Lin Xuan was beaming with joy. He had finally dealt with the silly girl Dai Xiaomei. He could have a week of peace and quiet. Lin Xuan didn't dare to think about having peace and quiet all the time. It was unrealistic. Neither the Chinese nor Dai Xiaomei could stand it. It would drive them crazy.

But when to take action, we'll have to wait for the message from the king next week!!

If the king is not in a hurry, then he is definitely not in a hurry. He will delay as long as he can. If the king is in a hurry, then there is no doubt that we must take action immediately. Even if we just pretend to look for him, we must give an explanation to the king and the people to prevent them from being mad.

The people of Long country cried.

I couldn't help but want to cry loudly. What should I do in the future!!

After all, they thought too much and thought that Lin Xuan, a primary school student, was different from other primary school students.

But in fact? The primary school student is still the same primary school student, but he has more strange power than other primary school students.

In addition to the strange power that they didn't expect, Lin Xuan didn't let them look at him again. He was the worst of the worst.

What's even more infuriating is that he successfully led Dai Xiaomei astray, causing Dai Xiaomei to give up her plan to go out and look for treasures, shattering their last bit of hope.

"So mad!!"

"Which fool gave birth to this foolish child? He is so foolish that I wish I could find him right now and strangle him to death."

Lin Xuan's parents were trembling with fear, and his relatives and friends were also afraid of him. They dared not tell others about their relationship with Lin Xuan.

For security reasons, the country also asked Lin Xuan's parents to move to a new home, fearing that the irrational people would come to their house and do something to Lin Xuan's parents.

In that case, there would be no hope at all.

How could Lin Xuan, who had lost his relatives, continue to contribute to the country?

As for not telling Lin Xuan.

What's the point of not telling Dragon Country alone?

There is more than one country in the forbidden area, there are two hundred countries.


The foreigners laughed like crazy. They completely regarded this incident as a joke, not to mention how happy they were. They often used this incident to tease the Dragon people, rubbing salt into their wounds, saying:

"I heard that the lucky guy in your country is still eating it. I haven’t paid attention to it for several days. Is it true?"

"Don't keep eating, that would be really sad. How can you eat so much? It's a waste of time. It will not only help Longguo achieve a breakthrough, but also make Longguo the only country left with nothing."

Someone else said sarcastically,"I envy you Longguo now. You don't do anything. When you wake up every day, there are hundreds of sheep, cows, and pigs waiting for you to eat. You are so happy."

"Unlike our country, up to now, the total amount of food we get is not as much as yours in one day, and it is not enough to feed the primary school students in your country."

The most outrageous are the four countries of the island country, the Korean country, the beautiful country, and the Indian country. Let's talk about the island country first.

Now, if they don't come to the forbidden live broadcast room exclusive to the Dragon Country for a day to mock it, they feel that they owe something and are uncomfortable. Let me explain here.

Although everyone visits different websites, the barrage is the same.

Simply put, if you watch the live broadcast on Shark and post the barrage, people who watch the live broadcast on Douyin can also see it.

Similarly, if you watch the live broadcast abroad, as long as you post the barrage in the Dragon Country Forbidden Land Live Broadcast Room, you can still see it in China.

This shows that the purpose of the forbidden live broadcast is to facilitate better communication (swearing) between audiences from various countries, and it is not just limited to letting people from one country have fun there.

People from all over the world have not lived up to the hopes of the forbidden land and have made full use of the forbidden land. A live broadcast platform for communication with people from different countries.

Of course, not only online, there are also islanders stirring up trouble in reality. Relying on their current agility and explosive fighting power, they challenge others to fights. If they don’t go, they will mock others, calling them trash and cowards, which can make people angry to death.

What can you do?

You can’t beat them.

You can only watch others poop and pee on your head.

Some people even go too far and take action directly.

Although, this kind of behavior has been severely punished in the forbidden area.

A bolt of lightning directly struck the person to ashes, causing the island country to lose a strong man who had taken two kiwi fruits, and he would never dare to do this again.

But the Dragon people are still not satisfied, and want to do it themselves to make the island country look bad.

This requires a master, and what Dragon Country lacks now is a master.

No , then they can only watch the islanders who are living a better and better life run wild there, not to mention how aggrieved they are.

Then there is the Korean country.

Just like the island country, seeing that the Dragon Country is now weak, they jump up and down, not at all restless, as if they are afraid that others don’t know their existence. They even try to be the big brother of the Dragon Country and make the Dragon Country bow down to them in the future.

If they don’t do this, they will threaten the Dragon Country, saying that when the forbidden land comes, their leader will personally lead all the strong men of the Korean country to destroy the Dragon Country.

The third is Ah San.

The means used by the island country are similar to those of the island country, sending masters to provoke.

There are also people who are tempted by the beauty and want to bully the women of the Dragon Country.

This serious provocation was also punished by the forbidden land’s thunder, and turned to ashes and did not succeed.

But it’s still not satisfying.

My own Revenge, I will take it myself. Anyone who offends my Dragon Country will be punished no matter how far away they are.

Dragon Country has been like this since ancient times. There is no need to borrow the hands of others to avenge deep hatred.

But this also requires strength. It is useless to rely on courage and passion alone.

Finally, there is the United States.

As the current overlord of Blue Star, the United States has a slightly bigger picture.

In the past, the United States felt that the Dragon Country was a threat, so it spared no effort to suppress the Dragon Country and did not give the Dragon Country a chance to surpass it.

Now seeing the arrogant look of the Dragon Country, the idea of taking the Dragon Country as a younger brother immediately arises, and let the Dragon Country pay tribute to it.

It is not a small amount, hundreds of billions of dragon coins every year, and all commercial taxes on the goods of the United States are exempted.

Promise to protect the safety of the Dragon Country after the forbidden land is descended.

How is this possible!!

The Dragon Country would rather die than accept such a���The conditions of the status.

Flatly rejected, let the United States give up that idea.

This move is tantamount to angering the United States, and it has become more and more chaotic, and began to vigorously support some traitors among the people of Longguo, intending to stab Longguo at a critical moment.

Some Longguo people are not worthy of being Longguo people, which has angered those netizens who are born Longguo people and die Longguo souls.

And the culprit of all this is Lin Xuan.

If Lin Xuan hadn't been so lame and hadn't found any treasures for Longguo, how could Longguo have fallen to this point today.

Even if it was a little more powerful, other countries would not dare to act so wildly!!

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