Different world.

Inside Chen Xuanyu’s residence.

In a cheerful atmosphere.

The three of them finally finished the feast in front of them.

"belch! Finally full!

By the way, who of you is going to wash the dishes?"

Faced with the question raised by Chen Xuanyu, the two women looked at him with faint eyes at the same time. emm...

Chen Xuanyu, who was lying down and eating for free, touched his nose.

Okay! Anyway, they cooked today.

Then work hard on yourself!

"Master, there is not enough water!

Let’s go get some water together later!"

After washing the dishes, Chen Xuanyu heard Sansanjiang's words and immediately agreed.

"It’s so fast! All right!

Bring the piano later.

Also let Qin get familiar with the surrounding environment and routes!"


After packing everything up.

Chen Xuanyu began to take Sansanjiang and Qin with him.

Head towards the creek!

It was already evening.

Two bright lights in the sky.

Shine upon the earth.

If you just look at the surrounding land and environment.

Those who don’t know think so.

It's in a dense forest somewhere on Blue Star!

"It’s really hard to imagine, where is this place?"

Chen Xuanyu suddenly had some doubts in his heart.

After all, everything here is no different from Blue Star.

Except for the huge monster of course!

When Chen Xuanyu took the two women to get water by the stream, he also used Chen Xuanyu's freezing ability.

When I caught a few wild fish, in the darkness at this time, I saw a pair of green vertical pupils.

They were staring at every move of Chen Xuanyu and others.

Chen Xuanyu, who was about to return to his territory, suddenly felt something was wrong.

There was always a feeling of being spied on.

Chen Xuanyu He immediately activated his Sharingan and looked around.

At this moment,

Chen Xuanyu felt that everything around him became slow and clear.

At this moment,

Chen Xuanyu immediately discovered that in the darkness in the distance, a weak green energy was slowly flowing.

"This is? Energy fluctuations?!"

Chen Xuanyu's face immediately condensed.

Several ice swords condensed in his hand in an instant.

They shot towards the energy fluctuations!



A blast of cold air dropped the ice swords to the ground.

They were frozen instantly.


A huge dragon roar sounded.

Then a huge green dragon spread its wings and rushed out of the jungle in an instant.

There was an elf on its back with long emerald hair.

An exquisite and beautiful face.

Pointed elf ears..

Coupled with a pair of green pupils, they are all full of the amorous feelings of an exotic race!

"It's actually a dragon and an elf?!

Is this also a native creature from another world?"

With the blessing of the Sharingan, even from a long distance,

Chen Xuanyu could still see the whole picture of the elf at a glance.

He couldn't help but exclaimed in his heart.

This is definitely a stunning beauty from a foreign land!

"Come on, Alicia!"

In mid-air in the distance.

The elf girl stood on the green dragon.

A chant sounded from her mouth.

Almost instantly.

A green teleportation circle appeared at the feet of the green dragon.

When Sansan-chan next to her was about to pull the trigger.When the Seven Bullets were launched, the green dragon and the elf girl disappeared into the sky in an instant.

"No need, I should be here for investigation.

I can tell she means no harm!"

Chen Xuanyu stretched out his hand to stop Kuang San. He looked at the disappearing green dragon and elf.

His face was a little solemn!

Is this a native intelligent creature from another world?

Warcraft?! Green dragon?! Elf?!

It seems like he has arrived.

A The world of swords and magic!

"Haha, this game seems to be getting more and more interesting!

I just don’t know what’s behind it.

What kind of surprises will there be?"

Chen Xuanyu didn't say much.

He took Sansanjiang and Qin and headed back to the territory.

After returning to the territory,

Chen Xuanyu directly used his freezing ability!

The entire territory was covered with ice crystal spikes.

These were several meters long. Nearly ten meters long ice crystal thorns firmly protected

Chen Xuanyu's entire territory. Moreover, Chen Xuanyu also gave him the ability to freeze breath. As long as other creatures approach, they will be frozen. Just like the green pheasant used the ice path.. Just like freezing approaching warships. In this way, the entire territory is considered extremely safe. Then Chen Xuanyu put the frozen fish into the simple stone freezer in the kitchen. There was a lot of frozen wolf meat in it. And mushrooms!


The second floor balcony of the residential building.

Chen Xuanyu blew the breeze and looked into the distance.

The scene just now.

It also made Chen Xuanyu's face look a little solemn.

I didn’t expect this local world.

There are actually intelligent beings out there!

But yes.

A world without intelligent creatures.

What else is it called a different world?!

"It seems that we need to improve our strength as soon as possible!

I don’t know how big this world is.

What kind of secrets are hidden?

I want to unravel it all!

You must have enough strength!"

Chen Xuanyu had a vague premonition in his heart.

It seems that all this is related to the national marriage game he is participating in now!

But the most important thing now is to participate in the game.

Get more strength improvements.


Along with a sleepless night.

The sun rises the next day.

It means a new round of games has begun!

…… ps:

There will be another update in the early morning, extra update for the flower bosses!

The data stopped moving again!

Please give me data!

Flowers, collections, comments, evaluation votes, monthly votes, tips!

Any one will do!

Give the author some motivation to update!

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