Ting is a little disappointed.

Like him, Lei Ting lost her parents when she was young, her grandfather is abroad, and she only has a housekeeper at home. She really lacks companionship and love!

"Then come to me tomorrow! I'll take you to play!"

Chen Xuanyu looked at Lei Ting and said with a smile on his face.

"oh? Yeah? Don't lie to me!"

Lei Ting had a look of suspicion on her face.

"Do not worry!"

Hearing Chen Xuanyu's answer,

Lei Ting also nodded with satisfaction.

"You go back first! I will take the bus back today and I will definitely not get lost!"

Lei Ting didn't wait for Chen Xuanyu to react.

She looked at the bus that was about to stop in front of her and ran up.

Chen Xuanyu:???

Chen Xuanyu looked at the bus that had started and came to the platform.

"watt? This is the bus back to the station!

Lei Ting, this crazy road boy, is sitting on the wrong side!"

At this time, Chen Xuanyu didn't care too much.

He directly carried his schoolbag and chased towards the bus.

"Lei Ting, Lei Ting, you’re sitting on your back!"

Chen Xuanyu was running and knocking on the door!

On the bus.

At this time, Lei Ting was still distracted.

Thinking about where she was going to play tomorrow.

She didn't notice Chen Xuanyu under the bus at all.

"Oops, someone is chasing the bus!"

At this time, an older lady in the car looked down at Chen Xuanyu who was chasing the bus.

There was a look of joy on her face as she watched the excitement.

"What is he saying? parking? Or Lei Ting?"

A person next to me interrupted.

"What parking! Her name is Lei Ting!

At first glance, it looks like he was chasing the bus to express his love! So romantic!"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The eldest sister showed an envious look on her face

"What? Confess your love! Lei Ting!"

When Lei Ting heard this, she looked a little nervous.

"No! Xiaoxuan wants to confess to me?"

At this time, Lei Ting felt extremely complicated.

"This is how to do ah! If he confesses his love, will I agree to it?"

"Damn it! I consider him a childhood sweetheart.

He, Chen Xuanyu, actually wants to sleep with me! snort!"

Lei Ting's face was a little tangled at this time, and she was a little shy.

"Master, why don't you stop the car?"

At this time, some passengers began to shout

"There is no platform here! How do I park my car?"

The bus master also said with some helplessness.

Chen Xuanyu looked extremely depressed under the bus.

He didn't expect that this Lei Ting was not only a road idiot, but also had bad ears.

He had been shouting for so long, but there was no response.

So. As the bus stopped at the bus stop,

Chen Xuanyu immediately rushed forward.

"Lei Ting! get off!"

Facing Chen Xuanyu at this time, Lei Ting's face tightened.

"Xiaoxuan, although I treat you as a family member.

But if you confess your love to me now, I still have to think about it!"

Lei Ting's face was a little flushed, and everyone around looked at the two people in front of her.

They were all trying to make Chen Xuanyu confess.

"What? Confession?"

Chen Xuanyu has some doubts and confusion on his face!

Although he wants to attack Lei Ting, he hasn't taken action yet!

What is this situation!

"Xiaoxuan, I understand what you mean!

Can you give me some time?

After all, this is my first time to encounter such a thing!

Makes me want to think about it! Okay?"

At this time, Lei Ting doesn't have any heroic posture.

She looks like a little woman.

Her face is flushed and her expression is shy.

Her two hands are constantly tangled and intertwined.

"what! I asked you to get off the bus because I wanted to tell you that you took the wrong bus!"

Chen Xuanyu had a look of helplessness on his face.

I haven't made a move yet! Did you attack it yourself?

"ah! Got on the wrong bus? It’s not a confession!"

At this moment, everyone around him also booed.

But Lei Ting was dumbfounded!

Her face was as red as a monkey's butt!

She wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it!


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