In the Sky Island, Chen Xuanyu looked at the group of forest elves.

I have to say, women of the elf species.

All of them are good-looking, with fair skin and pointed ears.

The most important thing is the huge mountain peak, so majestic!

And there is one thing to say.

Nina is indeed a woman with the best looks, figure, and personality among the elves!

Even Chen Xuanyu, who has seen many beauties.

Looking at the elf queen Nina, she was also slightly in a trance.

Nina on the other side looked at Chen Xuanyu.

I also had a thought in my heart, and I didn’t know what I was thinking of writing.

A smile appeared on his face.

Her eyes changed from the unwilling look before to becoming more charming.

"Sure enough, he is a pervert!"

Chen Xuanyu couldn't help but think of some rumors about the elf species.

He looked at Nina's seductive eyes.

He didn't know whether she was pretending or coming from the bottom of her heart.

But that doesn't matter, if Chen Xuanyu really wants it.

So many elf women were just hooking their fingers.

Then Chen Xuanyu looked not far away.

The Ex-Machina Shubi was analyzing and transmitting data.

Originally, the purpose of this copy was to save the Ex-Machina Shubi..

But looking at the current situation, it seems that there is no place that needs Chen Xuanyu to save!

Shaking his head, Chen Xuanyu has not found an entry point yet, so he can only look at the situation first.

The other point is to gather forces and prepare to attack the Flügel.

And the Flügel. The god behind it - the God of War Artho!

Only by killing Artho can Chen Xuanyu conquer the Flügel and seize the Star Cup!

Thinking of this, Chen Xuanyu also had to consider the powerful combat power of the Ex-Machina!

Although the Ex-Machina currently looks Not very strong!

But their powerful learning, analysis, and copying abilities give them unlimited potential! The

Ex-Machina and the Flügel are also the only races with the title of God-killing Species!

Thinking of this, Chen Xuanyu looked towards The analytical body Hubi in the distance.

In the original work, Rick relied on Hubi's love to gain the love of the entire Ex-Machina!

He also gained the full support of the Ex-Machina, even at the expense of all Ex-Machinas. kind!

"Maybe I can also conquer Hubi in the process of saving Hubi.

Then get the support of all the Ex-Machines!

In this way, it will be easier to deal with the Flügel and the God of War Artho!"

Chen Xuanyu looked at Hubi who was observing and analyzing in the distance, with a hint of meaning in his eyes.

The next second, Chen Xuanyu activated his space skills and came to Hubi's side in an instant

"oh? Since we want to observe and analyze, can we see any information from such a distance?"

Chen Xuanyu looked in front of him, wearing technological equipment all over his body.

But his figure was still slender and tall, with a confused expression on his face.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Chen Xuanyu!"

Hubi looked at the handsome and unfamiliar young man in front of him.

The data-transmitting eyepatch on her left eye began to display analytical data.

But without exception, Chen Xuanyu's power was beyond what Hubi could analyze!

In addition to gaining the power in front of him, Human beings have no ill intentions and have extraordinary combat power.

No other information has been obtained!

"Insufficient information, parsing error!"

"Alert, an unknown error occurred in the parsing body and it is leaving the host! Escape successfully!"

Hubi didn't expect that just by analyzing the human being in front of him, he would be separated from the main body!

"Chen Xuanyu?! Hubby!"

Hugh Bi was separated from the host at this time, with a trace of confusion and confusion in his eyes.

"Do you want to go in and take a look, if you want to get information?

Maybe if you get closer, you can get more information!"

Chen Xuanyu looked at Hubi and said with a smile on his face.

At this time, Chen Xuanyu was like a strange man holding a lollipop to seduce his little sister!

"Go in? Is Hubby okay?"

Hubi looked at the huge island in the sky, then looked at Chen Xuanyu in front of him, and said

"no problem! If it were Hubi! sure!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Chen Xuanyu turned to lead the way, blessed with flying magic. He led

Hubi towards the Island in the Sky.

Hubi followed behind Chen Xuanyu.

Hubi at this time The brain transmits data and suddenly can't keep up with Chen Xuanyu's rhythm.

"Why my words? That’s it?!

Humans are really strange creatures!"

Hugh Bi followed Chen Xuanyu and slowly landed on the Island in the Sky. There were already many people standing here.

Among them were the forest elf group that Hubi saw before, and the two girls who killed the dragon elf species.

"Okay, now that everyone is here, let me tell you the next battle plan!"

"Forest Elf Nina, it’s time for you to do your part!

Order all the magicians of the forest elves and the sky fleet to search and kill the dragon elves with all their strength!"

Chen Xuanyu looked at Nina and the elders of the forest elf race behind her.

He spoke slowly and firmly with a firm tone.

"Search and kill all the dragon spirits? Are you crazy?

This is the fourth dragon spirit species, one of the superior species!

You actually want to kill them all?"

After Nina heard the news, she couldn't help but show a look of disbelief in her eyes.

Killing a superior race!

This kind of thing, even the gods would not dare to make a decision at will!

"The dragon spirit species no longer has a sole agent!

The remaining dragon spirits are not too strong!

Even if the forest elves can't handle it, you can inform me and I will send someone to deal with it!"

There was a determined look in Chen Xuanyu's eyes.

Because he saw that the little green snake had begun to grow larger after eating all the dragon essence seeds. The small body that was originally less than one meter has now reached dozens of rice.

And the whole body began to show some, the blue hard scales, and the bulge on the head became more obvious.

There was even a vague feeling of growing limbs!

At this moment.

Originally swallowed the last dragon essence The planted green snake began to roar.

A loud and majestic voice came from the green snake's mouth.

The next moment, countless thunder and lightning flashed in the sky.

The green snake flew high in the sky, bathed in the thunder and lightning, as if it was going through a tribulation. General.

Rumbling, high in the sky.

The thunder wave roared, carrying the terrifying thunder power.

Thousands of thunder and lightning, like the incarnation of thunder, crashed down and fell on the green snake!

At this moment, the entire sky dimmed.

Only the green snake The snake faced forward and headed towards the thunder in the sky!

This is the point where its destiny is rewritten!

Rush over, awaken its ancestral bloodline, and become a young green dragon!

If it cannot rush through, it will only turn into ashes in the world.!


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