Night, forbidden area.

In the dense forest, other places are pitch dark, but the place where Lin Xuan and Dai Xiaomei are is surrounded by bonfires, as bright as day.

There are piles of bonfires, roasting meat.

The aroma of meat is everywhere, and the heat emitted also dispels the coldness of the dense forest at night.

Even Dai Xiaomei, who has a delicate body, does not need to wear much on her body, just need to wrap the important parts with deerskin.

Not to mention, it has a unique flavor, which makes netizens who are used to seeing urban beauties shine.

Lin Xuan also thinks it is good and very pleasing to the eye.

As for Lin Xuan, it is even simpler. He can run around the jungle with a cover below, just like a savage.

Of course, this is not the focus of tonight.

The focus of tonight is the message from the king.

"You saw it all!"

Dai Xiaomei looked at Lin Xuan very seriously.

Lin Xuan nodded.

He was not blind, how could he not see it? The information appeared directly in front of their eyes, word for word, and he saw it clearly.

Dai Xiaomei took the opportunity to scold:"It's good that you saw it. I thought you were so busy eating meat that your eyes couldn't accommodate anything else except food."

Without waiting for Lin Xuan to say anything, she said:"Since you have seen it, then tell me, what are you going to do next?"

"Should I continue to eat? Or continue to play badly? Anyway, I am already at the end of the list, so it doesn't matter."

"We should catch up, work hard from tomorrow, and try our best to live up to the hopes of the king and the three billion people in the country."

After saying that, not only Dai Xiaomei was looking forward to Lin Xuan's reply, but the three billion people in Longguo were also looking forward to Lin Xuan's reply.

They had been so depressed this week.

Foreign netizens were bullying them from time to time.

Some foreigners even shouted that Longguo was finished and told the people of Longguo to clean their necks and wait. The day when the forbidden land came would be the day when Longguo would perish. They wanted to wipe Longguo off the blue planet and make this country with a long cultural history and a nation with a brilliant literary reputation disappear completely.

Who could stand this?

No one could stand it.

But what could they do?

They had treasures and masters. Even the most elite warriors of Longguo were not their opponents.

Ordinary people were not good enough. One could beat a thousand of them.

So terrifying! So appalling!

How could such a strong man want people? Life, and it happens that there are more than one, one hundred at a time.

If the forbidden land had not issued a strict order to all countries, and all countries were allowed to use force during the period of survival in the forbidden land, the strong men who appeared now would be enough to make Longguo drink a pot.

It has not yet reached the point of national destruction, but if it continues to develop like this, Longguo will be destroyed sooner or later.

At this critical moment of life and death, only by catching up can we get rid of the crisis of national destruction and extinction. Countless passionate men are eager to replace Lin Xuan, to sacrifice their lives and blood in the forbidden land, to be loyal to the country, and to die without regrets.

But no!!

The mysterious master of the forbidden land will not give them a chance, leaving them with a lot of passion but nowhere to display it.

Now, the only thing they can do is to stay in front of the screen, staring at Lin Xuan who is eating meat in the screen.

Looking forward to Lin Xuan putting down the barbecue in his hand and taking action Get up, live up to the people, live up to the country, and live up to the ancestors.

Everything else is nonsense, and training is even more useless.

Even if you train yourself to death, you can't beat those who take treasures and cheat.

What's more, most of the people who take treasures are the country's elite warriors, with only a small number of dignitaries mixed in.

Of course, it's not that the remaining dignitaries don't want to, they really, really want to.

But at this time, a slightly more sober leader would not make such a distribution, knowing that now the forbidden land exploration and treasure search are just appetizers.

The real big dish is that after the forbidden land is established, countries can send people in to collect treasures and enhance their strength without restrictions.

The Forbidden Land is really too big.

Judging from the current live broadcast images, the Forbidden Land has all the landforms that the Blue Star has.

Grasslands, canyons, plains, oceans, forests, deserts, plateaus.

Too many There are too many, how can a few hundred people explore them all? No matter how tired the lucky ones are, they can't explore the forbidden area.

Not to mention, it's not enough to just find the treasure, you have to defeat the powerful creatures guarding the treasure.

Yesterday, there was a lucky person who found a D-level treasure and encountered the creature guarding the treasure.

It was a chimpanzee, who looked only a little stronger than other chimpanzees, nothing to be taken seriously.

But when the lucky person fought with the chimpanzee, he realized how terrifying the chimpanzee was.

With just one punch, he seriously injured the master who took two kiwi fruits and ranked in the top 30 of the martial arts list.

In other words, the chimpanzee's duty is to guard the treasure, and he will not leave his territory easily. Otherwise, this seed player who is favored by others and regarded as the pride of the people of his country, a great hero, would have died.

And this is just a D-level treasure. You can imagine how strong the creature guarding the highest S treasure is.

It is definitely not something that one person can contend with. This is the unanimous conclusion reached by the leaders of various countries.

You must use the human sea tactics to defeat the creatures guarding the S-level treasures and get the S-level treasures.

You can't be an ordinary person, you must be as strong as the lucky guy.

Although the dignitaries will become stronger after taking the kiwi fruit.

But most dignitaries should be afraid of death. They are not as easy to use as the iron-blooded warriors, and they are not as disciplined as the iron-blooded warriors, and they are prone to cause trouble.

In this case, the head of a country will definitely not give the precious kiwi fruit to the dignitaries to take. Rewarding a few capable and obedient dignitaries is already the limit of what can be done.

As for not fighting for S-level treasures, that is absolutely not possible!!

Common kiwi fruits are so awesome, and you can imagine how perverted the highest-level S treasures are.

One piece is enough to change the situation.

If you don't fight hard to get it, and let the enemy country fight hard to get it, how can you survive? They will destroy your country and enslave your people in minutes, making you regret it.

Fight! Fighting at all costs and with your life is the only hope to live well.

Everything else is nonsense.

This is also the consensus reached by all countries now.

People like Lin Xuan who just lie down and eat without looking for treasures to improve their strength are the weirdest of the weird.

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