The world of spiritual cages.

High in the sky, Bai Yuekui was falling rapidly, holding the Tang Dao in his hand.

The airflow caused by the fall caused her short white hair to flutter!

Snow-white straight long legs, with strong explosive power, came straight towards Chen Xuanyu

"Ice crystal shield!"

In front of Chen Xuanyu, countless ice crystals began to condense into a thick shield, resisting Bai Yuekui!

Bai Yuekui's castration continued unabated, and his straight long legs kicked hard on the ice crystal shield several meters thick.


The ice crystal shield instantly shattered, filling the sky. Ice crystal fragments flew out


Bai Yuekui kicked the ice crystal shield to pieces and came towards Chen Xuanyu again.

The ground team saw how powerful their boss was.

Everyone immediately became confident.

Shanda:"Boss Bai, you will not disappoint!

Xia Dou:"Come on!" boss!

Xu Tong:"How do I feel about our boss!" It will be very bad!"

Broken Star:"……If you can’t speak, stop talking!"


Looking at the attacking Bai Yuekui, Chen Xuanyu showed a look of indifference in his eyes.

Start to slowly raise your right hand


Seeing this situation, Bai Yuekui's eyes showed doubts. This man didn't fight back?!

In the next 24 seconds, Bai Yuokui's slender, white ankle was held in Chen Xuanyu's hand.

The powerful force imprisoned Bai Yuekui, making it impossible for Bai Yuekui to break free!

"What a powerful force! How can this be?"

Bai Yuekui's eyes showed a look of shock.

This powerful force is simply stronger than the giant pole-devouring beast!

What kind of human being is this?

"Black flash!"

A black and red energy flashed in Chen Xuanyu's hand, and he punched Bai Yuekui.

At this time, Bai Yuekui immediately resisted with a horizontal sword!

However, she obviously underestimated the power Chen Xuanyu now possesses.

After the black flash 2.5 power After doubling, the terrifying power spurted out instantly, knocking Bai Yuekui away directly.


The powerful force made Bai Yuekui fly backwards, smashing countless boulders and hills along the way!

Even Bai Yuekui, who surpassed human physical fitness.

In today's world Owning the game life world, with the blessing of the power of the God King!

Now Chen Xuanyu can be said to have half-stepped into the realm of God! His physical fitness has already shown a geometric increase!

Even the top warriors in the spirit cage world Power——Bai Yuekui!

He is no match for Chen Xuanyu!

"team leader!"



Seeing Bai Yuekui being beaten away, Xia Dou and others were in disbelief and exclaimed.

In their eyes, Bai Yuekui's power has long been deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Even the powerful Devouring Beast is no match for his boss Bai.

But now, the powerful Bai Yuekui was punched thousands of meters away by this strange boy.

He fell in the ruins and stood up unsteadily, with blood still flowing from the corner of his mouth!

Such a powerful impact made everyone in the ground team stunned!

On the lighthouse, when everyone saw that the young man finally took action.

They all came to the edge in unison and looked down.

One punch can knock someone away a thousand meters. This kind of strength is simply unbelievable!

What's more, they saw that the woman could easily control a huge pole-devouring beast!

Such a strong man couldn't even withstand a punch from that boy!

What kind of strong man is this!

In the Blue Star live broadcast room at this time!

Ever since Bai Yuekui appeared on the stage, the barrage in the live broadcast room has not stopped.

There is no way, why are all the 1sps conquered by Boss Bai's long legs?

Who can stand up to a pair of long, straight white legs?

The veteran cadres are here, but they can’t stand it!

"Damn it! Do these long legs really exist?"

"Damn, this woman’s legs are incredible!"

"White hair! Different hair color, leg control ecstasy!"

"How overjoyed are you? You don’t have to think about it to know that this is Brother Chen’s designated woman. If you look at her, I’ll pluck out your eyes!"

"Woohoo! Brother Chen, please forgive me this time! (Dog head!)"


The world of spiritual cages!

In the sandy ruins in the distance, Bai Yuekui wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stood up despite the pain.

With Chen Xuanyu's current strength, ordinary strong men simply cannot take a single blow!

Only Bai Yuekui, who has unlocked the genetic restrictions, can reluctantly accept it!


Bai Yuekui's physical condition was not optimistic at this time.

She looked at the strange boy in front of her. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) She didn't understand who the other person was?

What was his purpose?!

But she You know that with your own strength, you are no match for the other party!

"who are you?"

Bai Yuekui held the Tang Dao, and the originally relaxed and indifferent look in her eyes had now become extremely serious.

If nothing happens, even if she releases all her strength, she will not be able to defeat the opponent!

What's more, once she releases all her strength, Maybe before she could defeat that boy, she would collapse and run out of life!

After all, she needed to expend life force to take action!

"You are no match for me, give up!

I can let you and your teammates go, even if it means restoring your life energy! It’s not impossible!

And solve all the monsters in this world!

The premise is that you must surrender to me!"

Chen Xuanyu walked quietly towards Bai Yuekui step by step. With every step he took, the aura on Chen Xuanyu doubled! The surging and violent aura was as powerful as a typhoon and tsunami on the sea.

Everyone around him felt like he was The lonely boat on the boundless sea is teetering on the edge of collapse!

"This powerful momentum! horrible!"

Faced with such a situation, Bai Yuekui looked at Chen Xuanyu who was walking towards him.

Then he saw his teammates not far away!

With such power, no one can survive!

"Hope you keep your promise! I am indeed no match for you!"

Facing Chen Xuanyu's persuasion, Bai Yuekui had no choice but to admit defeat in order to protect her teammates and the innocent people around her!

"very good! I will arrange for people to solve the life force in your body!"


Chen Xuanyu recruited Eunice from the angel clan!

"Help these two people and heal their injuries!"

Chen Xuanyu pointed at Mark and Bai Yuekui!

Mark was injured by lightning, and Bai Yuokui was injured by Chen Xuanyu, plus the consumption of life energy!

But Eunice, as a member of the Holy Light Angel family, has naturally powerful healing skills!

"Divine healing!"

In Eunice's hand, two golden rays of light merged into the bodies of Mark and Bai Yuekui.

Mark's original weak physical condition also slowly recovered.

And his original terrifying monster appearance.

737 also slowly recovered under the purification of sacred energy. Human form!

From now on, Mark will have two living forms.

Human form and pole-eating beast form!

And Bai Yuekui also felt the powerful life energy emitted by Eunice. He quickly repaired her injuries and restored the life she consumed. energy!

"this! This feeling is so amazing!"

At this time, Bai Yuekui felt the power in his body with shock in his eyes.

This warm and soft feeling was simply unbelievable!

At this time, the game indicator also appeared in Chen Xuanyu's ears.

【Congratulations to the Kyushu players.

Successfully rescued Ran Bing and defeated Bai Yuekui!

Clear the copy of the Spirit Cage World!

Obtain a permanent world passage - a passage to the spirit cage world!

Get the spirit cage world and the surrender of everyone!

Gain Bai Yuekui's 100% loyalty to the death (retaining his sense of independent personality)!】

【This copy was successfully cleared!

Kyushu players can pass through the world passage at any time and travel between the two worlds at will!】

"Got another world backyard!

And he also gained Bai Yuekui's absolute allegiance!"

If Bai Yuekui was coerced by Chen Xuanyu's strong strength and situation before, then Bai Yuekui at this time is in the true sense, 100% loyal! Chen Xuanyu looked at the game prompts on the panel, with a slight smile on his lips rise

"The next step is to deal with these pole-devouring beasts!"

Chen Xuanyu will never allow his back garden world to turn into a doomsday scene where monsters are rampant! ps: The attached picture is an image of Boss Bai!.

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