Different world.

Chen Xuanyu looked at the rewards he received in his hands - the Breathing Technique of the Sun, the Breathing Technique of the Flower, and a Sun Blade!

At this time, the game prompt screen appeared

【Do you want to select the country to which your feedback belongs?】

【After feedback, each extraordinary item will gain physical strength +2 and mental strength +2! 】


【Whether to use the last reward entry! 】


【Searching for the number of people who meet the target!

There are currently 128,000 people who are eligible for the Breathing Technique of the Sun!

Flower Breathing Technique for 283,000 people!

Only one person can match the Nichirin Sword!

Search completed! Target confirmed! Feedback in the group!】


On the blue star.

As the game prompt ends.

Countless rays of white light fell from the sky, accurately hitting the Kyushu people who met the feedback reward!

It won't be long before a group of powerful extraordinary beings will be born.

The best of them all.

He is also capable of water breathing, sun breathing, flower breathing, eight naval postures, Qimen Dunjia, etc.!

Of course, such people are almost absolutely rare, and not every extraordinary ability can be cultivated to the top!

Except for one person - Qingshan Taoist Priest - Li Miaoyin!

At this time, Li Miaoyin watched the golden light in front of her disappear.

An orange nichirin sword appeared in front of me

"Is this an extraordinary weapon?!"

Li Miaoyin has just obtained the Sun Breathing Technique and the Flower Breathing Technique reported by Chen Xuanyu, and now she has added this Sun Wheel Sword.

Her combat power will reach another level!

At this time, near the Cherry Blossom Sea.

The war has already begun Finish

With the cooperation of the extraordinary troops and the North Bear State, the State State.

Annihilated the entire third fleet formation of Xiaozhi.

Even the second and fifth fleets that came after Xiaori were severely beaten and retreated to Xiaori port and huddled up.

In this war, Kyushu Kingdom's goal has been achieved.

Successfully recovered many surrounding islands including Fish Island!

And began to reinforce the surrounding areas and build military bases!

And Kyushu Kingdom still has no plans to withdraw its troops.

At present, Xiaoli still has some strength.

Attacking the homeland will involve great sacrifices.

However, the Ryukyu Islands, Kyushu Kingdom felt that they could be liberated from the hands of Xiaoli.

There will definitely come a day when the bloody flag will be planted all over the Little Life Island!

With the follow-up of the three major naval warships of the Kyushu Kingdom, including the new feedback magic floating ship, support will arrive one after another after adjustments are made.

Countless people from Kyushu are excited about this military operation!

Today's Kyushu Kingdom has launched a charge towards Blue Star's number one position.

And all of this was brought about by the handsome young man in the live broadcast room of the National Games Marriage Game.

At this moment,

Chen Xuanyu is a well-deserved 977 national hero in the hearts of countless people in Jiuzhou!

Countless people from Kyushu respect, worship and adore him…

Especially those who have received feedback from Chen Xuanyu about his extraordinary abilities, they want to build a shrine to Chen Xuanyu and pay incense to him!


Different world.

Chen Xuanyu is preparing to brush the copy——《In the world of"Bone King", defeat the Valkyrie Shalltear.

This time Chen Xuanyu found King Da Mao and Sister Pao!

Prepare to form a group to brush copies.

He also wanted to see how good King Dumao and Sister Pao were compared to Shalltear!

"Are you ready?"

Chen Xuanyu looked at the two beautiful girls beside him and asked with a smile on his face.


Looking at the two women nodding.

Chen Xuanyu did not hesitate and took out the copy card!

Then clicked [Open the copy!"】

【The copy has been opened, now the transfer begins! ]

Chen Xuanyu held the little hand of King Da Mao with his left hand, and held Sister Pao with his right hand.

Looking at the surrounding space environment, it began to change rapidly.

The next second.

When the three of them opened their eyes again, he had already arrived in the world where the Bone King was. at the same time.

The live broadcast screen on Blue Star also began to switch to the screen of the different world where the Bone King was.

Many netizens from other countries, seeing the Chosen Son of Kyushu Kingdom, started to cause trouble again and create copies!

They were jealous to death.

Just because Chen Xuanyu cleared the dungeon, countless people from Kyushu have once again gained numerous extraordinary powers!

It is completely conceivable how many powerful extraordinary beings will appear in the entire Kyushu Congress in the near future!

"Asiba! The Kyushu players are simply inhuman!

We are still opening blind boxes, but he just brushes the copy?"

"Baga, I’m actually going to clear the dungeon again! returnThere is no justice!"

"Farke, this is not fair, it must be cheating!

I want to report the player from Kyushu Country for being a loser!"

"hateful! Fortunately, this guy is in another world, if he returns to Blue Star.

What a joke! Just surrender!"

"Haha, how do you know that my brother Chen will not return to Blue Star?

Maybe you’ll come back next time?! Ha ha!"


Bone King Different World.

Chen Xuanyu looked at the blue sky and dense forest in front of him.

It all feels extremely familiar.

Then he looked at the red figure standing quietly at the bottom of the hillside.

It was Shalltear who transformed into the Valkyrie form.

Red blood covered the whole body.

A pair of white wings stretched out.

Shalltear holds a weapon [dropper spear].

Even standing there quietly alone.

It also gives people a powerful sense of pressure.

"This time the opponent is stronger! Prepare your ultimate move first to accumulate (cbeg) power!"

Following Chen Xuanyu's instructions,

King Da Mao and Sister Pao immediately started to charge up their strongest blow!

King Da Mao Artoria slowly condensed the Sword of Victory in her hand.

Misaka Mikoto appeared all over her body. Countless electric lights also began to flash, and a powerful and terrifying lightning gun began to appear.

Countless terrifying electric lights wrapped around and jumped around the gun!



"ROOM Gamma Knife" a long electric shock blade appeared in Chen Xuanyu's hand!


Chen Xuanyu just fell!"

"Sword of victory!"

A terrifying golden light burst out from the sword in Altoriya's hand, aiming directly at Shalltear in the form of the Valkyrie!

"Lightning gun!"

The terrifying surging electric light burst out with a billion volts of terrifying energy!

Ice crystals and thunder dragons intertwined down!

The Gamma Knife was also thrown in front of Shalltear by Chen Xuanyu.

Many ultimate moves, instantly And here!


A terrifying mushroom cloud bloomed directly.

The powerful shock wave instantly destroyed all the surrounding dense forests, ancient trees, and monster creatures.

Even Chen Xuanyu and others used their protective skills to resist.

After the smoke and dust in the sky , , a giant pit of several thousand meters appeared directly on the entire ground.

In the pit, the figure of the Martial God Shalltear was no longer visible!

Watching this scene, people in the Blue Star live broadcast room

"Damn it, just crush it and kill it? Not even the ashes left?!"

"So fierce! A killer start! To show respect!"

"Do you think Brother Chen is joking by bombing wherever he goes with his humanoid nuclear bomb? (The dog’s head saves his life!)"

"Brother Chen: I’ve written it down, and I’ll eliminate you first from the feedback rewards later! (insidious)"

"Damn, what a joke.……"


Chen Xuanyu watched as Shalltiya was killed in one blow, but he did not relax his vigilance.

Because he knew that the real battle would come next.

After all, although Shalltear is not as good as the Kryptonian guy from the Bone King, she still has a special resurrection item!

Sure enough, in the center of the battlefield, a burst of white light flashed

"Ah ha ha ha!"

A burst of sharp laughter came.

I saw the resurrected Xia Di, with a sickly laughter on his face.

"Ouch! You little bugs just hurt me!"

"In this case, please go to hell!"

"Fire magic!"

"Holy Purity Throwing Gun!"


Several huge magical flames exploded around Chen Xuanyu and others in an instant!

"Ice crystal, wall shield!"


Flames exploded into the ice wall.

Several blue energy spears struck again!

"ROOM slaughterhouse, cutting!"

Swish, swish, swish!

Chen Xuanyu moved his fingers.

Several energy spears were cut open.

The fruit of the surgery, cutting all things!

"A bunch of brats and little girls! court death!" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Familiar summons!"

Countless black bats appeared around Shalltear, attacking Chen Xuanyu and others under her order!

"It’s not over yet! The most powerful magic force field bursts!"

A terrifying magical energy began to condense rapidly and rushed straight towards us!

"hateful! Little girl?!"

With a touch of anger on her face, Artoria took a step forward and was enveloped by countless black lights!

The next moment, countless black and red auras entangled it and bloomed again.

The black and red color began to appear all over Artoria. emerge

"This, this is Heidi?!"

Chen Xuanyu was also extremely shocked when he saw this scene. This stupid king could actually turn black at will!

And it seems that he has not lost his emotions and reason!

"Good guy! Just break the original work and change it!"

The image of Heidi at this time is very different from his previous image.

Looking at the incoming Shalltear skills!

Heidai had an expressionless look on his face. He slashed hard with the black long sword in his hand!

He swept it across with one move. , the earth cracked.

Ancient trees, boulders, and hills were all razed to the ground.

Heidai, who opened up the battlefield with a sword, stood alone and proudly in the center of the battlefield.

Every vegetation in his path lost life.

All Shalltear's moves were destroyed. Destruction!

The terrifying black-red light continued unabated and shot towards Shalltear.

"Impure impact shield!"

A red light shield appeared in front of Shalltear.

The frontal defense was against the terrifying black and red light!


Kaka ka!

Fine cracks began to appear on the light screen of the impure impact shield!

The powerful damage defense skill, unexpectedly I can't resist this black and red light!

Seeing this scene, Shalltear's expression suddenly changed

"What kind of powerful skill is this?

He couldn't even resist the impure impact shield!

And this is totally a flat A!

If it's a big move, then what's the point?"

Now Shalltear's face was extremely solemn. With the dropper spear in her hand, she immediately killed a group of demon relatives and restored a certain amount of blood!

"soul of the brave!"

I saw Shalltear summoning a ball of white light.

Then it transformed into a white humanoid, looking exactly like Shalltear!


Shalltear's brave soul launched an attack on Heidi.

Artoria stepped on her foot and instantly ejected.

She swung the black and red sword in her hand and used her ultimate move as a flat A. She struck the earth with one casual blow. Exploded!

Chen Xuanyu and Sister Pao were also shocked when watching from the sideCompare!

Heidai is too powerful, there is no chance for them to intervene!

And there is no need for them to intervene in the battle!

In front of the Blue Star live broadcast room.

Countless viewers saw Artoria's darkened fighting power for the first time.

My scalp was numb and my whole body was boiling with excitement!

"Damn it, Brother Chen’s marriage partner doesn’t have a simple role!

With such a casual blow, the earth exploded and the hills were flattened! It’s so fierce!"

"Damn it, my blood boils when I see you!

My second uncle has been cured of his paralysis for many years, but now he is living on the wall and has no idea where he is!"

"Fuck, my silly little sister is no longer silly!"

"Obviously, Dumbao is the key to sealing the dark power! (Dog head!)"


People from other countries saw this.

I couldn't help but break out in cold sweat. I thought Chen Xuanyu was already brave and invincible! I didn’t expect there was a stronger one!

Under this terrifying extraordinary power, you can't just blow up an aircraft carrier with a flat A!

Which country can stand up to this?

Just as people in Blue Star were discussing heatedly.

The situation on the battlefield has shown overwhelming changes!

I saw Artoria, after turning black, almost beating Shalltear!

Although Shalltear has a vampire spear that can restore her vitality.

But Artoria's attack was too fierce, and Shalltear's countless HP could be knocked out with just one blow.

"Game over!"


The black and red sword in Heidai's hand is charging up!

A powerful magic power shoots straight into the sky, and the terrifying black and red light is like the sun in the dark night.Hot and dazzling!

"Oath - Sword of Victory!"


The huge black and red light came in an instant, wiping out all objects along the way! The terrifying explosion scene made people's scalp numb and their whole body trembling!

"How can this be……"

In Shalltear's frightened eyes, countless black and red rays of light directly overwhelmed her!

After the battle, the light faded.

The entire earth is criss-crossed by abyss, and countless giant pits are scattered all over it.

"It is indeed ten times stronger than blackening! Whitewash the weak three points!"

Seeing such a shocking scene in front of him, Chen Xuanyu couldn't help but read out the ancient truth!

At the same time, the game prompt sounded.

【In the current copy, players from Kyushu Kingdom have successfully passed the level.

As a reward for completing the level:

Congratulations to the players from Kyushu Country for gaining the talent for magic cultivation!

Get the magic skill - flying, get the magic skill - fireball, get the magic skill - ice...get the super magic - falling from the sky!】

【The current copy is successfully completed, and the teleportation back to the other world territory will begin in ten seconds.】

【ten, nine, eight……】

"Well, three little magics! A super magic!

Just give it a try!"

As the time countdown ended!

Chen Xuanyu, Artoria, and Sister Pao returned to the territory of another world again.

Chen Xuanyu looked to the side, Artoria had returned to normal form.

There was a look of surprise in his eyes.

Good guy.! The stupid hair grew back again?!

The shape also became normal!

Sure enough, the stupid hair is the key to seal the blackening!

At this moment, another game sound sounded

【Congratulations to the Kyushu players for successfully defeating the world character of"Bone King" - the Valkyrie Shalltear!

Unlock hidden rewards!

Get a new battle maid card - Shalltear!】

"Here comes the new battle maid!"

With a burst of golden light, a beautiful character card appeared in Chen Xuanyu's hand.

What was drawn on it was Shalltear's daily form wearing black Gothic clothes.

【Name: Battle Maid Shalltear!】

【Effect of use: Summon the true ancestor of vampires—Shalltear!

Help its master fight!】

【Character skills: Transformation into Valkyrie form, Fire Magic, Holy Purity Throwing Spear, Impure Impact Shield……】

"Good guy! This is going further and further down the path of Lolita!

If this was known to someone who didn’t know the truth, it would be impossible to explain it!"

Chen Xuanyu looked at the card in his hand and immediately started to use it.


A golden light flashed.

Shalltear appeared.

She was wearing a soft-looking black gothic evening dress.

The upper body was draped and decorated with lace. A short-sleeved cardigan with a ribbon.

She wears long lace gloves on her hands, and her skin is as white as snow. Her long silver hair is tied to her cheeks and hanging down.

Her crimson eyes exude a coquettish look.

She looks like a fourteen-year-old lolita. The girl has a childish appearance.

With her fair and delicate facial features, she is a loli beauty that combines cuteness and beauty. However,

Shalltear is the ancestor of the vampire, and her real age must be a legal loli!

I hope Kyushu people Don't think wrongly!

Chen Xuanyu shook his head, looking a little helpless!


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