
The terrifying mushroom cloud rises over the earth again

"Air blade slash!"

Jibril in the sky.

A black death sickle appeared in her hand.

It slashed towards Chen Xuanyu.


A black air slash struck down, and the sharp energy blade struck towards Chen Xuanyu.

"Ice crystal wall shield!"


The power of countless ice crystals began to condense in mid-air.

Finally, a huge wall shield ten meters thick was formed.

"The god of thunder comes to the world!"

As Chen Xuanyu's eyes brightened slightly, he spoke slowly.

A huge and towering shadow began to appear in the sky.

It was an extremely majestic face, with thunder and lightning intertwined.

The towering figure just raised his hand slightly, Thousands of thunder and lightning power.

Hit"Seven Five Seven" instantly, shattering Jibril's death sword light

"It's interesting, but I don't know if you can take this trick!"

"Heavenly strike!"

At this moment, Jibril's whole aura reached its peak.

The black wings on her back instantly spread out.

The wings were extremely long and huge, and they looked extraordinary.

In the sky, countless black and blue energy surged towards Jibril. Go.


The earth cracks and the clouds are violent.

A doomsday-like scene appears in the entire sky. A huge black-blue energy beam bursts towards Chen Xuanyu.

Everything in its path is destroyed!

The earth, The clouds will all turn into nothing.

Faced with the Flügel's unique skill - Sky Strike!

What's more, it's a skill that Jibril uses personally!

Chen Xuanyu's eyes became slightly serious.

He began to accumulate energy in his hands.

"Pegasus Meteor Fist!"


In an instant, hundreds of punches with millions of tons of power streaked along the Pegasus meteor.


Chen Xuanyu punched with all his strength, and the violent force shattered the space into pieces.

Jipri Your ultimate move - Sky Strike.

It was also defeated instantly under the violent power.

"What? How can this be?"

Jibril looked at Chen Xuanyu.

He actually defeated the Sky Strike skill with just his hands.

And it wasn't over yet. Chen Xuanyu's fist power carried thunder all over the sky.

After crushing the Sky Strike skill, it didn't disappear.

Instead, it was the remaining Dozens of punches struck at Jibril.

Each punch faced the force of a million tons of meteorite impact.

Jibril, who had just consumed a lot of energy, could not resist at all. She was about to When they were about to hit Jibril, several beams of energy hit the sky in the distance.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Energy raged all over the sky.

Then in the distance in the sky,

Azriel, the plenipotentiary agent of the Flügel, led a group of The Flügels arrived just in time

"Jibril, stay back!

Let the enemies of our Flügels be provoked!

You know how powerful we are!"

Azriel immediately led all the Flügels and began to launch the terrifying energy strike of Sky Strike!

Hundreds and thousands of Sky Strike skills were launched.

It was enough to wipe out all the creatures in this area.

The forest elves on the other side Zhong also noticed that the Flügel had gone too far!

Immediately launch the zero-th void protective magic skills on all fleets.

Intercept and resist the sky strike skills issued by the Flügel.

Island in the sky.

Chen Xuanyu's wife The regiments also deployed their abilities to block and intercept!

Kuang San:"Emperor Keke! Seven bullets!

Tohka:"The killing sword!"

Mothra:"The rainbow destroys the light!""(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

King Airei:"Discharge light!"

Artoria:"The Sword of Pledge of Victory!"



The skills of both sides are about to collide.

Chen Xuanyu had a smile on his face

"Time magic! Time to stop!"


A powerful time force enveloped the entire battlefield.

In the battlefield, countless energy skills from both sides were all frozen at the same time.

Then Chen Xuanyu unfolded the space dimension gate.

In just a few seconds, the time-stopping magic could not support it. Hold on, it's about to collapse.

However, Chen Xuanyu's space dimensional gate is also completed.

The next moment, the skills of both sides are all over the sky. After being guided by the space dimensional gate and passing through, they reappear.

The skill energy of both sides is directed towards the distant sky at the same time. , the Elf Corridor exploded away..0

Chen Xuanyu successfully used the space power.

The skill energy that caused the two sides to collide, disappeared and exploded, shifted to the same front, and successfully shattered the Elf Corridor.

At this time.

In the sky, a terrifying storm energy is approaching at an extremely fast speed.

High in the sky.

As a god, Artosh is preparing to end his life in person.

"A god born of war, hatred and destruction!

They are just arrogant people!"

In the face of the gods, the strongest God of War, Artosh, met his end in person.

Chen Xuanyu was not surprised, but he was not afraid either!

A mere false god, I will kill a god today!

At this time, high in the sky.

Accompanied by the words of the God of War, Artosh. Appearing on the stage.

I saw all the Flügels once again devoting all their energy to condense the power of Sky Strike.

They merged into the power of Artosh's rules!

Everyone on the other side watched as this force caused great changes in the world.

The mountains were flattened and the earth cracked. , the ocean evaporated.

Such a terrifying blow.

It is not an attack that any living thing can take!

Let alone a mere human!

At the same moment, countless Ex-Machines began to appear in the surrounding void.

They stared at this destructive thing.

After calculation , it is concluded that with such a blow, the number of creatures on the entire continent will definitely decrease by 90% to 0.8.

If not stopped, even the Ex-Machina will be completely killed or injured in this battle.

Nina on the other side immediately issued an order.

Let all the forest elves use all their offensive and defensive magic spells to deal with this most powerful blow!

And the girls in the Sky Island also gathered strength again.

This time, they We will use all our strength to fight back!

In the Blue Star live broadcast room at this time, we are facing such a terrifying blow.

Countless Blue Star netizens are seeing such a terrifying natural disaster for the first time.

It is like the wrath of the gods! The continent will overturn in an instant!

Many people are nervous and worried about Chen Xuanyu!

And some people are beginning to gloat at his misfortune.

I wish Chen Xuanyu died in the dungeon world!

…… ps: The attached picture is an image of Azriel!.

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