In the live broadcast room.

Kameda watched the golden light dissipate.

A rusty knife in a treasure blind box.

The whole person froze in place.

Is this considered a treasure?

Audience in front of the live broadcast room.

See Kameda's face.

Not only is there no happy expression.

And he also showed an incredible look.

They all looked over one after another.

I don’t know about this.

Good guy.

A small knife about 10cm long.

Presented in the middle of the blind box.

The whole body is still covered with rust.

Am I crazy?

What do you call this a treasure?

"Nang Te Kuo Da Da, what the hell is this thing?"

"Sinai, a broken knife deserves to be called a treasure?"

"Damn it, I thought it was some great treasure?

That's it? Haha, I was laughing so hard!"

"Just now I saw the sky filled with golden light.

I thought it was an artifact that was born.

Is this the result?"

"Don’t talk about anything else in this little day.

You're pretty good at bragging!

Just this rusty knife.

Do you want to be on par with me, Brother Chen?

Are you kidding me?"

"It feels so dull when I use it to sharpen my nails.

It’s just the young people who are so ignorant.

Just use it as a treasure!"

"Hey, understand.

After all, Xiaoli had just experienced a disaster.

Life is really hard!"

"Damn, you upstairs are so heart-wrenching when you kill people!"

"Hit someone in the face, kill someone in the heart!"


Faced with the ridicule of many netizens, he sneered.

In the early days, Chinese people also suffered from unspeakable hardships.

Just a broken knife.

It's useless.

Why not take a gamble on a blind box wedding box!

"Hi, just wanted to cheer everyone up.

After all, no monsters were encountered.

Our Kameda-kun.

Still survived!"

"But what's the use?

The novice protection period expires after ten hours.

It's not like I want to die in another world.

Under the sharp teeth of those native creatures?"

"Baga, isn’t that our Sakura Country?

Is another disaster coming from the heavens?"

"Sinai, what’s the difference between choosing and not choosing?"

"Why not open a blind box box again!

Anyway, we are going to die, why not take a gamble?"

"No, maybe ten hours later.

Are there no wild beasts around?

Your bet will be dead soon.

Isn't that really going to bring disaster to the heavens?"

"Is it just possible to pray?

Were they not discovered by native creatures in the end?

Wouldn’t that be too much suffering?"

"There is no way, Kameda-kun is not an adventurous person (coward) at first glance.

I think he would choose to sit back and wait for death.

Put your hope in the later time.

Undetected by native creatures"

"Alas, it can take one day!

At least give us some preparation time!"


In those small days, players chose to sit back and wait for death.

Maintain the status quo and pray that you will not be discovered by native creatures later.


The Eagle Sauce Country on the other side.

There was also intense discussion going on at this time.

Eagle Sauce Country, inside the Black Palace Office

"Commander, this time you must choose a matching blind box.

We, the Great Eagle Sauce Country, cannot be compared to the Kyushu Country."

"That's right, our contestant this time.

It's a little black guy.

The chance of winning is very high!"

After hearing the words of the surrounding senior officials,

Pai Deng, the commander of the Eagle Country, also nodded and said immediately:

"I still know something about Xiao Heizi’s perversion!

Since you are so insistent.

Then choose the matching blind box box!

Go give him a hint!"

"Yes, Commander-in-Chief!"


Different world.

The territory of Eagle Country players.

A little Heizi is struggling.

When choosing which blind box box to choose.

The country tips for Eagle Sauce Country are here!

【Mr. Flood! Choose matching blind box box.

Our team of top experts here has done the math.

The survival rate can reach 70%! come on! Mr. Floyd!】

"Choose a matching blind box box with a top expert team? Survival rate 70%! marvelous! rounding.

Doesn’t that mean there is no danger?"

At this moment,

Xiao Heizi's face was full of joy.

There was no way, Xiao Heizi usually had brain problems. He was most easily deceived into being a gunman!

He went directly to the pink blind wedding box.

He calmed down first..

Then he immediately reached out and opened it.


"It’s time to open the wedding blind box! So excited!"

"I don’t know what to expect!

Hope it's normal!"

"Currently, except for the players from Kyushu Kingdom.

I've never seen a normal one!"

"As long as you can see past it, don’t be so picky!"

"It's okay, we are little black guys this time!

I just checked the players from our Eagle Country.

Froude is a trisexual!

This one is stable no matter what!"

"watt? And trisexuality? Ness!"


In the live broadcast room.

Xiao Heizi opened the blind marriage box directly


After the blind marriage box was opened, a human arm stretched out.

Seeing this scene, the people of Yingjiang were also ecstatic.

Sure enough, they made the right choice!

As long as they are not those strange creatures.

As a trisexual little Heizi, there is no problem at all.!

This is sure!

But gradually, the smiles on their faces disappeared.

Why are these arms so long and so big?

This head is bigger than a drum washing machine!

Damn, this face is so ferocious and terrifying!

This height , this body!

Shet, isn’t this a giant?

…… ps:

It’s not easy to code words in the early morning!

Please give me data!

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