Just when Chen Xuanyu was with Rem.

During a marriage ceremony.

Players from Bangzi Country on the other side.

It directly shocked countless audiences.

Because this time Bangzi Country was selected.

It’s actually their super popularity.

Member of top idol girl group.

Lin Yuner, known as the national goddess

"Asiba, didn’t you say you should choose a male?

Why was the national goddess also selected?"

"There was a male copper and a shemale king before!

Who knows how this game identifies gender!"

"I said is it possible.

Goddess, she likes women?!"

"What? This... this is really possible!"

"It's over, it's over!

Even if the goddess likes women.

But when the time comes, how can I get married, get pregnant and have a baby?"

"I heard that there are seven genders, but I don’t know if that’s true!"

"Only seven kinds? There are now more than 20 species in Siam!

The Eagle Country is even more terrifying. I heard that there are more than 100 genders!"

"Isn't this,,,, this is too messy?!"


Other countries saw this.

But he felt happy in his heart.

From Bangzi Countryhand.

She is actually their national goddess?!

Isn’t this a complete end?

Unless she doesn't open the wedding box.

Otherwise she wouldn't even be able to hold the marriage ceremony.

Think of this.

Other countries are happy in their hearts.

One less opponent!

So comfortable!


Different world.

Bangzi country territory.

At this time, Lin Yuer, the national goddess of Bangzi.

Looking at the surroundings somewhat blankly.

As the top and most popular girl group idol in Bangzi Country.

She never expected it.

They will be chosen because of their special views on feelings.

That's right.

Lin Yuner is a lily.

I didn’t expect that it was just because I liked women.

It’s time to open the female mating blind box.

At this moment, Lin Yuer was really on the verge of crying.

After all, before.

She has also watched the live broadcasts of many national players.

Except for the handsome players from Kyushu Kingdom.

Others have it.

One is a normal marriage partner


At this time, Bangzi Country, Green Palace. office

"Asiba, how could this happen?"

The leader of the Bangzi Kingdom roared, furious.

A Lily player came on the stage.

Isn't this doomed?

"By now.

We can only let her open the white blind box."

A senior political figure suggested.

"That's all! Make a national alert immediately!"

"yes! Great Commander!"


Just as Lin Yuner looked in front of him.

The four blind boxes were a little confused and helpless.

A national alert sounded

【Yoon Noona.

Recommend for your special situation.

Please choose white blind box box!

In this way, I am a big stick country.

Only then can we have a chance of survival!】

"Choose white blind box box?

Then let me try it!"

Then Lin Yuer walked nervously.

She came to three white blind boxes.

She selected one of them from left to right.

She also immediately closed her eyes and slowly opened it.


The white blind box was opened under the nervous and uneasy eyes of countless spectators. The imaginary monster or danger did not appear. Instead, a golden light lit up. Then the golden light slowly dissipated. Lin Yuner took a closer look at the blind box. Items in the box

"What is this?" I saw a white metal belt inside the blind box. And there was something like a card sleeve next to it. Lin Yuner picked it up and took a look. There were also a few exquisite cards in it. At this time, a piece of information entered Lin Yuer's mind. Kamen Rider... White Bird Belt... Transformation


"This...this is actually a treasure blind box!

I prescribe one with extraordinary power.

The treasure has turned into a belt!"

At this moment,

Lin Yoon'er, who was originally looking sad, was also ecstatic for a moment on her pretty face!

And in front of the live broadcast room.

After seeing the golden light shining in the blind box and hearing Lin Yoon'er's words, countless The audience immediately couldn't sit still.

They looked at Lin Yuer with shock on their faces!

Countless Chinese people shouted with excitement!

"Our big stick country has risen from now on! Ha ha!"

…… ps:

Don’t scold me!

Let the bullets fly for a while.

Later, the Bangzi Kingdom will be killed and punished!

Don’t worry, Bangzi Country will not benefit!

Thank you to the boss 'I want to lie flat' for your monthly ticket!

Thank you very much for your continued support!

Another reminder vote, another reward, and a monthly vote twice!

The author is so moved!

If you have any favorite characters or plots, please comment.

The author tries his best to arrange it according to the plot!

More updates for the boss tonight!

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